Distribution of metamorphic rocks
- Key People:
- Friedrich Johann Karl Becke
- Related Topics:
- marble
- slate
- metamorphism
- gneiss
- schist
- On the Web:
- Texas A and M International University - Identification of Metamorphic Rocks (PDF) (Mar. 13, 2025)
A high-grade metamorphic rock is one that formed at a depth of tens of kilometres and later returned to the surface. Hence, metamorphic regions are also regions of former or recent intense orogeny. More-stable regions of Earth’s crust tend to be covered with sediments, and only deep drilling will reveal the metamorphic rocks below.
Earth’s crust is made up of two basic units, the continents and ocean basins. Exploration of ocean floors has revealed that old, thick sedimentary piles are missing. Doubtless this is related to the processes of continental drift or seafloor spreading; sediments are continuously swept up by continental motion and are added to the continents or returned to the upper mantle (see also plate tectonics). Nearly all studies of metamorphic rocks have concentrated on the continents for this reason.
There are few large areas of Earth’s crust that are not affected by some type of igneous event from time to time. Although the intensity of volcanism may be focused in certain geographic regions (e.g., the Pacific margin), volcanism appears to be a rather random phenomenon, at times even occurring in the stable shield areas of the continents. In this sense, contact-metamorphic events may be found almost everywhere at almost any time on Earth. But these metamorphic events are of trivial volumetric significance compared with those of regional metamorphism.
During the past 500 million years or so of Earth history, major tectonic, seismic, igneous, and metamorphic events have been concentrated on continental margins. This has been a period of depression and uplift of Earth’s crust associated with the formation of the present continental distribution. The processes are still going on at dramatic rates in ocean trench environments. These modern regions of activity form immense linear belts. One such belt runs around virtually the entire Pacific margin and another through the Mediterranean and southern Asia to fuse with the circum-Pacific belt. It is in these belts that the spectacular development of zeolite facies, prehnite-pumpellyite facies, blueschist facies, and, occasionally, eclogite facies, as well as the more universal facies of regional metamorphism, have occurred. The granulite facies is almost missing.
The central and often dominant feature of most continents is their vast Precambrian shield area; examples include the Canadian Shield, Brazilian Shield, African Shield, and Australian Shield. In these rocks, dating reveals ages of 1 billion to 4.28 billion years, and they have been little affected by tectonic events postdating the Cambrian. But these shield areas are themselves complex. They consist of vast areas of granitic or granodioritic gneisses. Inside them, between them, and overlapping onto them are belts of sedimentary rocks quite like those in modern sedimentary belts of the Pacific margin or the European Alps. These rocks are frequently metamorphosed in the greenschist, amphibolite, and granulite facies. Low-temperature facies and, in particular, low-temperature–high-pressure facies are missing—or have not yet been found. From marginal areas of these stable shield areas a complex array of processes has been documented covering the past few hundred million years. The Caledonian orogeny (at the close of the Silurian Period) produced tectonic-metamorphic events along the east coast of North America, Greenland, the British Isles, Fennoscandia (the region made up of Scandinavia, Finland, and northwestern Russia), Central Asia, and Australia. The Hercynian, or Variscan, orogeny followed about 300 million years ago, affecting subparallel regions and the Urals and European Alps. In fact, the shield margins appear to have been subjected to a more or less constant battering by forces both destroying and rebuilding the margins of these protocontinents. As geologists study Precambrian areas in greater detail, the number of metamorphic and orogenic events recognized on a global scale increases.
It is the great task and problem of those who study metamorphic rocks to deduce from them the record of Earth dynamics and thermal history. Among the questions to be answered are (1) whether the pattern of facies development through time—e.g., the granulite facies in the Archean Eon (4 billion to 2.5 billion years ago) to blueschist facies in the early Cenozoic—is a reflection of a cooling Earth and the decline of radioactivity in the crust and (2) whether the increase in size of global tectonic-metamorphic belts through time reflects changes in convective patterns in the mantle.
As understanding of the pressure-temperature regimes of metamorphism increases, and as knowledge of rock mechanics and fluid motion during metamorphism also increases through field and laboratory studies, it may become possible to understand the details of the motion of the chemical elements during such processes and hence much of the subject of economic geology, or the search for essential raw materials.