Mammals, MAN-PAL

Mammals are distinguished by their ability to produce milk. The class Mammalia boasts tremendous diversity in form and habit, and different types of mammals can be wildly different from one another in physical appearance. Living kinds of mammals range in size from a bat weighing less than a gram to the largest animal that has ever lived, the blue whale, which reaches a length or more than 30 metres (100 feet) and a weight of 180 metric tons (nearly 200 short [U.S.] tons).
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Mammals Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Manx, breed of tailless domestic cat of unknown origin but presumed by tradition to have come from the Isle of......
mara, either of two South American rodents in the genus Dolichotis of the cavy family, the Patagonian mara (D.......
marbled cat
marbled cat, (species Felis marmorata), rare Southeast Asian cat, family Felidae, often referred to as a miniature......
margay, (Leopardus wiedii), small cat (family Felidae) that ranges from South through Central America and, rarely,......
markhor, (Capra falconeri), large wild goat of the family Bovidae (order Artiodactyla), formerly found throughout......
marmoset, (family Callitrichidae), any of numerous species of small long-tailed South American monkeys. Similar......
marmot, (genus Marmota), any of 14 species of giant ground squirrels found primarily in North America and Eurasia.......
marsupial, any of more than 250 species belonging to the infraclass Metatheria (sometimes called Marsupialia),......
marsupial mole
marsupial mole, either of the two species of small marsupial mammals of the genus Notoryctes, comprising the family......
marsupial mouse
marsupial mouse, any of many small rat- or mouselike animals, belonging to the family Dasyuridae (order Marsupialia),......
marsupium, specialized pouch for protecting, carrying, and nourishing newborn marsupial young. A marsupium is found......
marten, (genus Martes), any of eight species of weasel-like carnivores of the genus Martes (family Mustelidae),......
Mastiff, breed of large working dog used as a guard and fighting dog in England for more than 2,000 years. Dogs......
mastiff bat
mastiff bat, any of various species of free-tailed bats (family Molossidae) named for their doglike faces. The......
mastodon, (genus Mammut), any of several extinct elephantine mammals (family Mammutidae, genus Mammut ) that first......
meadow vole
meadow vole, (Microtus pennsylvanicus), one of the most common and prolific small mammals in North America. Weighing......
meerkat, (Suricata suricatta), burrowing member of the mongoose family (Herpestidae), found in southwestern Africa,......
Megatherium, largest of the ground sloths, an extinct group of mammals belonging to a group containing sloths,......
Merino, breed of fine-wool sheep originating in Spain; it was known as early as the 12th century and may have been......
Merychippus, extinct genus of early horses, found as fossils in deposits from the Middle and Late Miocene Epoch......
Mesohippus, genus of extinct early and middle Oligocene horses (the Oligocene Epoch occurred from 33.9 to 23 million......
Mexican hairless
Mexican hairless, breed of dog that is probably descended from hairless Chinese or African dogs that were taken......
Miacis, genus of extinct carnivores found as fossils in deposits of the late Paleocene Epoch (65.5–55.8 million......
miner’s cat
miner’s cat, carnivorous mammal, a species of cacomistle...
Miniature Pinscher
Miniature Pinscher, breed of toy dog originating in Germany, perhaps as early as the 1600s. The dog may have been......
mink, either of two species of the weasel family (Mustelidae) native to the Northern Hemisphere. The European mink......
Miohippus, genus of extinct horses that originated in North America during the Late Eocene Epoch (37.2–33.9 million......
Missouri fox-trotting horse
Missouri fox-trotting horse, breed of horse that originated in Missouri and the Ozark Mountains region and is characterized......
Moeritherium, extinct genus of primitive mammals that represent a very early stage in the evolution of elephants.......
mole, (family Talpidae), any of 42 species of insectivores, most of which are adapted for aggressive burrowing......
mona monkey
mona monkey, (Cercopithecus mona), common West African primate found in tropical rainforests; it was introduced......
mongoose, any of nearly three dozen species of small bold predatory carnivores found mainly in Africa but also......
monito del monte
monito del monte, (Dromiciops gliroides), a small opossum representing an ancient group related to Australian dasyurid......
monk seal
monk seal, any of three little-known tropical or subtropical seals of the genus Monachus, family Phocidae. Characterized......
monkey, in general, any of nearly 200 species of tailed primate, with the exception of lemurs, tarsiers, and lorises.......
monotreme, (order Monotremata), any member of the egg-laying mammalian order Monotremata, which includes the amphibious......
moonrat, (Echinosorex gymnura), a large Southeast Asian insectivore that is essentially a primitive tropical hedgehog......
moose, (Alces alces), largest member of the deer family Cervidae (order Artiodactyla). Moose are striking in appearance......
Morgan, breed of horse that was once the most famous and widely disseminated in the United States. The Morgan declined......
Morganucodon, extinct genus of tiny mammals known from fossils dated to the Triassic-Jurassic boundary (approximately......
Moropus, extinct genus of the chalicotheres, a group of very unusual perissodactyls (“odd-toed” ungulates) related......
mouflon, (Ovis aries), small feral sheep (family Bovidae, order Artiodactyla) of Corsica and Sardinia (O. a. musimon)......
mountain beaver
mountain beaver, (Aplodontia rufa), a muskrat-sized burrowing rodent found only in the Pacific Northwest of North......
mountain goat
mountain goat, (Oreamnos americanus), a stocky North American ruminant of the family Bovidae (order Artiodactyla).......
mouse, (genus Mus), the common name generally but imprecisely applied to rodents found throughout the world with......
mouse opossum
mouse opossum, any of a group of more than 55 species of Central and South American marsupials that are the most......
mule, the hybrid offspring of a male ass (jackass, or jack) and a female horse (mare). The less-frequent cross......
mule deer
mule deer, (Odocoileus hemionus), a medium-sized, gregarious deer of western North America that derives its name......
multituberculate, any member of an extinct group of small, superficially rodentlike mammals that existed from about......
muntjac, any of about seven species of small- to medium-sized Asiatic deer that make up the genus Muntiacus in......
Muridae, (family Muridae), largest extant rodent family, indeed the largest of all mammalian families, encompassing......
Murray Grey
Murray Grey, breed of Australian beef cattle first bred in 1905 in the Murray River valley on the border between......
musk deer
musk deer, (Moschus moschiferus), small compact deer, family Moschidae (order Artiodactyla). A solitary shy animal,......
musk ox
musk ox, (Ovibos moschatus), shaggy-haired Arctic ruminant of the family Bovidae (order Artiodactyla). Musk oxen......
muskrat, (Ondatra zibethicus), a large amphibious rodent indigenous to North America but found also in Europe,......
mustelid, (family Mustelidae), any of about 62 species of ferrets, polecats, badgers, martens, otters, the wolverine,......
Mylodon, extinct genus of ground sloth found as fossils in South American deposits of the Pleistocene Epoch (2.6......
naked mole rat
naked mole rat, (Heterocephalus glaber), burrowing member of the rodent family Bathyergidae, named for its wrinkled......
narwhal, (Monodon monoceros), a small toothed whale found along coasts and in rivers throughout the Arctic. Males......
native cat
native cat, any of the catlike Australian marsupials that make up the genus Dasyurus in the family Dasyuridae.......
Neanderthal, (Homo neanderthalensis, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis), member of a group of archaic humans who emerged......
New Zealand short-tailed bat
New Zealand short-tailed bat, (genus Mystacina), either of two species (M. robusta and M. tuberculata) of small......
Newfoundland, large breed of working dog developed on Newfoundland island, possibly from crosses between native......
nilgai, (Boselaphus tragocamelus), the largest Asian antelope (family Bovidae). The nilgai is indigenous to the......
noctule, (genus Nyctalus), any of about six species of vesper bats (family Vespertilionidae) found in Europe and......
northern white rhinoceros
northern white rhinoceros, (Ceratotherium simum cottoni), critically endangered subspecies of the white rhinoceros......
Norwegian elkhound
Norwegian elkhound, breed of dog that originated thousands of years ago in western Norway, where it was used as......
Norwegian Forest Cat
Norwegian Forest Cat, a breed of long-haired domestic cat known for its large size, strong, muscular body, and......
Norwich terrier
Norwich terrier, short-legged terrier breed developed about 1880 in England, where it soon became a fad with Cambridge......
Notharctus, extinct genus of small primates (family Adapidae) that shares many similarities with modern lemurs,......
Notoungulata, extinct group of hoofed mammals found as fossils, mostly in South America, although the oldest forms......
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, breed of hard-working sporting dog developed in the 19th century in the Little......
Nubian, breed of goat, probably native to Africa but common also in India and the Middle East since ancient times.......
numbat, (Myrmecobius fasciatus), marsupial mammal of the family Myrmecobiidae, of which it is the sole living representative.......
nutria, (Myocastor coypus), a large amphibious South American rodent with webbed hind feet. The nutria has a robust......
nyala, (Tragelaphus angasii), slender antelope of southeastern Africa, a member of the spiral-horned antelope tribe......
Oberhasli, breed of dairy goat from Switzerland, particularly Bern canton, where it is known as the Oberhasli-Brienzer.......
ocelot, (Felis, or Leopardus, pardalis), spotted cat of the New World, found in lowland areas from Texas southward......
okapi, (Okapia johnstoni), cud-chewing hoofed mammal that is placed along with the giraffe in the family Giraffidae......
Old English Sheepdog (OES)
Old English Sheepdog (OES), shaggy and smart herding dog developed in west England in the 18th century from dogs......
Old World fruit bat
Old World fruit bat, (family Pteropodidae), any of more than 180 species of large-eyed fruit-eating or flower-feeding......
olingo, (genus Bassaricyon), any of six species of small arboreal carnivores of the raccoon family, Procyonidae,......
onager, (Equus onager), species of Asian wild ass that ranges from northwest Iran to Turkmenistan. The onager is......
opossum, any of slightly more than 100 species of New World marsupial mammals in the orders Didelphimorphia, Paucituberculata......
orangutan, (genus Pongo), any of three species of Asian great apes found in rainforests on the Southeast Asian......
oreodont, any member of a diverse group of extinct herbivorous North American artiodactyls (even-toed ungulates)......
Oreopithecus, extinct genus of primates found as fossils in Late Miocene deposits in East Africa and Early Pliocene......
oribi, (Ourebia ourebi), small, swift African antelope, the most gazelle-like of the dwarf antelopes (tribe Neotragini,......
oryx, (genus Oryx), any of three large antelopes (family Bovidae, order Artiodactyla) living in herds on deserts......
otter, (subfamily Lutrinae), any of 13 species of semiaquatic mammals that belong to the weasel family (Mustelidae)......
otter shrew
otter shrew, (subfamily Potamogalinae), any of three species of amphibious and carnivorous tropical African insectivores......
otterhound, dog breed first described in the 14th century. Developed in England to hunt otters on both land and......
oviparity, expulsion of undeveloped eggs rather than live young. The eggs may have been fertilized before release,......
owl-faced monkey
owl-faced monkey, (Cercopithecus hamlyni), arboreal guenon found in tropical forests east of the Congo basin. The......
ox, (Bos taurus, or B. taurus primigenius), a domesticated form of the large horned mammals that once moved in......
paca, (genus Cuniculus), either of two species of South American rodents with piglike bodies, large heads, and......
pacarana, (Dinomys branickii), a rare and slow-moving South American rodent found only in tropical forests of the......
Pakicetus, extinct genus of early cetacean mammals known from fossils discovered in 48.5-million-year-old river......
Pallas’s cat
Pallas’s cat, (Felis manul), small, long-haired cat (family Felidae) native to deserts and rocky, mountainous regions......
Palomino, colour type of horse distinguished by its cream, yellow, or gold coat and white or silver mane and tail.......

Mammals Encyclopedia Articles By Title