Top Questions
Entertainment & Pop CultureGeography & TravelHealth & MedicineLifestyles & Social IssuesLiteratureMoneyPhilosophy & ReligionPolitics, Law & GovernmentScienceSports & RecreationTechnologyVisual ArtsWorld History
Which Greek deity besides Ares was usually assigned to the sphere of war?
Which Greek deity besides Ares was usually assigned to the sphere...
What is the Bhagavadgita?
What is the Bhagavadgita? The Bhagavadgita is an episode recorded...
What lesson does the Bhagavadgita teach about death?
What lesson does the Bhagavadgita teach about death? In the Bhagavadgita,...
What is Arjuna’s personal dilemma at the beginning of the Bhagavadgita, and how does Krishna advise him to act?
What is Arjuna’s personal dilemma at the beginning of the Bhagavadgita,...
What does the Chinese dragon represent?
What does the Chinese dragon represent? In Asian cultures, the...
What is the Equator?
What is the Equator? The Equator is the imaginary circle around...
What type of forest is found around the Equator?
What type of forest is found around the Equator? Tropical rainforests...
Why is the Ganges River considered holy in Hinduism?
Why is the Ganges River considered holy in Hinduism? The Ganges...
What are the main causes of pollution in the Ganges River?
What are the main causes of pollution in the Ganges River? The...
How does the Iliad end?
How does the Iliad end? The Iliad ends with the death and funeral...
When does the Iliad take place?
When does the Iliad take place? The Iliad takes place during...
Why is the Iliad important?
Why is the Iliad important? For the ancient Greeks, the Iliad...
What is Rūmī’s philosophy?
What is Rūmī’s philosophy? According to Rūmī’s philosophy, life...
What did Rūmī write about?
What did Rūmī write about? Rūmī’s experience of love, longing,...
What are some examples of legends?
What are some examples of legends? Examples of legends include:...
What happens during Ragnarök?
What happens during Ragnarök? In Scandinavian mythology, Ragnarök...
What do Rastafarians believe?
What do Rastafarians believe? Rastafarians believe that they...
What was Bertrand Russell’s childhood like?
What was Bertrand Russell’s childhood like? Bertrand Russell’s...
Where was Bertrand Russell educated?
Where was Bertrand Russell educated? During his childhood Bertrand...
What did Bertrand Russell write?
What did Bertrand Russell write? Bertrand Russell’s many philosophical...
Why is Bertrand Russell significant?
Why is Bertrand Russell significant? As a founding figure of...
When were the Ten Commandments written?
When were the Ten Commandments written? The year the Ten Commandments...
How do the Ten Commandments differ in different religious traditions?
How do the Ten Commandments differ in different religious traditions?...
How are vampires commonly depicted?
How are vampires commonly depicted? A characteristic central...
How did the legend of vampires originate?
How did the legend of vampires originate? Creatures with vampiric...
Why is it believed that vampires hate garlic?
Why is it believed that vampires hate garlic? Many cultures have...
What are some of the most pivotal literary representations of vampires?
What are some of the most pivotal literary representations of...
What is a Veda?
What is a Veda? A Veda is a collection of poems or hymns composed...
How have the Vedas been handed down?
How have the Vedas been handed down? The entire corpus of Vedic...
Is Jesus Christ one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse?
Is Jesus Christ one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse? Some...
Where do the four horsemen of the apocalypse appear in popular culture?
Where do the four horsemen of the apocalypse appear in popular...
Where was Simone de Beauvoir educated?
Where was Simone de Beauvoir educated? Simone de Beauvoir attended...
What did Simone de Beauvoir write?
What did Simone de Beauvoir write? Simone de Beauvoir wrote works...
Who are the Amish?
Who are the Amish? The Amish are a Christian group in North America....
How do the Amish dress?
How do the Amish dress? Amish men and boys wear broad-brimmed...
What is the difference between Christianity and Roman Catholicism?
What is the difference between Christianity and Roman Catholicism?...
Who founded Roman Catholicism?
Who founded Roman Catholicism? As a branch of Christianity,...
What are the Roman Catholic sacraments?
What are the Roman Catholic sacraments? In Roman Catholicism...
Why is Roman Catholicism so prominent in Latin America?
Why is Roman Catholicism so prominent in Latin America? Roman...
Why is Michel Foucault important?
Why is Michel Foucault important? Michel Foucault was one of...
What did Michel Foucault write?
What did Michel Foucault write? Michel Foucault began to attract...
What was Michel Foucault’s occupation?
What was Michel Foucault’s occupation? Michel Foucault first...
Why is Francisco Goya famous?
Why is Francisco Goya famous? Francisco Goya was one of the...
What is Michelangelo best known for?
What is Michelangelo best known for? The frescoes on the ceiling...
Why is Michelangelo so famous?
Why is Michelangelo so famous? Michelangelo first gained notice...
How did Michelangelo paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
How did Michelangelo paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?...
What was Michelangelo like as a person?
What was Michelangelo like as a person? Many writers have described...
What makes Michelangelo a Renaissance man?
What makes Michelangelo a Renaissance man? The Renaissance man...
What is Easter?
What is Easter? Easter is one of the principal holidays, or...
Why is Easter celebrated?
Why is Easter celebrated? Easter is celebrated by Christians...
When is Easter?
When is Easter? In 325 the Council of Nicaea decreed that...
Why is Easter called Easter?
Why is Easter called Easter? The English word Easter, which...
How did Judas Iscariot die?
How did Judas Iscariot die? There are variant traditions about...
Who is St. Mary Magdalene?
Who is St. Mary Magdalene? St. Mary Magdalene was a disciple...
How did St. Mary Magdalene die?
How did St. Mary Magdalene die? Little is known about St....
What is Muhammad Ali known for?
What is Muhammad Ali known for? Muhammad Ali was one of the...
What were Muhammad Ali’s achievements?
What were Muhammad Ali’s achievements? Muhammad Ali achieved...
Who was Ajax?
Who was Ajax? Ajax is a mythological hero in Greek legend. He...
Why is Ajax important?
Why is Ajax important? The story of Ajax shows the changeability...
What was Salvador Dalí’s early life like?
What was Salvador Dalí’s early life like? Salvador Dalí was the...
Where did Salvador Dalí get his education?
Where did Salvador Dalí get his education? Salvador Dalí began...
What is Salvador Dalí best known for?
What is Salvador Dalí best known for? Salvador Dalí was a Spanish...
Where did Marxism come from?
Where did Marxism come from? Marxism originated in the thought...
Why is Marxism important?
Why is Marxism important? In the mid-19th century, Marxism helped...
How is Marxism different from other forms of socialism?
How is Marxism different from other forms of socialism? Under...
How does Marxism differ from Leninism?
How does Marxism differ from Leninism? Marxism predicted a spontaneous...
What was Akhenaten’s family like?
What was Akhenaten’s family like? Akhenaten married the noblewoman...
What religious reforms did Akhenaten make?
What religious reforms did Akhenaten make? Early in his reign,...
How did Egyptian art change under Akhenaten?
How did Egyptian art change under Akhenaten? Akhenaten changed...
What is Akhenaten’s legacy?
What is Akhenaten’s legacy? Although Akhenaten’s reign saw sweeping...
How was ʿAlī influential?
How was ʿAlī influential? ʿAlī, Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law,...
What was ʿAlī’s early life like?
What was ʿAlī’s early life like? ʿAlī was the son of Abū Ṭālib,...
How did ʿAlī die?
How did ʿAlī die? After ʿAlī became caliph, some of his erstwhile...
What was ʿAlī’s legacy?
What was ʿAlī’s legacy? ʿAlī remains a highly regarded figure...
Who first used the phrase carpe diem?
Who first used the phrase carpe diem? The Roman poet Horace used...
What did Hegel write?
What did Hegel write? Hegel’s major works included the Phenomenology...
Why is Hegel significant?
Why is Hegel significant? Hegel was the last of the great system...
What was Wassily Kandinsky known for?
What was Wassily Kandinsky known for? Wassily Kandinsky was known...
Why did Wassily Kandinsky leave Germany?
Why did Wassily Kandinsky leave Germany? Wassily Kandinsky had...
Why is Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini important?
Why is Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini important? Ayatollah Ruhollah...
How did Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini come to power?
How did Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini come to power? Ayatollah...
How was Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini educated?
How was Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini educated? Ayatollah Ruhollah...
How did Franz Liszt begin his career in music?
How did Franz Liszt begin his career in music? Franz Liszt received...
What did Franz Liszt do while in Weimar, Germany?
What did Franz Liszt do while in Weimar, Germany? Having performed...
What was the role of religion in Franz Liszt’s life?
What was the role of religion in Franz Liszt’s life? As a teenager,...
How did Franz Liszt popularize the music of other composers?
How did Franz Liszt popularize the music of other composers?...
Why is Gregor Mendel famous?
Why is Gregor Mendel famous? Through his careful breeding of...
Why is Seneca important?
Why is Seneca important? Seneca was a Roman philosopher, statesman,...
What was Seneca’s family like?
What was Seneca’s family like? Seneca was the second son of a...
What did Seneca write?
What did Seneca write? Seneca wrote Stoic philosophical treatises,...
What were Seneca’s political accomplishments?
What were Seneca’s political accomplishments? As Nero’s tutor,...
How did Seneca die?
How did Seneca die? Seneca fell out of favour with Nero in 62....
What is St. Thomas famous for?
What is St. Thomas famous for? St. Thomas is famous for having...
Where was Titian born?
Where was Titian born? Italian painter Titian was born in the...
Who is St. Catherine of Siena?
Who is St. Catherine of Siena? St. Catherine of Siena was a Dominican...
Why is St. Catherine of Siena famous?
Why is St. Catherine of Siena famous? St. Catherine of Siena...
Where is St. Catherine of Siena buried?
Where is St. Catherine of Siena buried? St. Catherine of Siena...
How was Marcus Tullius Cicero influential?
How was Marcus Tullius Cicero influential? Marcus Tullius Cicero...
What was Marcus Tullius Cicero’s greatest achievement?
What was Marcus Tullius Cicero’s greatest achievement? In 63...
What was Marcus Tullius Cicero’s relationship with the First Triumvirate?
What was Marcus Tullius Cicero’s relationship with the First...
What was Marcus Tullius Cicero’s oratory style?
What was Marcus Tullius Cicero’s oratory style? In his youth,...
How did Marcus Tullius Cicero die?
How did Marcus Tullius Cicero die? In the months following Julius...
Why is Denis Diderot significant?
Why is Denis Diderot significant? The French philosopher and...
What was Denis Diderot’s early life like?
What was Denis Diderot’s early life like? Diderot was born in...
How did Denis Diderot die?
How did Denis Diderot die? Diderot died of coronary thrombosis...
What did Friedrich Engels do for a living?
What did Friedrich Engels do for a living? Engels was (1842–44)...
When did Friedrich Engels get married?
When did Friedrich Engels get married? Engels did not believe...
What did Friedrich Engels write?
What did Friedrich Engels write? Engels authored with Karl Marx...
Why is Friedrich Engels famous?
Why is Friedrich Engels famous? Engels is famous for his authorship...
Why is St. Hildegard famous?
Why is St. Hildegard famous? St. Hildegard is one of the few...
Who was Jezebel?
Who was Jezebel? Jezebel was the daughter of the priest-king...
What is Jezebel best known for?
What is Jezebel best known for? Jezebel has come to be known...
How did Jezebel die?
How did Jezebel die? Looking down from her window, Jezebel taunted...
What were St. John Paul II’s accomplishments?
What were St. John Paul II’s accomplishments? John Paul II’s...
How did Molière begin his career in theatre?
How did Molière begin his career in theatre? Molière founded...
How did Molière die?
How did Molière die? Molière suffered repeated illness in the...
Where was Jean-Paul Sartre from?
Where was Jean-Paul Sartre from? Jean-Paul Sartre was born on...
When did Jean-Paul Sartre meet Simone de Beauvoir?
When did Jean-Paul Sartre meet Simone de Beauvoir? Jean-Paul...
What is the Queen of Sheba known for?
What is the Queen of Sheba known for? The Queen of Sheba is primarily...
What is Solomon most famous for?
What is Solomon most famous for? Solomon is known for being the...
What was the religion of Solomon?
What was the religion of Solomon? The religion of Solomon was...
Who were Solomon’s sons?
Who were Solomon’s sons? Solomon was succeeded by his son Rehoboam,...
Why is Igor Stravinsky so famous?
Why is Igor Stravinsky so famous? Igor Stravinsky was a Russian-born...
What was Igor Stravinsky’s family like?
What was Igor Stravinsky’s family like? Igor Stravinsky’s father,...
How was Igor Stravinsky educated?
How was Igor Stravinsky educated? Igor Stravinsky studied law...
Why is Abraham important?
Why is Abraham important? Abraham was the first of the Hebrew...
Where was Abraham from?
Where was Abraham from? The Bible states that Abraham was raised...
What was Abraham’s family like?
What was Abraham’s family like? According to the Bible, when...
What did Abraham believe in?
What did Abraham believe in? In Mesopotamia Abraham’s family...
Who is St. Augustine?
Who is St. Augustine? St. Augustine was the bishop of Hippo (now...
What is St. Augustine best known for?
What is St. Augustine best known for? More than five million...
What did Jane Austen accomplish?
What did Jane Austen accomplish? English novelist Jane Austen...
What was Jane Austen’s family like?
What was Jane Austen’s family like? Jane Austen was the seventh...
What did Jane Austen write?
What did Jane Austen write? Jane Austen is known for six novels:...
What is Beowulf?
What is Beowulf? Beowulf is a heroic poem, considered the highest...
Where did Auguste Comte go to school?
Where did Auguste Comte go to school? Comte was educated by private...
What was Auguste Comte best known for?
What was Auguste Comte best known for? A philosopher, mathematician,...
What is the Gregorian calendar?
What is the Gregorian calendar? The Gregorian calendar is a solar...
Why was the Gregorian calendar created?
Why was the Gregorian calendar created? Although the Julian calendar...
When was the Gregorian calendar adopted?
When was the Gregorian calendar adopted? The Gregorian calendar...
What is St. Ignatius of Loyola famous for?
What is St. Ignatius of Loyola famous for? St. Ignatius of Loyola...
What was St. Ignatius of Loyola’s early life like?
What was St. Ignatius of Loyola’s early life like? Ignatius was...
What was St. Ignatius of Loyola’s education?
What was St. Ignatius of Loyola’s education? After his spiritual...
How did Nero become famous?
How did Nero become famous? Rome burned while he was emperor,...
What was Nero’s childhood like?
What was Nero’s childhood like? His father died when Nero was...
What were Nero’s accomplishments?
What were Nero’s accomplishments? Nero built a palace, the Golden...
Who is Odin?
Who is Odin? Odin—also called Wodan, Woden, or Wotan—is one of...
What is the Odyssey?
What is the Odyssey? The Odyssey is an epic poem in 24 books...
Did the Odyssey actually happen?
Did the Odyssey actually happen? While there is no conclusive...
What was St. Patrick’s early life like?
What was St. Patrick’s early life like? St. Patrick was born...
What is St. Patrick famous for?
What is St. Patrick famous for? There are many legends associated...
Why is Rembrandt important?
Why is Rembrandt important? Dutch painter and printmaker Rembrandt...
How was Rembrandt educated?
How was Rembrandt educated? About age 10, Rembrandt entered the...
What did Rembrandt create?
What did Rembrandt create? Rembrandt created works in several...
What awards did Mother Teresa win?
What awards did Mother Teresa win? In 1962 the Indian government...
What did Mother Teresa do?
What did Mother Teresa do? Mother Teresa founded the Order of...
What was Mother Teresa’s early life like?
What was Mother Teresa’s early life like? Mother Teresa was born...
Why is the Bible important?
Why is the Bible important? The Bible contains the sacred scriptures...
What language was the Bible originally written in?
What language was the Bible originally written in? The Hebrew...
How is the Bible organized?
How is the Bible organized? The Hebrew Bible has three divisions: Torah (Instruction,...
When was the Bible written?
When was the Bible written? Parts of the Hebrew Bible were written...
What does the Bible say?
What does the Bible say? The Bible centres on the one and only...
What was the Counter-Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church?
What was the Counter-Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church?...
How were the Jesuits important in the Counter-Reformation?
How were the Jesuits important in the Counter-Reformation? The...
Was the Counter-Reformation successful?
Was the Counter-Reformation successful? Yes and no. As evidenced...
What is Epiphany?
What is Epiphany? Epiphany is a Christian holiday primarily commemorating...
Why is Margaret Mead famous?
Why is Margaret Mead famous? Margaret Mead was an American anthropologist...
What was Friedrich Nietzsche’s childhood like?
What was Friedrich Nietzsche’s childhood like? Friedrich Nietzsche’s...
Where did Friedrich Nietzsche study?
Where did Friedrich Nietzsche study? In 1864 Friedrich Nietzsche...
What did Friedrich Nietzsche write?
What did Friedrich Nietzsche write? Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883–85)...
What is Apollo the god of?
What is Apollo the god of? From the time of Homer onward, Apollo...
What does Apollo look like?
What does Apollo look like? In art, Apollo was represented as...
Whom does Apollo love?
Whom does Apollo love? Apollo had many love affairs, though most...
What did Avicenna write?
What did Avicenna write? Avicenna’s most influential works were...
Why is Avicenna famous?
Why is Avicenna famous? Avicenna combined Neoplatonic and especially...
What is Caravaggio best known for?
What is Caravaggio best known for? Caravaggio is best known for...
Where was Émile Durkheim educated?
Where was Émile Durkheim educated? Émile Durkheim studied at...
Where did Émile Durkheim work?
Where did Émile Durkheim work? Émile Durkheim taught philosophy...
Why is Émile Durkheim significant?
Why is Émile Durkheim significant? Émile Durkheim was one of...
What is ethics?
What is ethics? The term ethics may refer to the philosophical...
How is ethics different from morality?
How is ethics different from morality? Traditionally, ethics...
Why does ethics matter?
Why does ethics matter? Ethics matters because (1) it is part...
Is ethics a social science?
Is ethics a social science? No. Understood as equivalent to morality,...
Where was Martin Heidegger educated?
Where was Martin Heidegger educated? Martin Heidegger studied...
What did Martin Heidegger write?
What did Martin Heidegger write? Martin Heidegger’s magnum opus...
Why was Martin Heidegger significant?
Why was Martin Heidegger significant? Martin Heidegger adapted...
What is Martin Heidegger’s legacy?
What is Martin Heidegger’s legacy? Martin Heidegger’s radical...
Why is Heraclitus important?
Why is Heraclitus important? Heraclitus was a Greek philosopher...
What did Heraclitus believe?
What did Heraclitus believe? Heraclitus asserted that the world...
What did Heraclitus write?
What did Heraclitus write? Heraclitus is thought to have written...
Who was Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla?
Who was Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla? Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla...
What is Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla known for?
What is Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla known for? After the French...
How did Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla die?
How did Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla die? In the fall and winter...
What did David Hume write?
What did David Hume write? David Hume’s philosophical works included...
Why is David Hume famous?
Why is David Hume famous? David Hume is famous for the elegance...
Isis was the goddess of what?
Isis was the goddess of what? Although initially an obscure goddess,...
Who were Søren Kierkegaard’s parents?
Who were Søren Kierkegaard’s parents? Søren Kierkegaard was the...
Why is Søren Kierkegaard famous?
Why is Søren Kierkegaard famous? For his emphasis on individual...
Who was Bartolomé de Las Casas?
Who was Bartolomé de Las Casas? Bartolomé de Las Casas was a...
What is Bartolomé de Las Casas known for?
What is Bartolomé de Las Casas known for? Bartolomé de Las Casas...
Did Bartolomé de Las Casas ever own serfs?
Did Bartolomé de Las Casas ever own serfs? Bartolomé de Las Casas...
What did Bartolomé de Las Casas write?
What did Bartolomé de Las Casas write? Bartolomé de Las Casas...
What impact did Bartolomé de Las Casas’s writings have in Spain?
What impact did Bartolomé de Las Casas’s writings have in Spain?...
Why is Nefertiti so famous?
Why is Nefertiti so famous? Nefertiti was a queen of Egypt and...
What was Nefertiti’s reign like?
What was Nefertiti’s reign like? Some historians believe that...
What was Nefertiti’s family like?
What was Nefertiti’s family like? Nefertiti’s parentage is unrecorded,...
How did Nefertiti die?
How did Nefertiti die? Soon after Akhenaton’s 12th regnal year,...
What does Paracelsus’s name mean?
What does Paracelsus’s name mean? Paracelsus was the byname of...
What were Paracelsus’s accomplishments?
What were Paracelsus’s accomplishments? German-Swiss physician...
What was Franz Schubert’s early life like?
What was Franz Schubert’s early life like? Franz Schubert was...
What changes did Franz Schubert make to classical harmony?
What changes did Franz Schubert make to classical harmony? Franz...
What are some of Franz Schubert’s most famous compositions?
What are some of Franz Schubert’s most famous compositions? Franz...
What is Diego Velázquez famous for?
What is Diego Velázquez famous for? As Philip IV’s court painter,...
How was Diego Velázquez educated?
How was Diego Velázquez educated? Diego Velázquez first studied...
How did Diego Velázquez die?
How did Diego Velázquez die? Velázquez’s last activity was to...
How was John Wycliffe involved with politics?
How was John Wycliffe involved with politics? John Wycliffe was...
What was Alexander VI’s family like?
What was Alexander VI’s family like? Alexander VI fathered many...
How did Alexander VI die?
How did Alexander VI die? Alexander’s cause of death remains...
What was St. Thomas Aquinas’s childhood like?
What was St. Thomas Aquinas’s childhood like? St. Thomas Aquinas...
What did St. Thomas Aquinas write?
What did St. Thomas Aquinas write? St. Thomas Aquinas’s best-known...
Why is St. Thomas Aquinas important?
Why is St. Thomas Aquinas important? St. Thomas Aquinas was the...
Why is Sandro Botticelli so famous?
Why is Sandro Botticelli so famous? Sandro Botticelli is one...
How was Sandro Botticelli educated?
How was Sandro Botticelli educated? Sandro Botticelli’s father...
What is Johannes Brahms famous for?
What is Johannes Brahms famous for? Throughout Johannes Brahms’s...
How did Johannes Brahms become famous?
How did Johannes Brahms become famous? The violin virtuoso Joseph...
How did Bertolt Brecht influence others?
How did Bertolt Brecht influence others? Brecht influenced the...
What was Noam Chomsky’s early life like?
What was Noam Chomsky’s early life like? Noam Chomsky was raised...
How did Noam Chomsky influence the field of linguistics?
How did Noam Chomsky influence the field of linguistics? Noam...
What are Noam Chomsky’s politics?
What are Noam Chomsky’s politics? Noam Chomsky, an anarcho-syndicalist,...
When was Confucius born?
When was Confucius born? Although the facts about the life of...
Why is Albrecht Dürer so famous?
Why is Albrecht Dürer so famous? Albrecht Dürer was a painter,...
What is Albrecht Dürer known for?
What is Albrecht Dürer known for? Albrecht Dürer’s vast body...
What was Albrecht Dürer’s family like?
What was Albrecht Dürer’s family like? Albrecht Dürer was the...
What was St. Francis of Assisi’s early life like?
What was St. Francis of Assisi’s early life like? St. Francis...
What is St. Francis of Assisi famous for?
What is St. Francis of Assisi famous for? St. Francis is one...
Where was Sigmund Freud educated?
Where was Sigmund Freud educated? After graduating (1873) from...
What did Sigmund Freud die of?
What did Sigmund Freud die of? Sigmund Freud died of a lethal...
Why is Sigmund Freud famous?
Why is Sigmund Freud famous? Freud is famous for inventing and...
What was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s family like?
What was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s family like? Johann Wolfgang...
What did Johann Wolfgang von Goethe write?
What did Johann Wolfgang von Goethe write? Johann Wolfgang von...
When did Johann Wolfgang von Goethe get married?
When did Johann Wolfgang von Goethe get married? Johann Wolfgang...
What did Werner Heisenberg do during World War II?
What did Werner Heisenberg do during World War II? Werner Heisenberg...
What is Werner Heisenberg best known for?
What is Werner Heisenberg best known for? Werner Heisenberg discovered...
How did Werner Heisenberg contribute to atomic theory?
How did Werner Heisenberg contribute to atomic theory? Werner...
Was Homer a real person?
Was Homer a real person? Scholars are uncertain whether he existed....
Did Homer write the Odyssey?
Did Homer write the Odyssey? The authorship of the Odyssey and...
Who was Justinian I?
Who was Justinian I? Justinian I served as emperor of the Byzantine...
How did Justinian I become emperor?
How did Justinian I become emperor? Justinian I was born of peasant...
What did Justinian I accomplish as emperor?
What did Justinian I accomplish as emperor? Emperor Justinian...
What was the Code of Justinian?
What was the Code of Justinian? The Codex Justinianus, or Code...
Why was St. Luke influential?
Why was St. Luke influential? As the traditional author of two...
Where is St. Luke buried?
Where is St. Luke buried? According to ancient sources, St. Luke...
Who was Martin Luther?
Who was Martin Luther? Martin Luther, a 16th-century monk and...
What is Lutheranism?
What is Lutheranism? Lutheranism is one of the five major strands...
What was radical about Martin Luther’s teachings?
What was radical about Martin Luther’s teachings? Martin Luther’s...
What implications did Martin Luther’s work have for realms other than the religious?
What implications did Martin Luther’s work have for realms other...
Did Martin Luther have a family?
Did Martin Luther have a family? Martin Luther did have a family,...
Why was Melchizedek important?
Why was Melchizedek important? Melchizedek, who appears in the Old...
Where was Melchizedek from?
Where was Melchizedek from? Melchizedek is thought to have been...
Who was Muhammad?
Who was Muhammad? Muhammad was the founder of Islam and the proclaimer...
What family did Muhammad have?
What family did Muhammad have? According to Islamic tradition,...
What are the traditional events of Muhammad’s life?
What are the traditional events of Muhammad’s life? Born in Mecca...
What are the scholarly sources of Muhammad’s biography?
What are the scholarly sources of Muhammad’s biography? The Qurʾān...
Why are images of Muhammad generally prohibited in Islam?
Why are images of Muhammad generally prohibited in Islam? Many...
What happened on Mūsā I’s pilgrimage?
What happened on Mūsā I’s pilgrimage? Mūsā I’s pilgrimage caravan...
What did Mūsā I do when he returned to Mali?
What did Mūsā I do when he returned to Mali? Upon his return...
What was Mūsā I’s legacy?
What was Mūsā I’s legacy? Mūsā I’s hajj left a lasting impression...
What was the significance of the Council of Nicaea?
What was the significance of the Council of Nicaea? The Council...
What effect did Constantine I have on the council?
What effect did Constantine I have on the council? Constantine...
What matters were left unsettled at the Council of Nicaea?
What matters were left unsettled at the Council of Nicaea? The...
Who was St. Peter?
Who was St. Peter? In Christian tradition, St. Peter was one...
How did St. Peter die?
How did St. Peter die? St. Peter is believed to have died as...
What is St. Peter the patron saint of?
What is St. Peter the patron saint of? As the traditional first...
Why is Petrarch important?
Why is Petrarch important? Petrarch was a scholar who laid the...
What did Petrarch write?
What did Petrarch write? Petrarch is most famous for his Canzoniere,...
What is Ptolemy best known for?
What is Ptolemy best known for? Ptolemy’s mathematical model...
How did Ptolemy impact the world?
How did Ptolemy impact the world? In addition to his astronomical...
What were Ptolemy’s achievements?
What were Ptolemy’s achievements? Ptolemy made contributions...
How was Raphael educated?
How was Raphael educated? Raphael’s father, a painter, offered...
Why did Samson tell Delilah?
Why did Samson tell Delilah? Delilah asked Samson three times...
What was George Bernard Shaw’s early life like?
What was George Bernard Shaw’s early life like? George Bernard...
How did George Bernard Shaw start writing plays?
How did George Bernard Shaw start writing plays? George Bernard...
How was George Bernard Shaw involved in the politics of his time?
How was George Bernard Shaw involved in the politics of his time?...
Why is Herbert Spencer famous?
Why is Herbert Spencer famous? Herbert Spencer is famous for...
What was St. Stephen’s job?
What was St. Stephen’s job? Stephen was originally a Hellenized...
What is St. Stephen best known for?
What is St. Stephen best known for? During one debate with Diaspora...
What did Judith Butler write?
What did Judith Butler write? Judith Butler wrote, among other...
Why is Judith Butler important?
Why is Judith Butler important? Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble:...
What was Johann Sebastian Bach’s childhood like?
What was Johann Sebastian Bach’s childhood like? Johann Sebastian...
What is Ludwig van Beethoven known for?
What is Ludwig van Beethoven known for? Beethoven is widely regarded...
How did Ludwig van Beethoven get his start in music?
How did Ludwig van Beethoven get his start in music? Beethoven...
What did Ludwig van Beethoven compose?
What did Ludwig van Beethoven compose? Beethoven composed music...
Was Ludwig van Beethoven deaf?
Was Ludwig van Beethoven deaf? Beethoven was not born deaf, but...
How did Ludwig van Beethoven change music?
How did Ludwig van Beethoven change music? Beethoven was an innovator...
What was St. Bernadette of Lourdes’s childhood like?
What was St. Bernadette of Lourdes’s childhood like? Bernadette...
What was one of Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s greatest works?
What was one of Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s greatest works? The greatest...
Where does Confucianism come from?
Where does Confucianism come from? Though Confucius is sometimes...
How did Confucianism spread?
How did Confucianism spread? Confucianism was not successfully...
Why is Diocletian important?
Why is Diocletian important? As Roman emperor for more than 20...
What did Diocletian do to Christians?
What did Diocletian do to Christians? At the urging of the caesar...
What did Gandhi try to accomplish with his activism?
What did Gandhi try to accomplish with his activism? Initially,...
What were Gandhi’s religious beliefs?
What were Gandhi’s religious beliefs? Gandhi’s family practiced...
What other social movements did Gandhi’s activism inspire?
What other social movements did Gandhi’s activism inspire? Within...
What was Gandhi’s personal life like?
What was Gandhi’s personal life like? Gandhi’s father was a local...
What were contemporary opinions of Gandhi?
What were contemporary opinions of Gandhi? As lauded a figure...
Who are some of the major figures of Greek mythology?
Who are some of the major figures of Greek mythology? Greek myth...
What are some major works in Greek mythology?
What are some major works in Greek mythology? Some of the most...
How did Hatshepsut come to power?
How did Hatshepsut come to power? Hatshepsut married her half...
What was Hatshepsut’s reign like?
What was Hatshepsut’s reign like? Hatshepsut’s reign was essentially...
What was Hatshepsut’s family like?
What was Hatshepsut’s family like? Hatshepsut was born to Thutmose...
How did Hatshepsut die?
How did Hatshepsut die? The cause of Hatshepsut’s death is not...
What was the Jonestown massacre?
What was the Jonestown massacre? The Jonestown massacre was a...
Who was Jim Jones?
Who was Jim Jones? Jim Jones was the leader of the Peoples Temple...
Why is John Milton famous?
Why is John Milton famous? John Milton (1608–74) is considered...
Where was John Milton educated?
Where was John Milton educated? When he was 11, John Milton entered...
How did John Milton influence others?
How did John Milton influence others? When John Milton’s Paradise...
What was Montesquieu best known for?
What was Montesquieu best known for? French political philosopher Montesquieu...
What is Isaac Newton most famous for?
What is Isaac Newton most famous for? Although Isaac Newton is...
How was Isaac Newton educated?
How was Isaac Newton educated? After interrupted attendance at...
What was Isaac Newton’s childhood like?
What was Isaac Newton’s childhood like? Isaac Newton was born...
Why is Jean-Jacques Rousseau famous?
Why is Jean-Jacques Rousseau famous? Jean-Jacques Rousseau is...
Who was Socrates?
Who was Socrates? Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher,...
What did Socrates teach?
What did Socrates teach? Socrates professed not to teach anything...
How do we know what Socrates thought?
How do we know what Socrates thought? Socrates wrote nothing....
Why did Athens condemn Socrates to death?
Why did Athens condemn Socrates to death? Socrates was widely...
Why didn’t Socrates try to escape his death sentence?
Why didn’t Socrates try to escape his death sentence? Socrates...
Who built Stonehenge?
Who built Stonehenge? It is not clear who built Stonehenge. The...
Was Stonehenge built by aliens?
Was Stonehenge built by aliens? Stonehenge was not built by aliens....
What are some general characteristics of postmodernism?
What are some general characteristics of postmodernism? Postmodern...
What do postmodernists believe?
What do postmodernists believe? Many postmodernists hold one...
How is postmodernism related to relativism?
How is postmodernism related to relativism? Although some postmodernists...
How did the Roman Empire change under Constantine I the Great?
How did the Roman Empire change under Constantine I the Great?...
What was Constantine’s relationship with Christianity?
What was Constantine’s relationship with Christianity? Some have...
What wars did Constantine fight?
What wars did Constantine fight? In 305 Constantine assisted...
What did Constantine build?
What did Constantine build? Constantine funded church-building...
What was Constantine’s family life like?
What was Constantine’s family life like? Constantine’s father,...
Who was Democritus?
Who was Democritus? Democritus was an ancient Greek philosopher....
What is Democritus known for?
What is Democritus known for? Democritus was a central figure...
What is René Descartes known for?
What is René Descartes known for? René Descartes is most commonly...
What was René Descartes’s family like?
What was René Descartes’s family like? René Descartes was born...
How did René Descartes die?
How did René Descartes die? René Descartes died on February 11,...
What was Joseph Haydn’s family like?
What was Joseph Haydn’s family like? Haydn was the second son...
How was Joseph Haydn educated?
How was Joseph Haydn educated? When Haydn was a child, he received...
Why is Thomas Hobbes important?
Why is Thomas Hobbes important? Thomas Hobbes was an English...
What was Thomas Hobbes’s childhood like?
What was Thomas Hobbes’s childhood like? Hobbes’s father was...
What were St. Joan of Arc’s beliefs?
What were St. Joan of Arc’s beliefs? St. Joan of Arc was a Catholic...
How did St. Joan of Arc die?
How did St. Joan of Arc die? In 1430 St. Joan of Arc was captured...
Who was St. John the Apostle?
Who was St. John the Apostle? The sons of Zebedee (a fisherman)...
What were St. John the Apostle’s accomplishments?
What were St. John the Apostle’s accomplishments? John held an...
What were St. John the Apostle’s contributions?
What were St. John the Apostle’s contributions? According to...
How did St. John the Apostle die?
How did St. John the Apostle die? Mark’s Gospel hints of John’s...
What was Immanuel Kant’s childhood like?
What was Immanuel Kant’s childhood like? Immanuel Kant’s father,...
What did Immanuel Kant do for a living?
What did Immanuel Kant do for a living? Immanuel Kant worked...
What did Kant write?
What did Kant write? Kant’s most famous work, the Critique of...
Why is Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz famous?
Why is Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz famous? Leibniz is famous for...
What are John Locke’s most famous works?
What are John Locke’s most famous works? John Locke’s most famous...
What contributions did John Locke make to epistemology?
What contributions did John Locke make to epistemology? In epistemology...
What contributions did John Locke make to political theory?
What contributions did John Locke make to political theory? In...
How did John Locke influence the design of U.S. government?
How did John Locke influence the design of U.S. government? John...
What was Niccolò Machiavelli’s occupation?
What was Niccolò Machiavelli’s occupation? From the age of 29,...
What is the purpose of the Parthenon?
What is the purpose of the Parthenon? The purpose of the Parthenon...
Why is the Parthenon important?
Why is the Parthenon important? The Parthenon is the centrepiece...
How is the Parthenon still standing?
How is the Parthenon still standing? The careful placement of...
How was the Parthenon built?
How was the Parthenon built? Directed by the Athenian statesman...
How is the Parthenon imperfect?
How is the Parthenon imperfect? Although the Parthenon is regarded...
What influences did St. Paul have on Christianity?
What influences did St. Paul have on Christianity? St. Paul is...
How many books of the Bible did St. Paul write?
How many books of the Bible did St. Paul write? Of the 27 books...
How did St. Paul the Apostle die?
How did St. Paul the Apostle die? The exact details of St. Paul’s...
What influence did Edgar Allan Poe have?
What influence did Edgar Allan Poe have? Edgar Allan Poe is credited...
How did Edgar Allan Poe die?
How did Edgar Allan Poe die? Edgar Allan Poe turned up in a tavern...
Who were Adam Smith’s parents?
Who were Adam Smith’s parents? Adam Smith was the son by the...
What is Adam Smith best known for?
What is Adam Smith best known for? Adam Smith is known primarily...
What are the basic teachings of Daoism?
What are the basic teachings of Daoism? The concept of dao is...
Who were the great teachers of Daoism?
Who were the great teachers of Daoism? The founding figure is...
How does Daoism differ from Confucianism?
How does Daoism differ from Confucianism? Daoism and Confucianism...
Who was John Newton?
Who was John Newton? John Newton was an English slave trader...
Why did John Newton write “Amazing Grace”?
Why did John Newton write “Amazing Grace”? John Newton wrote...
How did Karl Marx die?
How did Karl Marx die? Karl Marx died in London on March 14,...
What was Karl Marx’s family like?
What was Karl Marx’s family like? Born in 1818 in Trier in...
What did Plato do?
What did Plato do? Plato was a philosopher during the 5th century...
What is Plato known for?
What is Plato known for? Plato’s most famous work is the Republic,...
When was Plato alive?
When was Plato alive? Plato was born in 428/427 BCE to a noble...
What was Plato’s family like?
What was Plato’s family like? Plato did not have children, and...
What was Pythagoras’s profession? When and how did it begin?
What was Pythagoras’s profession? When and how did it begin?...
What was Pythagoras known for?
What was Pythagoras known for? Pythagoras himself came up with...
When and where was Pythagoras born? When did Pythagoras die?
When and where was Pythagoras born? When did Pythagoras die?...
What was Pythagoras’s religion?
What was Pythagoras’s religion? It is difficult to speak about...
When did Ramses II rule Egypt?
When did Ramses II rule Egypt? Ramses II was the third pharaoh...
What military campaigns did Ramses II undertake?
What military campaigns did Ramses II undertake? The most important...
What famous structures were built during the reign of Ramses II?
What famous structures were built during the reign of Ramses...
What was Ramses II’s family like?
What was Ramses II’s family like? Ramses II’s long life—he lived...
Was Ramses II a popular pharaoh?
Was Ramses II a popular pharaoh? It seems like Ramses II was...
Why was the Council of Trent convened?
Why was the Council of Trent convened? The Council of Trent was...
How did the Council of Trent clarify Roman Catholic doctrine?
How did the Council of Trent clarify Roman Catholic doctrine?...
How did the Council of Trent reform the Roman Catholic Church?
How did the Council of Trent reform the Roman Catholic Church?...
What did Aristotle do?
What did Aristotle do? Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers...
Where did Aristotle live?
Where did Aristotle live? After his father died about 367 BCE,...
Who were Aristotle’s teachers and students?
Who were Aristotle’s teachers and students? Aristotle’s most...
How many works did Aristotle write?
How many works did Aristotle write? Aristotle wrote as many as...
How did Aristotle influence subsequent philosophy and science?
How did Aristotle influence subsequent philosophy and science?...
When and where did the Enlightenment take place?
When and where did the Enlightenment take place? Historians place...
What led to the Enlightenment?
What led to the Enlightenment? The roots of the Enlightenment...
Who were some of the major figures of the Enlightenment?
Who were some of the major figures of the Enlightenment? Some...
What were the most important ideas of the Enlightenment?
What were the most important ideas of the Enlightenment? It was...
What were some results of the Enlightenment?
What were some results of the Enlightenment? The French Revolution...
What image of Vishnu is worshipped at the Padmanabhaswamy Temple?
What image of Vishnu is worshipped at the Padmanabhaswamy Temple?...
Who was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
Who was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756–91)...
How old was Mozart when he began playing music?
How old was Mozart when he began playing music? Mozart was a...
What are Mozart’s most famous compositions?
What are Mozart’s most famous compositions? Mozart wrote in all...
What did Mozart contribute to Western music?
What did Mozart contribute to Western music? Mozart was not a...
Who was Voltaire?
Who was Voltaire? “Voltaire” is the pen name under which French...
What did Voltaire write?
What did Voltaire write? Voltaire was a versatile and prolific...
What was Voltaire’s philosophy?
What was Voltaire’s philosophy? Voltaire believed above all in...
What did Voltaire contribute to the Enlightenment?
What did Voltaire contribute to the Enlightenment? Voltaire dominated...
When was the Hagia Sophia built?
When was the Hagia Sophia built? Much of the Hagia Sophia’s edifice...
Believers of which faiths have worshipped in the Hagia Sophia?
Believers of which faiths have worshipped in the Hagia Sophia?...
Why is the Hagia Sophia important?
Why is the Hagia Sophia important? The Hagia Sophia is part of...
How was the Hagia Sophia altered during the Ottoman Period?
How was the Hagia Sophia altered during the Ottoman Period? Sultan...
How did the Hagia Sophia get its name?
How did the Hagia Sophia get its name? Hagia Sophia is not, in...
What are some of Donnie McClurkin’s notable achievements?
What are some of Donnie McClurkin’s notable achievements? ...
Why did Justin Welby resign as archbishop of Canterbury?
Why did Justin Welby resign as archbishop of Canterbury? In...
What does the word “Renaissance” mean?
What does the word “Renaissance” mean? Renaissance is a French...
When did the Renaissance happen?
When did the Renaissance happen? There is some debate over when...
Who are some important people of the Renaissance?
Who are some important people of the Renaissance? Prominent...
What is Renaissance art?
What is Renaissance art? One of the fields that embodied the...
What does “Renaissance man” mean?
What does “Renaissance man” mean? The idea of a Renaissance...
Who was the first person to outline the seven deadly sins?
Who was the first person to outline the seven deadly sins? The...
How were the seven deadly sins first identified?
How were the seven deadly sins first identified? The seven...
Why are the seven deadly sins considered deadly?
Why are the seven deadly sins considered deadly? The earliest...
What famous works incorporate the seven deadly sins?
What famous works incorporate the seven deadly sins? St. Thomas...
What is Leonardo da Vinci best known for?
What is Leonardo da Vinci best known for? Leonardo da Vinci...
How many Leonardo da Vinci paintings are there?
How many Leonardo da Vinci paintings are there? Leonardo da...
What was Leonardo da Vinci’s personality like?
What was Leonardo da Vinci’s personality like? Leonardo da Vinci...
What was Leonardo da Vinci’s family like?
What was Leonardo da Vinci’s family like? Leonardo da Vinci’s...
Who was Leonardo apprenticed to?
Who was Leonardo apprenticed to? When Leonardo was about 15,...
Who is Our Lady of Fátima?
Who is Our Lady of Fátima? Our Lady of Fátima is the title given...
Who did Our Lady of Fátima appear to?
Who did Our Lady of Fátima appear to? Our Lady of Fátima appeared...
What did Our Lady of Fátima say?
What did Our Lady of Fátima say? During her appearances before...
Where does the legend of Atlantis come from?
Where does the legend of Atlantis come from? The principal sources...
Is there any historical basis for the legend of Atlantis?
Is there any historical basis for the legend of Atlantis? The...
How is Diwali celebrated?
How is Diwali celebrated? Observances of Diwali differ depending...
Who was Emanuel Swedenborg?
Who was Emanuel Swedenborg? Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish...
Why did Emanuel Swedenborg study theology?
Why did Emanuel Swedenborg study theology? Emanuel Swedenborg...
What is Desmond Tutu best known for?
What is Desmond Tutu best known for? Desmond Tutu was a South...
How did Desmond Tutu change the world?
How did Desmond Tutu change the world? Desmond Tutu drew national...
What is Yom Kippur?
What is Yom Kippur? Yom Kippur is the most solemn of Jewish religious...
How is Yom Kippur observed?
How is Yom Kippur observed? Jewish congregations spend the eve...
Who is Osiris?
Who is Osiris? Osiris was one of the most important gods of ancient...
How did people celebrate Osiris?
How did people celebrate Osiris? Ancient Egyptians celebrated...
What were Osiris's powers?
What were Osiris's powers? Osiris was not only the ruler of the...
What role did Malcolm X play in the emergence of the Black Power movement?
What role did Malcolm X play in the emergence of the Black Power...
What was Malcolm X’s early life like?
What was Malcolm X’s early life like? Malcolm X was born in...
When did Malcolm X convert to Islam?
When did Malcolm X convert to Islam? After hearing about the...
What was Malcolm X’s relationship with the civil rights movement?
What was Malcolm X’s relationship with the civil rights movement?...
How did Malcolm X die?
How did Malcolm X die? Malcolm X was assassinated on February...
What is the trolley problem?
What is the trolley problem? One of the original versions of...
Where did the trolley problem originate?
Where did the trolley problem originate? The trolley problem...
Why is the trolley problem important?
Why is the trolley problem important? The trolley problem is...
How can the trolley problem be used to critique utilitarianism?
How can the trolley problem be used to critique utilitarianism?...
What is the ship of Theseus?
What is the ship of Theseus? The ship of Theseus is a paradox...
Is the ship of Theseus still the same ship?
Is the ship of Theseus still the same ship? That is the paradox....
What was the role of Anubis?
What was the role of Anubis? In the Early Dynastic period and...
How is Rama represented in art?
How is Rama represented in art? In painting, Rama is depicted...
What is gnosticism?
What is gnosticism? Gnosticism is a term modern scholars have...
How does gnosticism differ from Christianity?
How does gnosticism differ from Christianity? Because gnosticism...
Does gnosticism predate Christianity?
Does gnosticism predate Christianity? Some teachings identified...
Where does werewolf lore come from?
Where does werewolf lore come from? Stories of men turning into...
Who is Satan?
Who is Satan? Satan is the prince of evil spirits and adversary...
How did Satan tempt Jesus?
How did Satan tempt Jesus? In the New Testament Gospels of Matthew,...
What is Satan’s role in the Book of Job?
What is Satan’s role in the Book of Job? In the Book of Job...
What is Valhalla?
What is Valhalla? In Norse mythology, Valhalla is the hall of...
Why was Valhalla important to the Vikings?
Why was Valhalla important to the Vikings? The idea of an afterlife...
What is Leviathan?
What is Leviathan? In Jewish mythology, the name Leviathan can...
What does Leviathan symbolize in the Bible?
What does Leviathan symbolize in the Bible? In one psalm, Leviathan...
Who was Athena?
Who was Athena? In ancient Greek religion, Athena was a goddess...
What is Occam’s razor?
What is Occam’s razor? Occam’s razor is a principle of theory...
Who created Occam’s razor?
Who created Occam’s razor? Occam’s razor is credited to William...
What is an example of Occam’s razor?
What is an example of Occam’s razor? In evolutionary biology,...
Is Occam’s razor valid?
Is Occam’s razor valid? The validity of Occam’s razor has long...
What festivals were associated with Dionysus?
What festivals were associated with Dionysus? The ancient Bacchanalia,...
Who is Prometheus?
Who is Prometheus? In Greek mythology, Prometheus is one of the...
Who was the founder of the Society of Friends?
Who was the founder of the Society of Friends? George Fox was...
Why are members of the Society of Friends known as Quakers?
Why are members of the Society of Friends known as Quakers? George...
What is the origin of yinyang?
What is the origin of yinyang? The origins of the yinyang idea...
What was the role of Christendom?
What was the role of Christendom? After the dissolution of the...
What were the major artistic eras of the Middle Ages?
What were the major artistic eras of the Middle Ages? Romanesque...
What socio-economic system is perceived as characteristic of the Middle Ages?
What socio-economic system is perceived as characteristic of...
What are New Year festivals?
What are New Year festivals? New Year festivals include all...
Why does the new year begin on January 1?
Why does the new year begin on January 1? The Roman republican...
How is New Year’s Eve celebrated?
How is New Year’s Eve celebrated? New Year’s Eve is celebrated...
Why does a ball drop on New Year’s Eve?
Why does a ball drop on New Year’s Eve? The New Year’s Eve Ball...
What is Hanukkah?
What is Hanukkah? Hanukkah is a Jewish festival that reaffirms...
Why does Hanukkah last for eight days?
Why does Hanukkah last for eight days? According to the Talmud,...
How is Hanukkah celebrated?
How is Hanukkah celebrated? Hanukkah is celebrated in several...
When is Christmas celebrated?
When is Christmas celebrated? Christmas is celebrated by many...
How is Christmas celebrated?
How is Christmas celebrated? Christians and non-Christians participate...
Does Christmas have pagan roots?
Does Christmas have pagan roots? In ancient Rome, December 25...
Who is Saint Nicholas?
Who is Saint Nicholas? Saint Nicholas is one of the most popular...
What was Saint Nicholas known for?
What was Saint Nicholas known for? Saint Nicholas was known...
How did Saint Nicholas inspire the creation of Santa Claus?
How did Saint Nicholas inspire the creation of Santa Claus? ...
Do the relics of Saint Nicholas really emit a holy substance?
Do the relics of Saint Nicholas really emit a holy substance?...
What started the Trojan War?
What started the Trojan War? According to the ancient Greek...
Was the Trojan War real?
Was the Trojan War real? There has been much debate over historical...
Who won the Trojan War?
Who won the Trojan War? The Greeks won the Trojan War. According...
Who is Aphrodite?
Who is Aphrodite? Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of...
What does Aphrodite look like?
What does Aphrodite look like? In early Greek art, representations...
Where are Ashkenazi Jews today?
Where are Ashkenazi Jews today? Today Ashkenazim (plural for...
What are the main differences between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews?
What are the main differences between Ashkenazi and Sephardic...
Do Ashkenazi Jews speak Yiddish today?
Do Ashkenazi Jews speak Yiddish today? Millions of Ashkenazi...
Who is Zeus?
Who is Zeus? Zeus is the god of the sky in ancient Greek mythology....
Who are Zeus’s children?
Who are Zeus’s children? Zeus fathered many children. Among...
Why did Zeus eat his wife?
Why did Zeus eat his wife? In some versions of Greek mythology,...
What does Santa Claus look like?
What does Santa Claus look like? Today’s most common depiction...
Is it possible to meet Santa Claus?
Is it possible to meet Santa Claus? While it is tough to catch...
What is Loki the god of?
What is Loki the god of? Loki is considered a trickster god,...
Is the Loki in Norse mythology the same as the Loki character in the Marvel comics and films?
Is the Loki in Norse mythology the same as the Loki character...
How was Zoroastrianism founded?
How was Zoroastrianism founded? Zoroastrianism was founded in...
What are the major beliefs of Zoroastrianism?
What are the major beliefs of Zoroastrianism? The major beliefs...
How does Sisyphus cheat Death?
How does Sisyphus cheat Death? Post-Homeric legend claims that...
Is ancient Greece a country?
Is ancient Greece a country? No, ancient Greece was a civilization....
Was ancient Greece a democracy?
Was ancient Greece a democracy? Each ancient Greek city-state...
Why is ancient Greece important?
Why is ancient Greece important? The political, philosophical,...
What did Imhotep accomplish as an architect?
What did Imhotep accomplish as an architect? Imhotep is thought...
When did Imhotep become a deity?
When did Imhotep become a deity? Imhotep was elevated to the...
Who was Jeremy Bentham?
Who was Jeremy Bentham? Jeremy Bentham was a philosopher, economist,...
Why is Jeremy Bentham important?
Why is Jeremy Bentham important? Jeremy Bentham is important...
What is Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon?
What is Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon? Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon...
What is Jeremy Bentham’s auto-icon?
What is Jeremy Bentham’s auto-icon? Jeremy Bentham’s auto-icon,...
Where was Jeremy Bentham educated?
Where was Jeremy Bentham educated? Jeremy Bentham attended Westminster...
Who is St. Francis Xavier?
Who is St. Francis Xavier? St. Francis Xavier was a Spanish Jesuit...
How did St. Francis Xavier shape Roman Catholicism?
How did St. Francis Xavier shape Roman Catholicism? St. Francis...
Who influenced Peter Paul Rubens?
Who influenced Peter Paul Rubens? Peter Paul Rubens was taught...
What is Erwin Schrödinger best known for?
What is Erwin Schrödinger best known for? Erwin Schrödinger is...
What was Erwin Schrödinger’s most famous thought experiment?
What was Erwin Schrödinger’s most famous thought experiment?...