Top Questions
Entertainment & Pop CultureGeography & TravelHealth & MedicineLifestyles & Social IssuesLiteratureMoneyPhilosophy & ReligionPolitics, Law & GovernmentScienceSports & RecreationTechnologyVisual ArtsWorld History
When did the British Empire begin?
When did the British Empire begin? The first tentative steps...
Who was Napoleon III?
Who was Napoleon III? Napoleon III was the nephew of Napoleon...
How did Napoleon III die?
How did Napoleon III die? At the Battle of Sedan, Napoleon III...
What do Rastafarians believe?
What do Rastafarians believe? Rastafarians believe that they...
What does UNESCO stand for?
What does UNESCO stand for? The acronym UNESCO stands for United...
Why was UNESCO founded?
Why was UNESCO founded? UNESCO was originally founded to focus...
Where does UNESCO get its funding?
Where does UNESCO get its funding? UNESCO gets its funding from...
What is the UNESCO World Heritage List?
What is the UNESCO World Heritage List? In 1972 UNESCO sponsored...
How does UNESCO define literacy?
How does UNESCO define literacy? Since UNESCO’s inception, its...
What is the origin of Juneteenth?
What is the origin of Juneteenth? Juneteenth was originally celebrated...
Is Juneteenth a federal holiday?
Is Juneteenth a federal holiday? Juneteenth is a federal holiday...
How is Juneteenth celebrated?
How is Juneteenth celebrated? Juneteenth celebrations in the...
How did the American civil rights movement affect Juneteenth celebrations?
How did the American civil rights movement affect Juneteenth...
What is Indigenous Peoples’ Day?
What is Indigenous Peoples’ Day? Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a...
Why was Indigenous Peoples’ Day created?
Why was Indigenous Peoples’ Day created? Indigenous Peoples’...
How is Indigenous Peoples’ Day observed?
How is Indigenous Peoples’ Day observed? Indigenous Peoples’...
Why is Columbus Day observed as a holiday?
Why is Columbus Day observed as a holiday? Columbus Day is a...
Where was Simone de Beauvoir educated?
Where was Simone de Beauvoir educated? Simone de Beauvoir attended...
What did Simone de Beauvoir write?
What did Simone de Beauvoir write? Simone de Beauvoir wrote works...
Why was Adolf Hitler significant?
Why was Adolf Hitler significant? Hitler was of great historical...
How did Adolf Hitler rise to power?
How did Adolf Hitler rise to power? Hitler’s rise to power traces...
Why did Adolf Hitler start World War II?
Why did Adolf Hitler start World War II? Hitler had an overriding...
Who were Adolf Hitler’s most important officers?
Who were Adolf Hitler’s most important officers? A key figure...
How did Adolf Hitler die?
How did Adolf Hitler die? As Soviet troops entered the heart...
What is Gloria Steinem known for?
What is Gloria Steinem known for? Gloria Steinem is an American...
How did Gloria Steinem get her start as a political activist?
How did Gloria Steinem get her start as a political activist?...
What publications did Gloria Steinem write for?
What publications did Gloria Steinem write for? Gloria Steinem...
What did Akbar accomplish?
What did Akbar accomplish? Akbar extended the reach of the Mughal...
What did Akbar believe in?
What did Akbar believe in? Akbar was Muslim but took an active...
How did Akbar come to power?
How did Akbar come to power? Akbar succeeded his father Humāyūn...
How did Jomo Kenyatta get involved in politics?
How did Jomo Kenyatta get involved in politics? Throughout the...
How did Jomo Kenyatta help lead Kenya to independence?
How did Jomo Kenyatta help lead Kenya to independence? While...
What was Jomo Kenyatta’s domestic policy?
What was Jomo Kenyatta’s domestic policy? In 1964 Jomo Kenyatta...
How did Jomo Kenyatta’s fiscal policy affect low-income Kenyans?
How did Jomo Kenyatta’s fiscal policy affect low-income Kenyans?...
What was Jomo Kenyatta’s foreign policy?
What was Jomo Kenyatta’s foreign policy? Unlike some of his African...
What political posts has Linda McMahon held?
What political posts has Linda McMahon held? Linda McMahon...
Is Linda McMahon married to Vince McMahon?
Is Linda McMahon married to Vince McMahon? Linda (née Edwards)...
What is the origin of Presidents’ Day?
What is the origin of Presidents’ Day? The birthday of U.S. President...
Why is Presidents’ Day on a Monday?
Why is Presidents’ Day on a Monday? Presidents’ Day is celebrated...
What does socialism mean?
What does socialism mean? Socialism is a form of government...
Did socialism come from Marxism?
Did socialism come from Marxism? No. Societies that were socialist...
How does socialism differ from capitalism?
How does socialism differ from capitalism? Under capitalism,...
How does socialism differ from communism?
How does socialism differ from communism? Communism is both...
What was Emmeline Pankhurst’s family like?
What was Emmeline Pankhurst’s family like? Both of Emmeline Pankhurst’s...
Why was Emmeline Pankhurst so influential?
Why was Emmeline Pankhurst so influential? Emmeline Pankhurst...
What was Emmeline Pankhurst’s legacy?
What was Emmeline Pankhurst’s legacy? Emmeline Pankhurst’s work...
What is the history of Memorial Day?
What is the history of Memorial Day? Memorial Day, originally...
How did John D. Rockefeller get famous?
How did John D. Rockefeller get famous? John D. Rockefeller’s...
What were John D. Rockefeller’s accomplishments?
What were John D. Rockefeller’s accomplishments? John D. Rockefeller...
What was John D. Rockefeller remembered for?
What was John D. Rockefeller remembered for? John D. Rockefeller...
Did the Boston Tea Party happen during the American Revolution?
Did the Boston Tea Party happen during the American Revolution?...
How did the Boston Tea Party start?
How did the Boston Tea Party start? The passage of the Tea Act...
What did the Boston Tea Party lead to?
What did the Boston Tea Party lead to? The Boston Tea Party pushed...
What is the Declaration of Independence?
What is the Declaration of Independence? The Declaration of Independence,...
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? On August...
Where is the Declaration of Independence?
Where is the Declaration of Independence? Since 1952 the original...
How is the Declaration of Independence preserved?
How is the Declaration of Independence preserved? In the 1920s...
Why was Reza Shah Pahlavi so significant?
Why was Reza Shah Pahlavi so significant? After centuries of...
How did Reza Shah Pahlavi come to power?
How did Reza Shah Pahlavi come to power? Reza, an Iranian army...
What did Reza Shah Pahlavi believe in?
What did Reza Shah Pahlavi believe in? Reza Shah cherished the...
What was Reza Shah Pahlavi’s legacy?
What was Reza Shah Pahlavi’s legacy? Reza Shah sought to democratize...
Why was the Bill of Rights added?
Why was the Bill of Rights added? Three delegates to the Constitutional...
How was the Bill of Rights added to the U.S. Constitution?
How was the Bill of Rights added to the U.S. Constitution? James...
Does the Bill of Rights apply to the states?
Does the Bill of Rights apply to the states? Originally, the...
How did Thanksgiving start?
How did Thanksgiving start? Colonists in New England and Canada...
When is Thanksgiving?
When is Thanksgiving? In the United States, Thanksgiving Day...
How did Thanksgiving become a national holiday?
How did Thanksgiving become a national holiday? Sarah Josepha...
When did the women’s suffrage movement start?
When did the women’s suffrage movement start? The women’s suffrage...
Where did women’s suffrage start?
Where did women’s suffrage start? By the early years of the 20th...
How did the women’s suffrage movement end?
How did the women’s suffrage movement end? In the 21st century...
What was the Haitian Revolution?
What was the Haitian Revolution? Put simply, the Haitian Revolution,...
Why did the Haitian Revolution start?
Why did the Haitian Revolution start? The vast majority of the...
How is the Haitian Revolution related to the French Revolution?
How is the Haitian Revolution related to the French Revolution?...
Who did the Haitian Revolution involve?
Who did the Haitian Revolution involve? These are some of the...
Why is the Haitian Revolution important?
Why is the Haitian Revolution important? The Haitian Revolution...
Why is John Quincy Adams important?
Why is John Quincy Adams important? John Quincy Adams was the...
What was John Quincy Adams’s childhood like?
What was John Quincy Adams’s childhood like? John Quincy Adams...
How did John Quincy Adams become president?
How did John Quincy Adams become president? In the U.S. presidential...
What was John Quincy Adams’s occupation?
What was John Quincy Adams’s occupation? John Quincy Adams was...
What were John Quincy Adams’s achievements?
What were John Quincy Adams’s achievements? John Quincy Adams...
What was Akhenaten’s family like?
What was Akhenaten’s family like? Akhenaten married the noblewoman...
What religious reforms did Akhenaten make?
What religious reforms did Akhenaten make? Early in his reign,...
How did Egyptian art change under Akhenaten?
How did Egyptian art change under Akhenaten? Akhenaten changed...
What is Akhenaten’s legacy?
What is Akhenaten’s legacy? Although Akhenaten’s reign saw sweeping...
What was the Black Panther Party?
What was the Black Panther Party? The Black Panther Party was...
Who started the Black Panther Party?
Who started the Black Panther Party? Students Bobby Seale and...
Who were notable members of the Black Panther Party?
Who were notable members of the Black Panther Party? In addition...
What was the FBI’s response to the Black Panther Party?
What was the FBI’s response to the Black Panther Party? The FBI...
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act? The Chinese Exclusion Act...
How did the Chinese Exclusion Act affect Chinese immigrants who were already in the United States?
How did the Chinese Exclusion Act affect Chinese immigrants who...
Why was the Chinese Exclusion Act repealed?
Why was the Chinese Exclusion Act repealed? Various factors contributed...
How did the Chinese Exclusion Act affect America?
How did the Chinese Exclusion Act affect America? The Chinese...
Why is Le Corbusier important?
Why is Le Corbusier important? Le Corbusier was an influential...
What is Le Corbusier famous for?
What is Le Corbusier famous for? Some of Le Corbusier’s most...
How was Le Corbusier educated?
How was Le Corbusier educated? Le Corbusier had no formal training...
Why is Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini important?
Why is Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini important? Ayatollah Ruhollah...
How did Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini come to power?
How did Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini come to power? Ayatollah...
How was Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini educated?
How was Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini educated? Ayatollah Ruhollah...
Why is Ludwig Mies van der Rohe so famous?
Why is Ludwig Mies van der Rohe so famous? Ludwig Mies van der...
What is Ludwig Mies van der Rohe famous for?
What is Ludwig Mies van der Rohe famous for? Some of Ludwig...
What was Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s family like?
What was Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s family like? Ludwig Mies...
How did Ludwig Mies van der Rohe become famous?
How did Ludwig Mies van der Rohe become famous? Ludwig Mies van...
How did Josip Broz Tito come to power?
How did Josip Broz Tito come to power? From 1920 Josip Broz Tito...
Why was Josip Broz Tito significant?
Why was Josip Broz Tito significant? In his role as premier and,...
How did Vespasian become emperor?
How did Vespasian become emperor? Vespasian distinguished himself...
What was Vespasian’s family like?
What was Vespasian’s family like? Vespasian was the son of Flavius...
What role did science play in H.G. Wells’s life?
What role did science play in H.G. Wells’s life? At age 18, H.G....
What did H.G. Wells write?
What did H.G. Wells write? H.G. Wells was a versatile author....
What was H.G. Wells’s view on human progress?
What was H.G. Wells’s view on human progress? H.G. Wells was...
When was Black History Month first celebrated?
When was Black History Month first celebrated? Black History...
How is Black History Month celebrated?
How is Black History Month celebrated? Black History Month is...
What was Solomon Northup’s childhood like?
What was Solomon Northup’s childhood like? Solomon Northup was...
How did Solomon Northup become enslaved?
How did Solomon Northup become enslaved? In 1841 Solomon Northup...
What was Solomon Northup’s occupation?
What was Solomon Northup’s occupation? Solomon Northup worked...
What were Jane Addams’s accomplishments?
What were Jane Addams’s accomplishments? Addams was the first...
What were Jane Addams’s beliefs?
What were Jane Addams’s beliefs? Addams believed that effective...
What was Subhas Chandra Bose’s education?
What was Subhas Chandra Bose’s education? Subhas Chandra Bose...
What was Subhas Chandra Bose’s impact?
What was Subhas Chandra Bose’s impact? Subhas Chandra Bose (known...
What is Charles I known for?
What is Charles I known for? Charles I was the king of Great...
What was Charles I’s early life like?
What was Charles I’s early life like? Charles I was born in 1600...
How did Charles I become king of Great Britain and Ireland?
How did Charles I become king of Great Britain and Ireland? When...
What was the relationship between Charles I and Parliament like?
What was the relationship between Charles I and Parliament like?...
Why was Charles I executed?
Why was Charles I executed? On January 20, 1649, Charles I was...
What was Deng Xiaoping best known for?
What was Deng Xiaoping best known for? As the most powerful figure...
How did Deng Xiaoping influence others?
How did Deng Xiaoping influence others? Deng Xiaoping engineered...
Who was Henry II?
Who was Henry II? Henry II was king of England from 1154 to 1189....
How did Henry II expand the kingdom of England?
How did Henry II expand the kingdom of England? Henry acquired...
What were Henry II’s greatest accomplishments as king?
What were Henry II’s greatest accomplishments as king? Determined...
What did Martin Luther King, Jr., do?
What did Martin Luther King, Jr., do? Martin Luther King, Jr.,...
What is Martin Luther King, Jr., known for?
What is Martin Luther King, Jr., known for? Martin Luther King,...
Who did Martin Luther King, Jr., influence and in what ways?
Who did Martin Luther King, Jr., influence and in what ways?...
What was Martin Luther King’s family life like?
What was Martin Luther King’s family life like? Martin Luther...
How did Martin Luther King, Jr., die?
How did Martin Luther King, Jr., die? Martin Luther King, Jr.,...
Who was Kublai Khan?
Who was Kublai Khan? Kublai Khan was a Mongolian general and...
What were Kublai Khan’s accomplishments?
What were Kublai Khan’s accomplishments? Kublai Khan was the...
What was Kublai Khan’s legacy?
What was Kublai Khan’s legacy? Kublai Khan is remembered as...
What was Golda Meir’s early life like?
What was Golda Meir’s early life like? Golda Meir was born Goldie...
What did Golda Meir accomplish?
What did Golda Meir accomplish? As prime minister, Golda Meir...
What was William Penn’s education?
What was William Penn’s education? William Penn received a classical...
What is William Penn best known for?
What is William Penn best known for? William Penn was an English...
What is Solomon most famous for?
What is Solomon most famous for? Solomon is known for being the...
What was the religion of Solomon?
What was the religion of Solomon? The religion of Solomon was...
Who were Solomon’s sons?
Who were Solomon’s sons? Solomon was succeeded by his son Rehoboam,...
What are Jody Williams’s views on the future threats of land mines?
What are Jody Williams’s views on the future threats of land...
Where did Auguste Comte go to school?
Where did Auguste Comte go to school? Comte was educated by private...
What was Auguste Comte best known for?
What was Auguste Comte best known for? A philosopher, mathematician,...
Where was Diana, princess of Wales, born and raised?
Where was Diana, princess of Wales, born and raised? Diana was...
What was Diana, princess of Wales, known for?
What was Diana, princess of Wales, known for? Diana, princess...
What was education like in ancient Athens?
What was education like in ancient Athens? Beginning approximately...
How does social class affect education attainment?
How does social class affect education attainment? Research has...
When did education become compulsory?
When did education become compulsory? While education is not...
What are alternative forms of education?
What are alternative forms of education? Alternative forms of...
What was Dwight D. Eisenhower’s family like?
What was Dwight D. Eisenhower’s family like? Dwight Eisenhower’s...
Where was Dwight D. Eisenhower educated?
Where was Dwight D. Eisenhower educated? Eisenhower was more...
How did Dwight D. Eisenhower become famous?
How did Dwight D. Eisenhower become famous? Eisenhower became...
When was Dwight D. Eisenhower president?
When was Dwight D. Eisenhower president? The 34th U.S. president,...
How did Giuseppe Garibaldi become famous?
How did Giuseppe Garibaldi become famous? Garibaldi fought for...
What did Modernism do?
What did Modernism do? All the arts sought an authentic response...
Where is Modernism today?
Where is Modernism today? Scholars suggest that Modernism ended...
What did Elizabeth Cady Stanton write?
What did Elizabeth Cady Stanton write? Stanton wrote most of...
Why was Harriet Beecher Stowe important?
Why was Harriet Beecher Stowe important? Harriet Beecher Stowe...
Why was Toussaint Louverture significant?
Why was Toussaint Louverture significant? One of Toussaint Louverture’s...
Who was Bhagat Singh?
Who was Bhagat Singh? Bhagat Singh was a hero of the early 20th-century...
Why is Bhagat Singh important?
Why is Bhagat Singh important? Bhagat Singh was involved in two...
How did Bhagat Singh die?
How did Bhagat Singh die? In 1931 Bhagat Singh was hanged for...
What is apartheid?
What is apartheid? Apartheid (Afrikaans: “apartness”) is the...
When did apartheid start?
When did apartheid start? Racial segregation had long existed...
How did apartheid end?
How did apartheid end? Under the administration of the South...
What is the apartheid era in South African history?
What is the apartheid era in South African history? The apartheid...
How was Kemal Atatürk educated?
How was Kemal Atatürk educated? Kemal Atatürk’s father, a local...
How did Kemal Atatürk come to power?
How did Kemal Atatürk come to power? Kemal Atatürk became a national...
What was Claudius’s childhood like?
What was Claudius’s childhood like? Son of the Roman general...
How did Claudius come to power?
How did Claudius come to power? Claudius’s appointment to consul...
What were Claudius’s achievements?
What were Claudius’s achievements? Claudius invaded Britain in...
How did Claudius die?
How did Claudius die? After marrying his niece Agrippina, Claudius...
Who were the first members of the Commonwealth?
Who were the first members of the Commonwealth? The Statute of...
What was the Counter-Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church?
What was the Counter-Reformation of the Roman Catholic Church?...
How were the Jesuits important in the Counter-Reformation?
How were the Jesuits important in the Counter-Reformation? The...
Was the Counter-Reformation successful?
Was the Counter-Reformation successful? Yes and no. As evidenced...
What was Frederick Douglass’s childhood like?
What was Frederick Douglass’s childhood like? Frederick Douglass...
How did Frederick Douglass become involved in the abolitionist movement?
How did Frederick Douglass become involved in the abolitionist...
How was Frederick Douglass involved in the American Civil War and Reconstruction?
How was Frederick Douglass involved in the American Civil War...
What are some of Frederick Douglass’s most famous writings and speeches?
What are some of Frederick Douglass’s most famous writings and...
What is Audrey Hepburn known for?
What is Audrey Hepburn known for? Audrey Hepburn was a Belgian-born...
Where is Audrey Hepburn from?
Where is Audrey Hepburn from? Although born in Belgium, Audrey...
How did Audrey Hepburn become an actress?
How did Audrey Hepburn become an actress? As a teenager, Audrey...
When did Audrey Hepburn retire?
When did Audrey Hepburn retire? After starring in the thriller...
What were Jim Crow laws?
What were Jim Crow laws? Jim Crow laws were any of the laws that...
How did Jim Crow laws get their name?
How did Jim Crow laws get their name? “Jump Jim Crow” was the...
How were Jim Crow laws used?
How were Jim Crow laws used? From the late 1870s Southern U.S....
When did Jim Crow laws come into being?
When did Jim Crow laws come into being? When federal troops were...
When did Jim Crow laws begin to disappear?
When did Jim Crow laws begin to disappear? In the U.S. South,...
What is Coretta Scott King best known for?
What is Coretta Scott King best known for? Coretta Scott King...
Why is Margaret Mead famous?
Why is Margaret Mead famous? Margaret Mead was an American anthropologist...
What is Jawaharlal Nehru known for?
What is Jawaharlal Nehru known for? Jawaharlal Nehru was the...
What were Jawaharlal Nehru’s accomplishments?
What were Jawaharlal Nehru’s accomplishments? Jawaharlal Nehru...
How did Jawaharlal Nehru change the world?
How did Jawaharlal Nehru change the world? Jawaharlal Nehru helped...
Why was Kwame Nkrumah influential?
Why was Kwame Nkrumah influential? Kwame Nkrumah spearheaded...
What was Kwame Nkrumah’s educational background?
What was Kwame Nkrumah’s educational background? Raised a Roman...
How did Kwame Nkrumah help lead Ghana to independence?
How did Kwame Nkrumah help lead Ghana to independence? In 1947...
What issues did Kwame Nkrumah’s government focus on?
What issues did Kwame Nkrumah’s government focus on? As Ghana’s...
What controversies did Kwame Nkrumah’s government face?
What controversies did Kwame Nkrumah’s government face? Kwame...
How was Alfred Nobel educated?
How was Alfred Nobel educated? Alfred Nobel initially learned...
What is Pierre Trudeau known for?
What is Pierre Trudeau known for? Pierre Trudeau served as the...
How did Pierre Trudeau lose office in 1979?
How did Pierre Trudeau lose office in 1979? Throughout the 1970s...
What have been some criticisms of UNICEF?
What have been some criticisms of UNICEF? One criticism of UNICEF...
How did Malala Yousafzai become famous?
How did Malala Yousafzai become famous? Malala Yousafzai initially...
What was Malala Yousafzai’s childhood like?
What was Malala Yousafzai’s childhood like? After her school...
When did the East L.A. walkouts happen?
When did the East L.A. walkouts happen? The East L.A. walkouts...
Who was involved in the East L.A. walkouts?
Who was involved in the East L.A. walkouts? Many people were...
Why did the East L.A. walkouts happen?
Why did the East L.A. walkouts happen? The cause of the East...
What did the East L.A. walkouts accomplish?
What did the East L.A. walkouts accomplish? The East L.A. walkouts...
Where was Émile Durkheim educated?
Where was Émile Durkheim educated? Émile Durkheim studied at...
Where did Émile Durkheim work?
Where did Émile Durkheim work? Émile Durkheim taught philosophy...
Why is Émile Durkheim significant?
Why is Émile Durkheim significant? Émile Durkheim was one of...
Who was Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla?
Who was Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla? Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla...
What is Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla known for?
What is Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla known for? After the French...
How did Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla die?
How did Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla die? In the fall and winter...
What are the four main elements of hip-hop?
What are the four main elements of hip-hop? While there is some...
How did hip-hop get its name?
How did hip-hop get its name? There are various explanations...
Who are the founders of hip-hop?
Who are the founders of hip-hop? While a number of people were...
What was the first major hip-hop song?
What was the first major hip-hop song? Although not the first...
What were the effects of the Great Famine?
What were the effects of the Great Famine? As a direct consequence...
How did the potato blight happen?
How did the potato blight happen? The Irish relied on one or...
Who was Bartolomé de Las Casas?
Who was Bartolomé de Las Casas? Bartolomé de Las Casas was a...
What is Bartolomé de Las Casas known for?
What is Bartolomé de Las Casas known for? Bartolomé de Las Casas...
Did Bartolomé de Las Casas ever own serfs?
Did Bartolomé de Las Casas ever own serfs? Bartolomé de Las Casas...
What did Bartolomé de Las Casas write?
What did Bartolomé de Las Casas write? Bartolomé de Las Casas...
What impact did Bartolomé de Las Casas’s writings have in Spain?
What impact did Bartolomé de Las Casas’s writings have in Spain?...
How did Mehmed II come to power?
How did Mehmed II come to power? Mehmed II acceded to the throne...
What were Mehmed II’s goals?
What were Mehmed II’s goals? Mehmed II had many ambitious goals,...
What was Mehmed II’s legacy?
What was Mehmed II’s legacy? Mehmed the Conqueror captured Constantinople...
What were Jacob Riis’s accomplishments?
What were Jacob Riis’s accomplishments? In addition to his writing,...
Why is Bal Gangadhar Tilak significant?
Why is Bal Gangadhar Tilak significant? Bal Gangadhar Tilak,...
What were Bal Gangadhar Tilak’s beliefs?
What were Bal Gangadhar Tilak’s beliefs? Bal Gangadhar Tilak...
How was John Wycliffe involved with politics?
How was John Wycliffe involved with politics? John Wycliffe was...
What were the events leading up to the assassination of U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy?
What were the events leading up to the assassination of U.S....
Why was U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy in Texas on November 22, 1963?
Why was U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy in Texas on November 22, 1963?...
Who assassinated U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy?
Who assassinated U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy? Twenty-four-year-old...
Why is the assassination of U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy significant?
Why is the assassination of U.S. Pres. John F. Kennedy significant?...
What does the name illuminati refer to?
What does the name illuminati refer to? Illuminati—the plural...
What are the origins of the illuminati?
What are the origins of the illuminati? Though the term illuminati...
What was the Bavarian illuminati group?
What was the Bavarian illuminati group? The Bavarian illuminati...
Who are some notable members of illuminati groups?
Who are some notable members of illuminati groups? Adam Weishaupt...
When was Confucius born?
When was Confucius born? Although the facts about the life of...
How did Darius the Great come to power?
How did Darius the Great come to power? Darius was a member of...
How was Darius the Great influential?
How was Darius the Great influential? Darius the Great helped...
What was St. Francis of Assisi’s early life like?
What was St. Francis of Assisi’s early life like? St. Francis...
What is St. Francis of Assisi famous for?
What is St. Francis of Assisi famous for? St. Francis is one...
Where was Sigmund Freud educated?
Where was Sigmund Freud educated? After graduating (1873) from...
What did Sigmund Freud die of?
What did Sigmund Freud die of? Sigmund Freud died of a lethal...
Why is Sigmund Freud famous?
Why is Sigmund Freud famous? Freud is famous for inventing and...
Who was Mikhail Gorbachev?
Who was Mikhail Gorbachev? Mikhail Gorbachev was a Soviet politician....
How did Mikhail Gorbachev become president of the Soviet Union?
How did Mikhail Gorbachev become president of the Soviet Union?...
What is Mikhail Gorbachev known for?
What is Mikhail Gorbachev known for? Mikhail Gorbachev played...
What did Mikhail Gorbachev do after the fall of the Soviet Union?
What did Mikhail Gorbachev do after the fall of the Soviet Union?...
Who was Justinian I?
Who was Justinian I? Justinian I served as emperor of the Byzantine...
How did Justinian I become emperor?
How did Justinian I become emperor? Justinian I was born of peasant...
What did Justinian I accomplish as emperor?
What did Justinian I accomplish as emperor? Emperor Justinian...
What was the Code of Justinian?
What was the Code of Justinian? The Codex Justinianus, or Code...
Who was Martin Luther?
Who was Martin Luther? Martin Luther, a 16th-century monk and...
What is Lutheranism?
What is Lutheranism? Lutheranism is one of the five major strands...
What was radical about Martin Luther’s teachings?
What was radical about Martin Luther’s teachings? Martin Luther’s...
What implications did Martin Luther’s work have for realms other than the religious?
What implications did Martin Luther’s work have for realms other...
Did Martin Luther have a family?
Did Martin Luther have a family? Martin Luther did have a family,...
What was Maria Theresa’s childhood like?
What was Maria Theresa’s childhood like? From the day she was...
Who was Napoleon?
Who was Napoleon? Napoleon I, also called Napoléon Bonaparte,...
How did Napoleon become emperor of France?
How did Napoleon become emperor of France? Napoleon first seized...
What did Napoleon accomplish?
What did Napoleon accomplish? Napoleon served as first consul...
What happened to Napoleon?
What happened to Napoleon? After a series of military defeats...
Was Napoleon short?
Was Napoleon short? No! “Le Petit Caporal” wasn’t petite—at least...
What was Peter the Great’s childhood like?
What was Peter the Great’s childhood like? Peter’s father, Tsar...
Who were Peter the Great’s wives?
Who were Peter the Great’s wives? In 1689 Peter wed Eudoxia,...
Why is Herbert Spencer famous?
Why is Herbert Spencer famous? Herbert Spencer is famous for...
What is a Grammy Award?
What is a Grammy Award? A Grammy Award is any of a series of...
Who gives out the Grammy Awards?
Who gives out the Grammy Awards? The Grammy Awards are annually...
What is the Latin Grammy Award?
What is the Latin Grammy Award? In 1997 the National Academy...
How did India gain independence from British rule?
How did India gain independence from British rule? India’s path...
What did Judith Butler write?
What did Judith Butler write? Judith Butler wrote, among other...
Why is Judith Butler important?
Why is Judith Butler important? Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble:...
What was Andrew Carnegie best known for?
What was Andrew Carnegie best known for? Andrew Carnegie was...
What is Catherine the Great known for?
What is Catherine the Great known for? Catherine II, called Catherine...
How did Catherine the Great come into power?
How did Catherine the Great come into power? Catherine the Great...
What was the Instruction of Catherine the Great?
What was the Instruction of Catherine the Great? The Instruction...
How did Catherine the Great die?
How did Catherine the Great die? Contrary to popular belief,...
Why is Diocletian important?
Why is Diocletian important? As Roman emperor for more than 20...
What did Diocletian do to Christians?
What did Diocletian do to Christians? At the urging of the caesar...
What was Henry Ford’s childhood like?
What was Henry Ford’s childhood like? Henry Ford was one of eight...
What did Gandhi try to accomplish with his activism?
What did Gandhi try to accomplish with his activism? Initially,...
What were Gandhi’s religious beliefs?
What were Gandhi’s religious beliefs? Gandhi’s family practiced...
What other social movements did Gandhi’s activism inspire?
What other social movements did Gandhi’s activism inspire? Within...
What was Gandhi’s personal life like?
What was Gandhi’s personal life like? Gandhi’s father was a local...
What were contemporary opinions of Gandhi?
What were contemporary opinions of Gandhi? As lauded a figure...
What did Ho Chi Minh accomplish?
What did Ho Chi Minh accomplish? Ho Chi Minh led a long and ultimately...
How did Ho Chi Minh grow up?
How did Ho Chi Minh grow up? Ho Chi Minh grew up in a small village...
Where was Thomas Malthus educated?
Where was Thomas Malthus educated? Thomas Malthus was educated...
What did Thomas Malthus write?
What did Thomas Malthus write? In 1798 Thomas Malthus published...
How did Thomas Malthus influence the world?
How did Thomas Malthus influence the world? Thomas Malthus’s...
How did Mother’s Day start?
How did Mother’s Day start? Anna Jarvis celebrated the first...
What is the difference between a nation and a state?
What is the difference between a nation and a state? A nation...
What is a nationalist movement?
What is a nationalist movement? A nationalist movement may be...
When did nationalist movements first arise?
When did nationalist movements first arise? Although the 17th-century...
What events led to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?
What events led to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of...
What were the inspirations for the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?
What were the inspirations for the Declaration of the Rights...
Who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?
Who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?...
What are the main points of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?
What are the main points of the Declaration of the Rights of...
Why is Jean-Jacques Rousseau famous?
Why is Jean-Jacques Rousseau famous? Jean-Jacques Rousseau is...
Why is Sun Yat-sen important?
Why is Sun Yat-sen important? Sun Yat-sen was the leader of the...
What was Sun Yat-sen’s childhood like?
What was Sun Yat-sen’s childhood like? Sun was born to poor farmers...
What was Sun Yat-sen’s occupation?
What was Sun Yat-sen’s occupation? Sun Yat-sen trained as a doctor...
What is Sun Yat-sen remembered for?
What is Sun Yat-sen remembered for? Sun Yat-sen had a magnetic...
What was Madam C.J. Walker’s childhood like?
What was Madam C.J. Walker’s childhood like? Walker was born...
How did Madam C.J. Walker help the world?
How did Madam C.J. Walker help the world? Walker provided scholarships...
Who was Otto von Bismarck?
Who was Otto von Bismarck? Otto von Bismarck served as prime...
Where was Otto von Bismarck educated?
Where was Otto von Bismarck educated? At age seven Otto von...
What was Oliver Cromwell’s family like?
What was Oliver Cromwell’s family like? The son of Robert Cromwell—a...
What were Oliver Cromwell’s beliefs?
What were Oliver Cromwell’s beliefs? In religious matters, Oliver...
What did Oliver Cromwell accomplish?
What did Oliver Cromwell accomplish? As one of the generals...
How did Oliver Cromwell influence others?
How did Oliver Cromwell influence others? Oliver Cromwell’s...
Who was Dred Scott?
Who was Dred Scott? Dred Scott was an enslaved person who accompanied...
What was the Dred Scott decision?
What was the Dred Scott decision? The Dred Scott decision was...
How did the Dred Scott decision contribute to the American Civil War?
How did the Dred Scott decision contribute to the American Civil...
How did the Dred Scott decision affect the election of 1860?
How did the Dred Scott decision affect the election of 1860?...
How is the Dred Scott decision remembered?
How is the Dred Scott decision remembered? Many constitutional...
Where was Thomas Jefferson educated?
Where was Thomas Jefferson educated? As a teenager, Thomas Jefferson...
What was Thomas Jefferson like?
What was Thomas Jefferson like? Thomas Jefferson was known for...
What is Thomas Jefferson remembered for?
What is Thomas Jefferson remembered for? Thomas Jefferson is...
Where did Benito Juárez get his education?
Where did Benito Juárez get his education? Benito Juárez began...
What did Benito Juárez believe in?
What did Benito Juárez believe in? As a young politician, Benito...
Why was Benito Juárez significant?
Why was Benito Juárez significant? The president of Mexico (1861–72)...
What were Abraham Lincoln’s politics?
What were Abraham Lincoln’s politics? Abraham Lincoln was a member...
How did Abraham Lincoln get into politics?
How did Abraham Lincoln get into politics? From 1834 to 1840,...
What were Abraham Lincoln’s chief goals in the American Civil War?
What were Abraham Lincoln’s chief goals in the American Civil...
What is Abraham Lincoln’s legacy?
What is Abraham Lincoln’s legacy? For many, Abraham Lincoln has...
What was Abraham Lincoln’s personal life like?
What was Abraham Lincoln’s personal life like? Abraham Lincoln...
What are John Locke’s most famous works?
What are John Locke’s most famous works? John Locke’s most famous...
What contributions did John Locke make to epistemology?
What contributions did John Locke make to epistemology? In epistemology...
What contributions did John Locke make to political theory?
What contributions did John Locke make to political theory? In...
How did John Locke influence the design of U.S. government?
How did John Locke influence the design of U.S. government? John...
How did Benito Mussolini rise to power?
How did Benito Mussolini rise to power? While working for various...
What were Benito Mussolini’s political beliefs?
What were Benito Mussolini’s political beliefs? Benito Mussolini...
Where did the word fascism come from?
Where did the word fascism come from? Benito Mussolini was Europe’s...
What was Benito Mussolini’s role in World War II?
What was Benito Mussolini’s role in World War II? Benito Mussolini...
What was Benito Mussolini’s personal life like?
What was Benito Mussolini’s personal life like? Benito Mussolini...
Why was Margaret Sanger important?
Why was Margaret Sanger important? Margaret Sanger was the founder...
What did Margaret Sanger do for a living?
What did Margaret Sanger do for a living? Margaret Sanger practiced...
What did Margaret Sanger accomplish?
What did Margaret Sanger accomplish? In 1916 Margaret Sanger...
What is Mary Wollstonecraft best known for?
What is Mary Wollstonecraft best known for? Mary Wollstonecraft...
When did Mary Wollstonecraft get married?
When did Mary Wollstonecraft get married? In 1796 Mary Wollstonecraft...
What did Mary Wollstonecraft do for a living?
What did Mary Wollstonecraft do for a living? The daughter of...
Who was John Newton?
Who was John Newton? John Newton was an English slave trader...
Why did John Newton write “Amazing Grace”?
Why did John Newton write “Amazing Grace”? John Newton wrote...
How did the M23 group originate?
How did the M23 group originate? M23 originated from the National...
Who were some key figures of the American civil rights movement?
Who were some key figures of the American civil rights movement?...
Why is Marcus Garvey important?
Why is Marcus Garvey important? Marcus Garvey organized the United...
How did Marcus Garvey become influential?
How did Marcus Garvey become influential? Marcus Garvey left...
Why was Marcus Garvey’s ideology controversial?
Why was Marcus Garvey’s ideology controversial? Marcus Garvey’s...
Why did Marcus Garvey lose influence?
Why did Marcus Garvey lose influence? While Marcus Garvey’s views...
What is the Magna Carta?
What is the Magna Carta? The Magna Carta (“Great Charter”)...
What did the Magna Carta guarantee?
What did the Magna Carta guarantee? Among the Magna Carta’s...
When was the Magna Carta reissued?
When was the Magna Carta reissued? King John’s successor,...
Why does the Magna Carta matter today?
Why does the Magna Carta matter today? The enduring influence...
Where is the Magna Carta kept?
Where is the Magna Carta kept? There are four extant original...
What did Plato do?
What did Plato do? Plato was a philosopher during the 5th century...
What is Plato known for?
What is Plato known for? Plato’s most famous work is the Republic,...
When was Plato alive?
When was Plato alive? Plato was born in 428/427 BCE to a noble...
What was Plato’s family like?
What was Plato’s family like? Plato did not have children, and...
Why was the Council of Trent convened?
Why was the Council of Trent convened? The Council of Trent was...
How did the Council of Trent clarify Roman Catholic doctrine?
How did the Council of Trent clarify Roman Catholic doctrine?...
How did the Council of Trent reform the Roman Catholic Church?
How did the Council of Trent reform the Roman Catholic Church?...
What is communism?
What is communism? Communism is a political and economic system...
Which countries are communist?
Which countries are communist? At one time about one-third of...
How is communism different from socialism?
How is communism different from socialism? Exactly how communism...
What are the origins of communism?
What are the origins of communism? Although the term communism...
What is Charles Darwin famous for?
What is Charles Darwin famous for? Charles Darwin’s theory of...
What is evolution, as Charles Darwin understood it?
What is evolution, as Charles Darwin understood it? Charles Darwin’s...
What was Charles Darwin’s educational background?
What was Charles Darwin’s educational background? Growing up,...
What was Charles Darwin’s family life like?
What was Charles Darwin’s family life like? Charles Darwin was...
What were the social impacts of Charles Darwin’s work?
What were the social impacts of Charles Darwin’s work? Charles...
How did Fidel Castro come to power?
How did Fidel Castro come to power? Fidel Castro’s revolutionary...
What did Fidel Castro do as leader of Cuba?
What did Fidel Castro do as leader of Cuba? Fidel Castro turned...
What was Fidel Castro’s personal life like?
What was Fidel Castro’s personal life like? Fidel Castro was...
What were Fidel Castro’s political beliefs?
What were Fidel Castro’s political beliefs? Fidel Castro professed...
What happened in Cuba after Fidel Castro left power?
What happened in Cuba after Fidel Castro left power? In the years...
When and where was Nelson Mandela born?
When and where was Nelson Mandela born? Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela,...
When did Nelson Mandela die?
When did Nelson Mandela die? Nelson Mandela died on December...
What is Nelson Mandela known for?
What is Nelson Mandela known for? Nelson Mandela is known for...
What publications did Nelson Mandela write?
What publications did Nelson Mandela write? Nelson Mandela’s...
Who were the intellectual founders of liberalism?
Who were the intellectual founders of liberalism? The intellectual...
How is liberalism related to democracy?
How is liberalism related to democracy? In John Locke’s theory,...
How does classical liberalism differ from modern liberalism?
How does classical liberalism differ from modern liberalism?...
How does modern liberalism differ from conservatism?
How does modern liberalism differ from conservatism? Modern liberals...
What is Area 51?
What is Area 51? Area 51 is an active U.S. Air Force military...
Why has Area 51 been the focus of conspiracy theories?
Why has Area 51 been the focus of conspiracy theories? Conspiracy...
When did the U.S. government acknowledge Area 51’s existence?
When did the U.S. government acknowledge Area 51’s existence?...
How is Kwanzaa celebrated?
How is Kwanzaa celebrated? Each day of Kwanzaa is tied to one...
What is Columbus Day?
What is Columbus Day? Columbus Day is a national holiday in...
What is Indigenous Peoples’ Day?
What is Indigenous Peoples’ Day? Indigenous Peoples’ Day is...
Where did Labor Day come from?
Where did Labor Day come from? Union leader Peter J. McGuire...
What is racism?
What is racism? Racism is the belief that humans can be divided...
What are some of the societal aspects of racism?
What are some of the societal aspects of racism? Historically,...
What are some of the measures taken to combat racism?
What are some of the measures taken to combat racism? Racism...
How did the Academy Awards start?
How did the Academy Awards start? When the Academy of Motion...
How does Academy Award voting work?
How does Academy Award voting work? Only members of the Academy...
Why is the Academy Award called “Oscar”?
Why is the Academy Award called “Oscar”? The Academy Award statuette’s...
What is the significance of the #OscarsSoWhite hashtag?
What is the significance of the #OscarsSoWhite hashtag? The...
Where are the Academy Awards held?
Where are the Academy Awards held? Since 2002, the Academy Awards...
What was the Great Migration?
What was the Great Migration? The Great Migration was the movement...
Why did many African Americans participate in the Great Migration?
Why did many African Americans participate in the Great Migration?...
How did the Great Migration affect African American culture?
How did the Great Migration affect African American culture?...
What is Generation X known for?
What is Generation X known for? Generation X is known as the...
How did Generation X get its name?
How did Generation X get its name? The term Generation X was...
What caused the American Civil War?
What caused the American Civil War? The American Civil War was...
Who won the American Civil War?
Who won the American Civil War? The Union won the American Civil...
Who were the most important figures in the American Civil War?
Who were the most important figures in the American Civil War?...
Why are Confederate symbols controversial?
Why are Confederate symbols controversial? The modern usage...
Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from elementary schools and libraries?
Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from elementary...
Should corporal punishment be used in elementary schools?
Should corporal punishment be used in elementary schools? Whether...
Should dress codes be implemented and enforced in elementary education settings?
Should dress codes be implemented and enforced in elementary...
Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from high schools and libraries?
Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from high...
Should corporal punishment be used in high schools?
Should corporal punishment be used in high schools? Whether...
Should dress codes be implemented and enforced in high school?
Should dress codes be implemented and enforced in high school?...
Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from junior high schools and libraries?
Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from junior...
Should corporal punishment be used in junior high schools?
Should corporal punishment be used in junior high schools? Whether...
Should dress codes be implemented and enforced in junior high school?
Should dress codes be implemented and enforced in junior high...
Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from primary schools and libraries?
Should parents or other adults be able to ban books from primary...
Should corporal punishment be used in primary schools?
Should corporal punishment be used in primary schools? Whether...
Should dress codes be implemented and enforced in primary school?
Should dress codes be implemented and enforced in primary school?...
Why is the Fourth of July celebrated with fireworks?
Why is the Fourth of July celebrated with fireworks? In Fourth...
Should election day be made a national holiday like Independence Day?
Should election day be made a national holiday like Independence...
What is a university?
What is a university? A university is an institution of higher...
Should university student loan debt be eliminated via forgiveness or bankruptcy?
Should university student loan debt be eliminated via forgiveness...
Should universities pay college athletes?
Should universities pay college athletes? Whether university...
Is a university education worth it?
Is a university education worth it? Whether a university education...
Should college student loan debt be eliminated via forgiveness or bankruptcy?
Should college student loan debt be eliminated via forgiveness...
Should colleges pay college athletes?
Should colleges pay college athletes? Whether college athletes...
Is a college education worth it?
Is a college education worth it? Whether a college education...
When was Martin Luther King, Jr., Day established?
When was Martin Luther King, Jr., Day established? Legislation...
What is the World Cup?
What is the World Cup? The World Cup in football (soccer) is...
Why is the World Cup every four years?
Why is the World Cup every four years? The World Cup happens...
How does qualifying for the World Cup work?
How does qualifying for the World Cup work? Qualifying for the...
Where does World Cup prize money come from?
Where does World Cup prize money come from? World Cup prize...
Who is the World Cup’s top scorer?
Who is the World Cup’s top scorer? The men’s World Cup all-time...
Where did Halloween come from?
Where did Halloween come from? Halloween may have developed...
How did Tarana Burke start the Me Too movement?
How did Tarana Burke start the Me Too movement? After leading...
Besides the Me Too movement, what are some of Tarana Burke’s accomplishments?
Besides the Me Too movement, what are some of Tarana Burke’s...
What is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month?
What is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month? ...
When did Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month originate?
When did Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month originate?...
Who is included in Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month?
Who is included in Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage...
Why is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month observed in May?
Why is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month observed...
What was Tank Man protesting?
What was Tank Man protesting? Tank Man was most likely protesting...
Why is Tank Man important?
Why is Tank Man important? After facing down the Chinese army’s...
What happened to Tank Man?
What happened to Tank Man? The fate of Tank Man is unknown....
Why is May Day celebrated?
Why is May Day celebrated? May Day, also called Workers’ Day...
What is a national park?
What is a national park? A national park is an area set aside...
What was the first national park?
What was the first national park? Yellowstone National Park,...
Who does the Day of the Dead honour?
Who does the Day of the Dead honour? The Day of the Dead is about...
What is the NCAA?
What is the NCAA? The National Collegiate Athletic Association...
Should colleges and universities pay NCAA college athletes?
Should colleges and universities pay NCAA college athletes? ...
What is Desmond Tutu best known for?
What is Desmond Tutu best known for? Desmond Tutu was a South...
How did Desmond Tutu change the world?
How did Desmond Tutu change the world? Desmond Tutu drew national...
What is Warren Buffett's primary investment vehicle?
What is Warren Buffett's primary investment vehicle? In 1965...
What charities does Warren Buffett donate money to?
What charities does Warren Buffett donate money to? In June 2006...
What is the significance of Brown v. Board of Education?
What is the significance of Brown v. Board of Education? Brown...
What was the aftermath of Brown v. Board of Education?
What was the aftermath of Brown v. Board of Education? After...
What were the goals of the Cultural Revolution?
What were the goals of the Cultural Revolution? Mao Zedong had...
What was the Compromise of 1850?
What was the Compromise of 1850? The Compromise of 1850 was a...
What measures were adopted in the Compromise of 1850?
What measures were adopted in the Compromise of 1850? The Compromise...
Was the Compromise of 1850 a success or a failure?
Was the Compromise of 1850 a success or a failure? The Compromise...
Who gave the speech that preceded Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?
Who gave the speech that preceded Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?...
What role did Malcolm X play in the emergence of the Black Power movement?
What role did Malcolm X play in the emergence of the Black Power...
What was Malcolm X’s early life like?
What was Malcolm X’s early life like? Malcolm X was born in...
When did Malcolm X convert to Islam?
When did Malcolm X convert to Islam? After hearing about the...
What was Malcolm X’s relationship with the civil rights movement?
What was Malcolm X’s relationship with the civil rights movement?...
How did Malcolm X die?
How did Malcolm X die? Malcolm X was assassinated on February...
What did Mohammed Ali Jinnah study?
What did Mohammed Ali Jinnah study? Mohammed Ali Jinnah was sent...
What is libertarianism?
What is libertarianism? Libertarianism is a political philosophy...
What is the origin of libertarianism?
What is the origin of libertarianism? Libertarianism has deep...
What is the Nationalist Party?
What is the Nationalist Party? The Nationalist Party is a political...
What does the Nationalist Party stand for?
What does the Nationalist Party stand for? When it controlled...
Who does affirmative action protect?
Who does affirmative action protect? Affirmative action in the...
Where does affirmative action apply?
Where does affirmative action apply? As a government remedy...
When did affirmative action start?
When did affirmative action start? Affirmative action was initiated...
Where does the term affirmative action come from?
Where does the term affirmative action come from? The term affirmative...
What is critical race theory?
What is critical race theory? Critical race theory is an intellectual...
Why was critical race theory developed?
Why was critical race theory developed? Critical race theory...
Why is critical race theory important?
Why is critical race theory important? Critical race theory...
How does critical race theory challenge the neutrality of law?
How does critical race theory challenge the neutrality of law?...
How did critical race theory evolve?
How did critical race theory evolve? Critical race theory evolved...
What was Calhoun's view on slavery?
What was Calhoun's view on slavery? John C. Calhoun championed...
Which college did Booker T. Washington attend?
Which college did Booker T. Washington attend? Booker T. Washington...
What was the Atlanta Compromise speech about?
What was the Atlanta Compromise speech about? The Atlanta Compromise...
Who was Rosa Parks?
Who was Rosa Parks? Rosa Parks was an American civil rights...
Why is Rosa Parks important?
Why is Rosa Parks important? When Rosa Parks refused to give...
Was Rosa Parks the first Black woman to refuse to give up her seat on a segregated bus?
Was Rosa Parks the first Black woman to refuse to give up her...
Who is Valentine’s Day named for?
Who is Valentine’s Day named for? Although there were several...
How is Valentine’s Day celebrated?
How is Valentine’s Day celebrated? Valentine’s Day is commonly...
What were Helen Keller’s accomplishments?
What were Helen Keller’s accomplishments? Helen Keller’s personal...
What was Helen Keller’s relationship with Anne Sullivan?
What was Helen Keller’s relationship with Anne Sullivan? Anne...
Why is Helen Keller important?
Why is Helen Keller important? Helen Keller was an author, activist,...
What are New Year festivals?
What are New Year festivals? New Year festivals include all...
Why does the new year begin on January 1?
Why does the new year begin on January 1? The Roman republican...
How is New Year’s Eve celebrated?
How is New Year’s Eve celebrated? New Year’s Eve is celebrated...
Why does a ball drop on New Year’s Eve?
Why does a ball drop on New Year’s Eve? The New Year’s Eve Ball...
What role did the Indian National Congress play in the Indian independence movement?
What role did the Indian National Congress play in the Indian...
What policies have historically been supported by the Indian National Congress?
What policies have historically been supported by the Indian...
Is the Indian National Congress’s Gandhi family related to Mahatma Gandhi?
Is the Indian National Congress’s Gandhi family related to Mahatma...
Who were some early feminist thinkers and activists?
Who were some early feminist thinkers and activists? In medieval...
What is intersectional feminism?
What is intersectional feminism? Intersectionality is a term...
How have feminist politics changed the world?
How have feminist politics changed the world? Feminism has provided...
Why is the Rothschild family important?
Why is the Rothschild family important? As the most prominent...
What conspiracy theories have the Rothschild family been the subject of?
What conspiracy theories have the Rothschild family been the...
Why didn’t Lyndon B. Johnson seek another term as president?
Why didn’t Lyndon B. Johnson seek another term as president?...
Why is John Brown significant?
Why is John Brown significant? Militant American abolitionist...
What was John Brown’s life like?
What was John Brown’s life like? John Brown relocated his large...
How did John Brown become famous?
How did John Brown become famous? Long before the Harpers Ferry...
How did John Brown die?
How did John Brown die? After the Harpers Ferry Raid, John Brown...
What was John Brown’s legacy?
What was John Brown’s legacy? When he learned that John Brown...
Where did Father’s Day come from?
Where did Father’s Day come from? Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane,...
What are civil rights?
What are civil rights? Civil rights are an essential component...
Where do civil rights come from?
Where do civil rights come from? Unlike human rights or natural...
What was the civil rights movement in the U.S.?
What was the civil rights movement in the U.S.? The marginalization...
When did samurai exist?
When did samurai exist? Emerging from provincial warrior bands,...
Why did samurai commit seppuku?
Why did samurai commit seppuku? The ideal samurai was supposed...
What was the Reconstruction era?
What was the Reconstruction era? The Reconstruction era was the...
What were the Reconstruction era promises?
What were the Reconstruction era promises? While U.S. Pres. Andrew...
Was the Reconstruction era a success or a failure?
Was the Reconstruction era a success or a failure? During a brief...
What is democracy?
What is democracy? Democracy is a system of government in which...
Where was democracy first practiced?
Where was democracy first practiced? Studies of contemporary...
How is democracy better than other forms of government?
How is democracy better than other forms of government? States...
Why does democracy need education?
Why does democracy need education? The hallmark of democracy...
Who were Alexander II’s parents?
Who were Alexander II’s parents? The future tsar Alexander II...
What did Alexander II accomplish?
What did Alexander II accomplish? Tsar Alexander II initiated...
Who was Jeremy Bentham?
Who was Jeremy Bentham? Jeremy Bentham was a philosopher, economist,...
Why is Jeremy Bentham important?
Why is Jeremy Bentham important? Jeremy Bentham is important...
What is Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon?
What is Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon? Jeremy Bentham’s panopticon...
What is Jeremy Bentham’s auto-icon?
What is Jeremy Bentham’s auto-icon? Jeremy Bentham’s auto-icon,...
Where was Jeremy Bentham educated?
Where was Jeremy Bentham educated? Jeremy Bentham attended Westminster...
Why is Pericles important?
Why is Pericles important? Pericles was an Athenian statesman....
What was Pericles’ family like?
What was Pericles’ family like? Pericles was born into the Athenian...
Was Pericles married?
Was Pericles married? Pericles married in his late 20s but divorced...
What is Pericles remembered for?
What is Pericles remembered for? Pericles is perhaps best remembered...
How did Pericles die?
How did Pericles die? In the second year of the Peloponnesian...
What was Haile Selassie I known for?
What was Haile Selassie I known for? As emperor of Ethiopia (1930–74),...
How did Haile Selassie I die?
How did Haile Selassie I die? When Haile Selassie I died on August...