Top Questions
Entertainment & Pop CultureGeography & TravelHealth & MedicineLifestyles & Social IssuesLiteratureMoneyPhilosophy & ReligionPolitics, Law & GovernmentScienceSports & RecreationTechnologyVisual ArtsWorld History
Are algae toxic?
Are algae toxic? Some species of algae produce toxins that are...
Why are algae important?
Why are algae important? Algae produce up to half of the oxygen...
How is a black hole formed?
How is a black hole formed? A black hole can be formed by the...
What are some examples of black holes?
What are some examples of black holes? One example of a black...
What animals are considered cattle?
What animals are considered cattle? Animals included under the...
What is a continent?
What is a continent? A continent is a large continuous mass of...
Do continents move?
Do continents move? Geologists theorize that continents move....
What is the Pangea supercontinent?
What is the Pangea supercontinent? Pangea is a landmass of the...
What is the Equator?
What is the Equator? The Equator is the imaginary circle around...
What type of forest is found around the Equator?
What type of forest is found around the Equator? Tropical rainforests...
What is eugenics?
What is eugenics? Eugenics is the selection of desired heritable...
When was eugenics popular?
When was eugenics popular? Eugenics was supported by many scientific...
What was the American eugenics movement?
What was the American eugenics movement? The American eugenics...
What is a fruit?
What is a fruit? In a botanical sense, a fruit is the fleshy...
How do fruits form?
How do fruits form? After fertilization, or development without...
What do guinea pigs look like?
What do guinea pigs look like? Guinea pigs have a robust body...
How does immunization work?
How does immunization work? Immunization provides resistance,...
When are isotopes stable?
When are isotopes stable? Isotopes are said to be stable if,...
What is Jupiter made up of?
What is Jupiter made up of? Jupiter is composed primarily of...
Why is light important for life on Earth?
Why is light important for life on Earth? Light is a primary...
What is the lymphatic system?
What is the lymphatic system? The lymphatic system is a subsystem...
What are the main organs of the lymphatic system?
What are the main organs of the lymphatic system? The lymphatic...
What is the role of the lymphatic system in immunity?
What is the role of the lymphatic system in immunity? In addition...
What is the role of the lymphatic system in disease?
What is the role of the lymphatic system in disease? The importance...
Where do mango trees grow?
Where do mango trees grow? The mango is considered indigenous...
What is a marsupial?
What is a marsupial? A marsupial is a mammal that belongs to...
Where do marsupials live?
Where do marsupials live? Some 200 species of marsupials are...
How do marsupial pouches work?
How do marsupial pouches work? Because marsupials are born in...
What is the Oedipus complex?
What is the Oedipus complex? The Oedipus complex is a psychoanalytic...
Does the Oedipus complex apply to girls?
Does the Oedipus complex apply to girls? Although Sigmund Freud...
Is the Oedipus complex real?
Is the Oedipus complex real? Many aspects of the Oedipus complex...
What is the periodic table?
What is the periodic table? The periodic table is a tabular array...
Where does the periodic table come from?
Where does the periodic table come from? The arrangement of the...
Why does the periodic table split?
Why does the periodic table split? The periodic table has two...
What are the uses of pi?
What are the uses of pi? Pi is used for solving problems involving...
What do reindeer eat in the winter?
What do reindeer eat in the winter? In winter reindeer rely on...
What was Bertrand Russell’s childhood like?
What was Bertrand Russell’s childhood like? Bertrand Russell’s...
Where was Bertrand Russell educated?
Where was Bertrand Russell educated? During his childhood Bertrand...
What did Bertrand Russell write?
What did Bertrand Russell write? Bertrand Russell’s many philosophical...
Why is Bertrand Russell significant?
Why is Bertrand Russell significant? As a founding figure of...
How far is Saturn from Earth?
How far is Saturn from Earth? Saturn orbits the Sun at a mean...
What is Saturn’s largest moon?
What is Saturn’s largest moon? Titan is Saturn’s largest moon...
What are the planets in the solar system?
What are the planets in the solar system? There are eight planets...
How did the solar system form?
How did the solar system form? Scientists have multiple theories...
What is the largest squid?
What is the largest squid? The largest squids are the giant squids...
What is a thylacine?
What is a thylacine? The thylacine was a slender fox-faced animal...
Why is the thylacine extinct?
Why is the thylacine extinct? Competition with the dingo probably...
What do turtles eat?
What do turtles eat? Turtles eat a wide range of foods. Many...
How do turtle eggs hatch?
How do turtle eggs hatch? The hatching of a turtle consists of...
What does UNESCO stand for?
What does UNESCO stand for? The acronym UNESCO stands for United...
Why was UNESCO founded?
Why was UNESCO founded? UNESCO was originally founded to focus...
Where does UNESCO get its funding?
Where does UNESCO get its funding? UNESCO gets its funding from...
What is the UNESCO World Heritage List?
What is the UNESCO World Heritage List? In 1972 UNESCO sponsored...
How does UNESCO define literacy?
How does UNESCO define literacy? Since UNESCO’s inception, its...
What is the nutritional composition of wheat?
What is the nutritional composition of wheat? The nutritional...
What digestive disorder is associated with consuming wheat?
What digestive disorder is associated with consuming wheat? Celiac...
When does a blue moon occur?
When does a blue moon occur? A blue moon is the second full moon...
Why is a blue moon called a blue moon?
Why is a blue moon called a blue moon? The term blue moon originated...
When did Jan Ingenhousz publish his observations about photosynthesis?
When did Jan Ingenhousz publish his observations about photosynthesis?...
What are the basics of chemical reactions?
What are the basics of chemical reactions? A chemical reaction...
What happens to chemical bonds when a chemical reaction takes place?
What happens to chemical bonds when a chemical reaction takes...
How are chemical reactions classified?
How are chemical reactions classified? Chemists classify chemical...
Where was Mae Jemison educated?
Where was Mae Jemison educated? Mae Jemison received degrees...
What were Mae Jemison’s jobs?
What were Mae Jemison’s jobs? Prior to serving as an astronaut...
What are the types of dark matter?
What are the types of dark matter? Two varieties of dark matter...
Why is Mount Fuji famous?
Why is Mount Fuji famous? Rising to 12,388 feet (3,776 metres),...
How was Mount Fuji formed?
How was Mount Fuji formed? While tradition holds that the volcano...
Is Mount Fuji active?
Is Mount Fuji active? The volcano is considered active and has...
Where was Sunita Williams educated?
Where was Sunita Williams educated? In 1983 Sunita Williams entered...
What were Sunita Williams’s jobs?
What were Sunita Williams’s jobs? After she completed aviator...
What is corn?
What is corn? Corn is a tall annual cereal grass (Zea mays) that...
Why do corn kernels pop?
Why do corn kernels pop? A popcorn kernel has an extremely hard...
What do fly agaric mushrooms look like?
What do fly agaric mushrooms look like? The fly agaric mushroom...
Are fly agaric mushrooms poisonous?
Are fly agaric mushrooms poisonous? Fly agaric mushrooms are...
How does the fly agaric reproduce?
How does the fly agaric reproduce? Fly agaric mushrooms reproduce...
What is homeostasis?
What is homeostasis? Homeostasis is any self-regulating process...
What is an example of homeostasis in a living thing?
What is an example of homeostasis in a living thing? Body temperature...
What is an example of homeostasis in a mechanical system?
What is an example of homeostasis in a mechanical system? A familiar...
Are there examples of homeostasis in ecosystems?
Are there examples of homeostasis in ecosystems? The concept...
What is Richard Feynman famous for?
What is Richard Feynman famous for? Richard Feynman is famous...
What is patch dynamics?
What is patch dynamics? The term patch dynamics can refer...
Why is DNA fingerprinting important?
Why is DNA fingerprinting important? An early use of DNA fingerprinting...
What are some concerns about the use of DNA fingerprinting?
What are some concerns about the use of DNA fingerprinting? Sample...
What is obsidian used for?
What is obsidian used for? Obsidian has been used across history...
Where is obsidian found?
Where is obsidian found? Some of the best-known occurrences of...
What did Louis Pasteur discover?
What did Louis Pasteur discover? Among Louis Pasteur’s discoveries...
What did Louis Pasteur invent?
What did Louis Pasteur invent? Louis Pasteur is best known for...
What was Louis Pasteur’s family like?
What was Louis Pasteur’s family like? Louis Pasteur grew up in...
Why is an earthquake dangerous?
Why is an earthquake dangerous? Over the centuries, earthquakes...
What are earthquake waves?
What are earthquake waves? Earthquake waves, more commonly known...
How is earthquake magnitude measured?
How is earthquake magnitude measured? Magnitude is a measure...
Where do earthquakes occur?
Where do earthquakes occur? Earthquakes can occur anywhere, but...
What are Koch’s postulates?
What are Koch’s postulates? Robert Koch developed four criteria...
Where did Robert Koch receive his medical training?
Where did Robert Koch receive his medical training? German bacteriologist...
When was Neptune discovered?
When was Neptune discovered? Neptune was discovered on September...
What nitrogen-containing bases occur in nucleic acids?
What nitrogen-containing bases occur in nucleic acids? Each nucleic...
What is Ernest Rutherford’s most famous experiment?
What is Ernest Rutherford’s most famous experiment? Ernest Rutherford’s...
Who was Matthias Jacob Schleiden?
Who was Matthias Jacob Schleiden? Matthias Jacob Schleiden was...
What did Matthias Jacob Schleiden contribute to the cell theory?
What did Matthias Jacob Schleiden contribute to the cell theory?...
How is astronomy different from cosmology?
How is astronomy different from cosmology? Astronomy is the study...
What was Niels Bohr’s most important discovery?
What was Niels Bohr’s most important discovery? Niels Bohr proposed...
What are the optical fibers used in fiber optics made of?
What are the optical fibers used in fiber optics made of? The...
How did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?
How did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin? In 1928 Alexander...
Why is Gregor Mendel famous?
Why is Gregor Mendel famous? Through his careful breeding of...
How are mitosis and meiosis different?
How are mitosis and meiosis different? Mitosis is the division...
Why does physics work in SI units?
Why does physics work in SI units? Physicists and other scientists...
What are acids and bases?
What are acids and bases? Acids are substances that contain one...
How are acids and bases measured?
How are acids and bases measured? Acids and bases are assigned...
What happens during an acid–base reaction?
What happens during an acid–base reaction? An acid–base reaction...
How do acids and bases neutralize one another (or cancel each other out)?
How do acids and bases neutralize one another (or cancel each...
What were Eratosthenes’ major achievements?
What were Eratosthenes’ major achievements? In addition to calculating...
What is Eratosthenes famous for?
What is Eratosthenes famous for? Eratosthenes measured Earth’s...
What is the Golgi apparatus?
What is the Golgi apparatus? The Golgi apparatus, also called...
How was the Golgi apparatus discovered?
How was the Golgi apparatus discovered? The Golgi apparatus was...
How is the Golgi apparatus structured?
How is the Golgi apparatus structured? In general, the Golgi...
How did James Clerk Maxwell die?
How did James Clerk Maxwell die? James Clerk Maxwell died of...
Where was Srinivasa Ramanujan educated?
Where was Srinivasa Ramanujan educated? At age 15 Srinivasa Ramanujan...
What is Ray Kurzweil’s vision of the future of what it means to be human?
What is Ray Kurzweil’s vision of the future of what it means...
What was George Washington Carver’s childhood like?
What was George Washington Carver’s childhood like? George Washington...
How did George Washington Carver change the world?
How did George Washington Carver change the world? George Washington...
Why is Nicolaus Copernicus famous?
Why is Nicolaus Copernicus famous? Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer...
What did Nicolaus Copernicus do for a living?
What did Nicolaus Copernicus do for a living? As a church canon,...
How did Nicolaus Copernicus influence others?
How did Nicolaus Copernicus influence others? Before Nicolaus...
What is an enzyme?
What is an enzyme? An enzyme is a substance that acts as a catalyst...
What are enzymes composed of?
What are enzymes composed of? A large protein enzyme molecule...
What are examples of enzymes?
What are examples of enzymes? Practically all of the numerous...
What factors affect enzyme activity?
What factors affect enzyme activity? Enzyme activity is affected...
What was Michael Faraday’s childhood like?
What was Michael Faraday’s childhood like? Michael Faraday’s...
Where did Michael Faraday study?
Where did Michael Faraday study? Michael Faraday received a basic...
What did Michael Faraday discover?
What did Michael Faraday discover? In 1820 Michael Faraday produced...
What was Carl Friedrich Gauss’s childhood like?
What was Carl Friedrich Gauss’s childhood like? Gauss was the...
What awards did Carl Friedrich Gauss win?
What awards did Carl Friedrich Gauss win? Gauss won the Copley...
How was Carl Friedrich Gauss influential?
How was Carl Friedrich Gauss influential? Gauss wrote the first...
Where was Max Planck educated?
Where was Max Planck educated? Max Planck attended Munich’s...
What are angiosperms?
What are angiosperms? Angiosperms are plants that produce flowers...
How are angiosperms different than gymnosperms?
How are angiosperms different than gymnosperms? The key difference...
How are angiosperms and gymnosperms similar?
How are angiosperms and gymnosperms similar? As vascular plants,...
What led to Archimedes’ discovering his principle?
What led to Archimedes’ discovering his principle? King Heiron...
What is Archimedes’ principle?
What is Archimedes’ principle? A body at rest in a fluid is acted...
What is Archimedes’ principle used for?
What is Archimedes’ principle used for? Archimedes’ principle...
What is the formula for buoyant force?
What is the formula for buoyant force? The buoyancy force (B)...
What was Neil Armstrong’s childhood like?
What was Neil Armstrong’s childhood like? Neil Armstrong grew...
What happened on Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 mission?
What happened on Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 mission? On July...
What did Neil Armstrong do after Apollo 11?
What did Neil Armstrong do after Apollo 11? After their successful...
What is Charles Babbage remembered for?
What is Charles Babbage remembered for? Charles Babbage is remembered...
What were Rosalind Franklin’s accomplishments?
What were Rosalind Franklin’s accomplishments? Rosalind Franklin...
How has Galileo influenced science?
How has Galileo influenced science? Galileo influenced scientists...
What does Kepler’s first law mean?
What does Kepler’s first law mean? Kepler’s first law means...
What is eccentricity and how is it determined?
What is eccentricity and how is it determined? The eccentricity...
What is the meaning of Kepler’s third law?
What is the meaning of Kepler’s third law? How long a planet...
Why is a planet’s orbit slower the farther it is from the Sun?
Why is a planet’s orbit slower the farther it is from the Sun?...
Where is Earth when it is traveling the fastest?
Where is Earth when it is traveling the fastest? It follows from...
Why are lipids important?
Why are lipids important? Lipids are a diverse group of compounds...
What are lipid rafts?
What are lipid rafts? Lipid rafts are possible areas of the cell...
What did Ada Lovelace discover?
What did Ada Lovelace discover? Ada Lovelace discovered that...
How was Alfred Nobel educated?
How was Alfred Nobel educated? Alfred Nobel initially learned...
Why are some viruses dangerous?
Why are some viruses dangerous? When some disease-causing viruses...
How does water pollution affect aquatic wildlife?
How does water pollution affect aquatic wildlife? Sewage can...
Is red tide caused by water pollution?
Is red tide caused by water pollution? While some studies point...
Why are nitrogen-fixing bacteria important?
Why are nitrogen-fixing bacteria important? Nitrogen is a component...
Where do nitrogen-fixing bacteria live?
Where do nitrogen-fixing bacteria live? There are two main types...
What is the difference between an acid and a base?
What is the difference between an acid and a base? Acids are...
What is algebra?
What is algebra? Algebra is the branch of mathematics in which...
Why is biology important?
Why is biology important? As a field of science, biology helps...
What is a cell?
What is a cell? A cell is a mass of cytoplasm that is bound externally...
What is cell theory?
What is cell theory? Cell theory states that the cell is the...
What do cell membranes do?
What do cell membranes do? The cell membrane surrounds every...
What is a chloroplast?
What is a chloroplast? A chloroplast is an organelle within the cells of plants and certain...
Where are chloroplasts found?
Where are chloroplasts found? Chloroplasts are present in the...
Do chloroplasts have DNA?
Do chloroplasts have DNA? Unlike most other organelles, chloroplasts...
What does Richard Dawkins believe in?
What does Richard Dawkins believe in? Richard Dawkins is a proponent...
What was Richard Dawkins’s first job?
What was Richard Dawkins’s first job? After earning his master’s...
What are Earth sciences?
What are Earth sciences? Earth sciences are the fields of study...
What do the Earth sciences entail?
What do the Earth sciences entail? Earth sciences study largely...
What are Earth science topics?
What are Earth science topics? There are six groups of Earth...
What is Albert Einstein known for?
What is Albert Einstein known for? Albert Einstein is best known...
What influence did Albert Einstein have on science?
What influence did Albert Einstein have on science? Albert Einstein...
What was Albert Einstein’s family like?
What was Albert Einstein’s family like? Albert Einstein was raised...
What did Albert Einstein mean when he wrote that God “does not play dice”?
What did Albert Einstein mean when he wrote that God “does not...
How do fungi obtain nutrition?
How do fungi obtain nutrition? Saprotrophic fungi obtain their...
What is a fungal spore?
What is a fungal spore? Nearly all fungi form and release vast...
Where do fungi grow?
Where do fungi grow? Fungi grow in a wide variety of environments...
Why is Heraclitus important?
Why is Heraclitus important? Heraclitus was a Greek philosopher...
What did Heraclitus believe?
What did Heraclitus believe? Heraclitus asserted that the world...
What did Heraclitus write?
What did Heraclitus write? Heraclitus is thought to have written...
What is kinetic energy?
What is kinetic energy? Kinetic energy is a form of energy that...
What are some ways in which the kinetic energy of an object is determined?
What are some ways in which the kinetic energy of an object is...
Which units of energy are commonly associated with kinetic energy?
Which units of energy are commonly associated with kinetic energy?...
What do the mitochondria do?
What do the mitochondria do? Known as the “powerhouses of the...
Where are the mitochondria found?
Where are the mitochondria found? Mitochondria are found in the...
What are Newton’s laws of motion?
What are Newton’s laws of motion? Newton’s laws of motion relate...
Where is protein stored?
Where is protein stored? Proteins are not stored for later use...
What do proteins do?
What do proteins do? Proteins are essential for life and are...
What is a radioactive isotope?
What is a radioactive isotope? A radioactive isotope, also known...
How are radioactive isotopes produced?
How are radioactive isotopes produced? There are several sources...
How are radioactive isotopes used in medicine?
How are radioactive isotopes used in medicine? Radioactive isotopes...
What is the Scientific Revolution?
What is the Scientific Revolution? Scientific Revolution is the...
How is the Scientific Revolution connected to the Enlightenment?
How is the Scientific Revolution connected to the Enlightenment?...
What did the Scientific Revolution lead to?
What did the Scientific Revolution lead to? The sudden emergence...
What was Alfred Russel Wallace’s early life like?
What was Alfred Russel Wallace’s early life like? Alfred Russel...
How was Alfred Russel Wallace influential?
How was Alfred Russel Wallace influential? Alfred Russel Wallace’s...
What was Alfred Russel Wallace’s legacy?
What was Alfred Russel Wallace’s legacy? Alfred Russel Wallace’s...
Where does water come from?
Where does water come from? Water is made up of hydrogen and...
Why do cold water bottles and soft-drink bottles sweat?
Why do cold water bottles and soft-drink bottles sweat? A cold...
When does water boil?
When does water boil? Boiling occurs when bubbles form within...
Why is water blue?
Why is water blue? Water appears blue for two important reasons. In...
When is water the most dense?
When is water the most dense? Water’s density is greatest at...
How does the blue-footed booby differ in appearance from other birds in its family?
How does the blue-footed booby differ in appearance from other...
What is the purpose of the blue feet among blue-footed boobies?
What is the purpose of the blue feet among blue-footed boobies?...
How do blue-footed boobies hunt for food?
How do blue-footed boobies hunt for food? Blue-footed boobies...
What is John Dalton best known for?
What is John Dalton best known for? John Dalton is best known...
Why was John Dalton so influential?
Why was John Dalton so influential? John Dalton based his partial...
What were John Dalton’s other contributions to chemistry?
What were John Dalton’s other contributions to chemistry? John...
What did Werner Heisenberg do during World War II?
What did Werner Heisenberg do during World War II? Werner Heisenberg...
What is Werner Heisenberg best known for?
What is Werner Heisenberg best known for? Werner Heisenberg discovered...
How did Werner Heisenberg contribute to atomic theory?
How did Werner Heisenberg contribute to atomic theory? Werner...
What did Ferdinand Magellan discover?
What did Ferdinand Magellan discover? In 1520 Ferdinand Magellan...
What is Ferdinand Magellan best known for?
What is Ferdinand Magellan best known for? Ferdinand Magellan...
What is Ptolemy best known for?
What is Ptolemy best known for? Ptolemy’s mathematical model...
How did Ptolemy impact the world?
How did Ptolemy impact the world? In addition to his astronomical...
What were Ptolemy’s achievements?
What were Ptolemy’s achievements? Ptolemy made contributions...
Why is Herbert Spencer famous?
Why is Herbert Spencer famous? Herbert Spencer is famous for...
What is Alfred Wegener best known for?
What is Alfred Wegener best known for? German meteorologist and...
What were Alfred Wegener’s contributions?
What were Alfred Wegener’s contributions? Wegener noticed the...
How did Alfred Wegener impact the world?
How did Alfred Wegener impact the world? Wegener published his...
What accomplishments was Archimedes known for?
What accomplishments was Archimedes known for? Archimedes found...
What specific works did Archimedes create?
What specific works did Archimedes create? Archimedes wrote...
What is known about Archimedes’ family, personal life, and early life?
What is known about Archimedes’ family, personal life, and early...
Where was Archimedes born? How and where did he die?
Where was Archimedes born? How and where did he die? Archimedes...
What is ecological succession?
What is ecological succession? Ecological succession is the process...
What is primary succession?
What is primary succession? Primary succession is ecological...
What is secondary succession?
What is secondary succession? Secondary succession occurs in...
What is a climax community?
What is a climax community? In some environments, succession...
What is the endoplasmic reticulum?
What is the endoplasmic reticulum? The endoplasmic reticulum...
What is the difference between smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum?
What is the difference between smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum?...
What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum?
What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum? The endoplasmic...
When was the endoplasmic reticulum discovered?
When was the endoplasmic reticulum discovered? The ER was first...
Where did Jane Goodall get her education?
Where did Jane Goodall get her education? Jane Goodall left school...
What is a human being?
What is a human being? Humans are culture-bearing primates classified...
When did humans evolve?
When did humans evolve? The answer to this question is challenging,...
Are Neanderthals classified as humans?
Are Neanderthals classified as humans? Yes. Neanderthals (Homo...
What is inflammation?
What is inflammation? Inflammation is a response triggered by...
What are the signs of inflammation?
What are the signs of inflammation? The four cardinal signs...
Is inflammation good or bad?
Is inflammation good or bad? Inflammation serves as a defense...
How is a mole defined?
How is a mole defined? A mole is defined as 6.02214076 × 1023...
How is a mole calculated?
How is a mole calculated? If you want to know how many moles...
What is Avogadro’s number?
What is Avogadro’s number? Avogadro’s number is the number of...
What is the molar mass formula?
What is the molar mass formula? The molar mass of some substance...
What are mutation hotspots?
What are mutation hotspots? Mutation hotspots (or mutational...
What is Isaac Newton most famous for?
What is Isaac Newton most famous for? Although Isaac Newton is...
How was Isaac Newton educated?
How was Isaac Newton educated? After interrupted attendance at...
What was Isaac Newton’s childhood like?
What was Isaac Newton’s childhood like? Isaac Newton was born...
How long ago did Pangea exist?
How long ago did Pangea exist? Pangea existed between about 299...
What is a supercontinent?
What is a supercontinent? A supercontinent is a landmass made...
How did Pangea form?
How did Pangea form? It’s now widely accepted that the formation...
How did Pangea’s formation affect life on Earth?
How did Pangea’s formation affect life on Earth? Geologists contend...
How did Pangea affect Earth’s climate?
How did Pangea affect Earth’s climate? Pangea was immense and...
Is a tropical cyclone the same thing as a hurricane?
Is a tropical cyclone the same thing as a hurricane? Tropical...
What common diseases are caused by a vitamin deficiency?
What common diseases are caused by a vitamin deficiency? Inadequate...
What did P.C. Mahalanobis do?
What did P.C. Mahalanobis do? P.C. Mahalanobis was an Indian...
Which organizations was P.C. Mahalanobis associated with?
Which organizations was P.C. Mahalanobis associated with? P.C....
What other subjects did P.C. Mahalanobis study?
What other subjects did P.C. Mahalanobis study? P.C. Mahalanobis...
How did Katherine Johnson inspire other women?
How did Katherine Johnson inspire other women? In 1939 Johnson...
What did Marie Curie accomplish?
What did Marie Curie accomplish? Working with her husband, Pierre...
What awards did Marie Curie win?
What awards did Marie Curie win? With Henri Becquerel and her...
Who was Democritus?
Who was Democritus? Democritus was an ancient Greek philosopher....
What is Democritus known for?
What is Democritus known for? Democritus was a central figure...
What is Robert Hooke famous for?
What is Robert Hooke famous for? English physicist Robert Hooke...
Why is Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz famous?
Why is Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz famous? Leibniz is famous for...
Why is photosynthesis important?
Why is photosynthesis important? Photosynthesis is critical for...
What is the basic formula for photosynthesis?
What is the basic formula for photosynthesis? The process of...
Which organisms can photosynthesize?
Which organisms can photosynthesize? The ability to photosynthesize...
What was Dorothy Vaughan’s job?
What was Dorothy Vaughan’s job? Dorothy Vaughan performed complex...
What are halogen elements?
What are halogen elements? The halogen elements are the six elements...
What are the major properties of the halogen elements?
What are the major properties of the halogen elements? Halogen...
What were Theodore Roosevelt’s accomplishments?
What were Theodore Roosevelt’s accomplishments? Among Theodore...
What is the model of the atom proposed by Ernest Rutherford?
What is the model of the atom proposed by Ernest Rutherford?...
What is the Rutherford gold-foil experiment?
What is the Rutherford gold-foil experiment? A piece of gold...
What were the results of Rutherford’s experiment?
What were the results of Rutherford’s experiment? The previous...
What did Ernest Rutherford’s atomic model get right and wrong?
What did Ernest Rutherford’s atomic model get right and wrong?...
What was the impact of Ernest Rutherford’s theory?
What was the impact of Ernest Rutherford’s theory? The gold-foil...
How much damage was caused by the Chile earthquake of 1960?
How much damage was caused by the Chile earthquake of 1960? The...
What caused the Chile earthquake of 1960?
What caused the Chile earthquake of 1960? The Nazca plate is...
How did the Chile earthquake of 1960 generate a tsunami?
How did the Chile earthquake of 1960 generate a tsunami? At the...
How does the Chile earthquake of 1960 compare with other notable earthquakes that have occurred since then?
How does the Chile earthquake of 1960 compare with other notable...
What did Mary Jackson do?
What did Mary Jackson do? Mary Jackson was a mathematician and...
What are Santa Ana winds?
What are Santa Ana winds? Santa Ana winds are hot, dry, gusty...
When do Santa Ana winds typically occur?
When do Santa Ana winds typically occur? Santa Ana winds typically...
How do Santa Ana winds develop?
How do Santa Ana winds develop? Santa Ana winds originate...
Why do dogs bark?
Why do dogs bark? Barking is a way for dogs to communicate with...
Why do dogs sniff other dogs’ rear ends?
Why do dogs sniff other dogs’ rear ends? A dog may sniff other...
How are dog years calculated?
How are dog years calculated? Many people have learned that...
When do dogs need shots?
When do dogs need shots? Beginning when dogs are six weeks old,...
What is a dog?
What is a dog? A dog is a domesticated mammal of the family...
What is the definition of an alkali metal?
What is the definition of an alkali metal? The alkali metals...
Why are they called the alkali metals?
Why are they called the alkali metals? The alkali metals are...
What are some properties of the alkali metals?
What are some properties of the alkali metals? The alkali metals...
What is the most common alkali metal?
What is the most common alkali metal? The most common alkali...
What was Johannes Kepler’s profession? When and how did it begin?
What was Johannes Kepler’s profession? When and how did it begin?...
What was Johannes Kepler known for?
What was Johannes Kepler known for? Johannes Kepler is best...
Who did Johannes Kepler influence?
Who did Johannes Kepler influence? Johannes Kepler and his laws...
How and where did Johannes Kepler die?
How and where did Johannes Kepler die? After contracting a fever,...
What causes lightning?
What causes lightning? Lightning is a visible electrical discharge...
How dangerous is lightning?
How dangerous is lightning? Lightning is very dangerous. Lightning...
What are the chances of being struck by lightning?
What are the chances of being struck by lightning? The odds that...
Can lightning strike the same place twice?
Can lightning strike the same place twice? There is nothing preventing...
What was Pythagoras’s profession? When and how did it begin?
What was Pythagoras’s profession? When and how did it begin?...
What was Pythagoras known for?
What was Pythagoras known for? Pythagoras himself came up with...
When and where was Pythagoras born? When did Pythagoras die?
When and where was Pythagoras born? When did Pythagoras die?...
What was Pythagoras’s religion?
What was Pythagoras’s religion? It is difficult to speak about...
How is a drug overdose treated?
How is a drug overdose treated? Treatment for drug overdose...
What were the physical characteristics of the slender-billed curlew?
What were the physical characteristics of the slender-billed...
What is the current conservation status of the slender-billed curlew according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)?
What is the current conservation status of the slender-billed...
How do kori bustards reproduce?
How do kori bustards reproduce? Kori bustards use a polygynous...
Are kori bustards threatened?
Are kori bustards threatened? No, kori bustards are not considered...
Where does the painted redstart live?
Where does the painted redstart live? The painted redstart...
What are the distinguishing features of the painted redstart?
What are the distinguishing features of the painted redstart?...
How does the painted redstart hunt for food?
How does the painted redstart hunt for food? The painted redstart...
What is the geographic range of the great tit?
What is the geographic range of the great tit? The geographic...
Which animals prey on great tits?
Which animals prey on great tits? Great tits are vulnerable...
What is the conservation status of the great tit?
What is the conservation status of the great tit? The IUCN...
What is an amino acid?
What is an amino acid? An amino acid is an organic molecule that...
What are the 20 amino acid building blocks of proteins?
What are the 20 amino acid building blocks of proteins? In the...
What is the difference between standard and nonstandard amino acids?
What is the difference between standard and nonstandard amino...
What are some industrial uses of amino acids?
What are some industrial uses of amino acids? In addition to...
What is ocean warming?
What is ocean warming? Ocean warming refers to the absorption...
How is ocean heat content (OHC) measured?
How is ocean heat content (OHC) measured? OHC is measured...
What causes ocean warming?
What causes ocean warming? Ocean warming is primarily caused...
What is Charles Darwin famous for?
What is Charles Darwin famous for? Charles Darwin’s theory of...
What is evolution, as Charles Darwin understood it?
What is evolution, as Charles Darwin understood it? Charles Darwin’s...
What was Charles Darwin’s educational background?
What was Charles Darwin’s educational background? Growing up,...
What was Charles Darwin’s family life like?
What was Charles Darwin’s family life like? Charles Darwin was...
What were the social impacts of Charles Darwin’s work?
What were the social impacts of Charles Darwin’s work? Charles...
Are there different types of hydrocarbons?
Are there different types of hydrocarbons? Nineteenth-century...
How does the use of hydrocarbons affect global warming and climate change?
How does the use of hydrocarbons affect global warming and climate...
What are the uses of topical ketoconazole?
What are the uses of topical ketoconazole? Topical ketoconazole...
What did Aristotle do?
What did Aristotle do? Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers...
Where did Aristotle live?
Where did Aristotle live? After his father died about 367 BCE,...
Who were Aristotle’s teachers and students?
Who were Aristotle’s teachers and students? Aristotle’s most...
How many works did Aristotle write?
How many works did Aristotle write? Aristotle wrote as many as...
How did Aristotle influence subsequent philosophy and science?
How did Aristotle influence subsequent philosophy and science?...
Are there different kinds of climate classifications?
Are there different kinds of climate classifications? Climate...
Who was Wladimir Köppen?
Who was Wladimir Köppen? Wladimir Köppen (1846–1940) was a German...
What are Köppen’s five main climate types?
What are Köppen’s five main climate types? The Köppen classification...
Where can the velvet-purple coronet be found?
Where can the velvet-purple coronet be found? The velvet-purple...
What is the diet of the velvet-purple coronet?
What is the diet of the velvet-purple coronet? The velvet-purple...
What is the conservation status of the velvet-purple coronet?
What is the conservation status of the velvet-purple coronet?...
Where does the harpy eagle live?
Where does the harpy eagle live? The harpy eagle lives in...
What are the physical characteristics of the harpy eagle?
What are the physical characteristics of the harpy eagle? ...
What is the diet of the harpy eagle?
What is the diet of the harpy eagle? Harpy eagles feed mainly...
How large is the common yellowthroat’s geographic range?
How large is the common yellowthroat’s geographic range? The...
What are the main predators of common yellowthroats?
What are the main predators of common yellowthroats? Common...
What is the conservation status of the common yellowthroat?
What is the conservation status of the common yellowthroat?...
How was oxytocin discovered?
How was oxytocin discovered? Oxytocin was discovered in 1906,...
Who first proposed the idea of plate tectonics?
Who first proposed the idea of plate tectonics? German meteorologist...
What is the cause of plate tectonics?
What is the cause of plate tectonics? Although this has yet to...
What is the Ring of Fire, and where is it?
What is the Ring of Fire, and where is it? The Ring of Fire is...
Why are there tectonic plates?
Why are there tectonic plates? Earth’s hard surface (the lithosphere)...
Where can American goldfinches be found?
Where can American goldfinches be found? American goldfinches...
What do American goldfinches eat?
What do American goldfinches eat? American goldfinches are...
How do American goldfinches reproduce?
How do American goldfinches reproduce? They are serially monogamous,...
What is unique about the Baikal seal’s habitat?
What is unique about the Baikal seal’s habitat? The Baikal...
What do Baikal seals primarily eat?
What do Baikal seals primarily eat? Baikal seals hunt longfin...
What are the main threats to Baikal seals?
What are the main threats to Baikal seals? The main threats...
What is a white blood cell?
What is a white blood cell? A white blood cell, also known as...
What are the major classes of white blood cells?
What are the major classes of white blood cells? On the basis...
What is a healthy white blood cell count?
What is a healthy white blood cell count? A healthy adult human...
What do Caspian seals eat?
What do Caspian seals eat? During the winter, the seals migrate...
What are the main threats to Caspian seals?
What are the main threats to Caspian seals? Direct threats...
What conservation efforts exist for Caspian seals?
What conservation efforts exist for Caspian seals? Although...
What is Area 51?
What is Area 51? Area 51 is an active U.S. Air Force military...
Why has Area 51 been the focus of conspiracy theories?
Why has Area 51 been the focus of conspiracy theories? Conspiracy...
When did the U.S. government acknowledge Area 51’s existence?
When did the U.S. government acknowledge Area 51’s existence?...
Where do Philippine eagles live?
Where do Philippine eagles live? Philippine eagles inhabit...
How big is the Philippine eagle?
How big is the Philippine eagle? The Philippine eagle stands...
What are the main threats to the Philippine eagle?
What are the main threats to the Philippine eagle? The main...
Where did Barbary lions historically live?
Where did Barbary lions historically live? Barbary lions once...
What were Barbary lions known for?
What were Barbary lions known for? Barbary lions were known...
Where can descendants of Barbary lions be found today?
Where can descendants of Barbary lions be found today? Descendants...
What is the primary diet of pacu?
What is the primary diet of pacu? Pacu primarily have an herbivorous...
What do pacu look like?
What do pacu look like? Pacu range in size from about 4 cm...
What distinguishes the Australian little penguin from the blue penguin?
What distinguishes the Australian little penguin from the blue...
What are the physical characteristics of the Australian little penguin?
What are the physical characteristics of the Australian little...
What is the conservation status of the Australian little penguin?
What is the conservation status of the Australian little penguin?...
What are cuckoo bees known for?
What are cuckoo bees known for? Cuckoo bees are known for...
What is the size and weight of the goliath frog?
What is the size and weight of the goliath frog? The goliath...
What are the main threats to the goliath frog?
What are the main threats to the goliath frog? The main threats...
What do goliath frogs eat?
What do goliath frogs eat? Adult and juvenile goliath frogs...
What is the appearance of the pileated woodpecker?
What is the appearance of the pileated woodpecker? The pileated...
Where can pileated woodpeckers be found?
Where can pileated woodpeckers be found? Pileated woodpeckers...
How does the pileated woodpecker reproduce?
How does the pileated woodpecker reproduce? The species is...
What is spironolactone used for?
What is spironolactone used for? Spironolactone is a diuretic...
What are the differences between bees and wasps?
What are the differences between bees and wasps? The principal...
What do Mars and Earth have in common?
What do Mars and Earth have in common? Mars is similar to Earth...
What is the temperature on Mars?
What is the temperature on Mars? The characteristic temperature...
When did Viking 1 and Viking 2 land on Mars?
When did Viking 1 and Viking 2 land on Mars? The Viking landers...
What is mpox?
What is mpox? Mpox is an infection that starts with a fever,...
Who is Al Gore?
Who is Al Gore? Al Gore was the 45th vice president of the United...
Should the United States use the Electoral College in presidential elections so that candidates such as George W. Bush may win over popular vote winners like Al Gore?
Should the United States use the Electoral College in presidential...
What is Leonardo da Vinci best known for?
What is Leonardo da Vinci best known for? Leonardo da Vinci...
How many Leonardo da Vinci paintings are there?
How many Leonardo da Vinci paintings are there? Leonardo da...
What was Leonardo da Vinci’s personality like?
What was Leonardo da Vinci’s personality like? Leonardo da Vinci...
What was Leonardo da Vinci’s family like?
What was Leonardo da Vinci’s family like? Leonardo da Vinci’s...
Who was Leonardo apprenticed to?
Who was Leonardo apprenticed to? When Leonardo was about 15,...
Who discovered the structure of DNA?
Who discovered the structure of DNA? The discovery of DNA’s...
What is a Rottweiler?
What is a Rottweiler? The Rottweiler is a breed of working dog...
Why is a Rottweiler tail docked?
Why is a Rottweiler tail docked? Traditionally, a Rottweiler’s...
What are pit bulls bred for?
What are pit bulls bred for? The pit bull was originally bred...
Why does a Pug’s tail curl?
Why does a Pug’s tail curl? A Pug has a curly tail because of...
What is the second law of thermodynamics?
What is the second law of thermodynamics? The second law of...
What are some applications of the second law of thermodynamics?
What are some applications of the second law of thermodynamics?...
How does the second law of thermodynamics relate to biology?
How does the second law of thermodynamics relate to biology?...
Does the second law of thermodynamics disprove evolution?
Does the second law of thermodynamics disprove evolution? Some...
Does the smallpox virus still exist?
Does the smallpox virus still exist? Smallpox was one of the...
When did the last known case of smallpox occur?
When did the last known case of smallpox occur? The last endemic...
What is the Moon?
What is the Moon? The Moon is Earth’s sole natural satellite and...
Should humans colonize the Moon?
Should humans colonize the Moon? Space colonization, on the...
Does the virus that causes COVID-19 belong to the coronavirus family?
Does the virus that causes COVID-19 belong to the coronavirus...
What have been some of the world’s deadliest pandemics?
What have been some of the world’s deadliest pandemics? Throughout...
How do pandemics end?
How do pandemics end? Pandemics typically slow and come to an...
Can people cause avalanches?
Can people cause avalanches? Skiers, climbers, snowboarders,...
What are the abiotic and biotic components of the biosphere?
What are the abiotic and biotic components of the biosphere?...
What are the major functions of bone tissue?
What are the major functions of bone tissue? Bone tissue makes...
What organizations determine which organisms are endangered species?
What organizations determine which organisms are endangered species?...
What is a glacier?
What is a glacier? A glacier is any large mass of perennial ice...
Where are glaciers found?
Where are glaciers found? Glaciers occur in all parts of the...
What causes glaciers to grow and shrink?
What causes glaciers to grow and shrink? Glaciers are replenished...
Does smoking cause lung cancer?
Does smoking cause lung cancer? Between 80 to 90 percent of lung...
What are the common symptoms of lung cancer?
What are the common symptoms of lung cancer? Lung cancer symptoms...
Is there a vaccine for measles?
Is there a vaccine for measles? Measles vaccines are live vaccines...
How big is the Milky Way Galaxy?
How big is the Milky Way Galaxy? The first reliable measurement...
What is a national park?
What is a national park? A national park is an area set aside...
What was the first national park?
What was the first national park? Yellowstone National Park,...
How big are pumas?
How big are pumas? Pumas living near the Equator are generally...
What do pumas eat?
What do pumas eat? The primary prey of pumas is hoofed mammals,...
In which stage of sleep does a person dream?
In which stage of sleep does a person dream? Rapid eye movement,...
Who was Emanuel Swedenborg?
Who was Emanuel Swedenborg? Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish...
Why did Emanuel Swedenborg study theology?
Why did Emanuel Swedenborg study theology? Emanuel Swedenborg...
How long do tornadoes last?
How long do tornadoes last? The lifetime of a tornado is directly...
How fast are tornado winds?
How fast are tornado winds? Tornadoes can generate the strongest...
What is a chow chow?
What is a chow chow? A chow chow is a breed of dog that differs...
Should chow chows be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit bull bans")?
Should chow chows be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit...
What is a Doberman pinscher?
What is a Doberman pinscher? A Doberman pinscher, also called...
Should Doberman pinschers be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit bull bans")?
Should Doberman pinschers be included in breed-specific legislation...
What is an Akita?
What is an Akita? An Akita is a breed of working dog that originated...
Should Akitas be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit bull bans")?
Should Akitas be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit...
Should bull terriers be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit bull bans")?
Should bull terriers be included in breed-specific legislation...
What is a Dalmatian?
What is a Dalmatian? A Dalmatian is a dog breed named after...
Should Dalmatians be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit bull bans")?
Should Dalmatians be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit...
What is a mastiff?
What is a mastiff? A mastiff is a breed of large working dog...
Should mastiffs be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit bull bans")?
Should mastiffs be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit...
What is a space station?
What is a space station? A space station is an artificial structure...
Should humans colonize space with space stations?
Should humans colonize space with space stations? Space colonization,...
What is a Staffordshire bull terrier?
What is a Staffordshire bull terrier? Staffordshire bull terrier,...
Should Staffordshire bull terriers be included in breed-specific legislation ("pit bull bans")?
Should Staffordshire bull terriers be included in breed-specific...
What is the difference between influenza epidemics and influenza pandemics?
What is the difference between influenza epidemics and influenza...
What is pandemic influenza preparedness?
What is pandemic influenza preparedness? When an influenza pandemic...
What are the symptoms of influenza?
What are the symptoms of influenza? The symptoms of influenza...
What is pollution?
What is pollution? Pollution occurs when an amount of any substance...
Does pollution cause climate change?
Does pollution cause climate change? Air pollution is the main...
How can we reduce pollution?
How can we reduce pollution? Pollution can be reduced through...
Do any plants grow in Antarctica?
Do any plants grow in Antarctica? There are about 800 species...
How is the atomic number of an atom defined?
How is the atomic number of an atom defined? The single most...
What is extinction?
What is extinction? Extinction refers to the dying out or extermination...
Are mass extinctions common?
Are mass extinctions common? Mass extinctions are unusual because...
How do humans cause extinctions?
How do humans cause extinctions? Many species have become extinct...
What causes a landslide?
What causes a landslide? Landslides occur when gravitational...
How can the hazards of landslides to humans be mitigated?
How can the hazards of landslides to humans be mitigated? Landslides...
Why is it difficult to observe Mercury?
Why is it difficult to observe Mercury? Mercury is the smallest...
What does a potato plant look like?
What does a potato plant look like? Potatoes have compound leaves...
How big do rice plants grow?
How big do rice plants grow? The cultivated rice plant grows...
What nutrients are present in rice?
What nutrients are present in rice? The manner in which rice...
What is the lifespan of a wolf?
What is the lifespan of a wolf? Wolves can live up to 13 years...
What are dolphins known for?
What are dolphins known for? Dolphins are popularly noted for...
Are any species of dolphin considered endangered?
Are any species of dolphin considered endangered? According to...
What is the lineage of cats?
What is the lineage of cats? Studies suggest that there have...
Is Pluto a planet?
Is Pluto a planet? In 2006 the International Astronomical Union...
Is Pluto's orbit circular or eccentric?
Is Pluto's orbit circular or eccentric? Pluto's orbit is more...
Does Pluto have any moons?
Does Pluto have any moons? Pluto possesses five known moons....
What is the definition of biodiversity?
What is the definition of biodiversity? Biodiversity, also called...
What are the ways to measure biodiversity?
What are the ways to measure biodiversity? Examining counts of...
Where did Titan get its name?
Where did Titan get its name? Titan, the largest moon of Saturn,...
What is the atmosphere of Titan composed of?
What is the atmosphere of Titan composed of? Titan’s atmosphere...
What is Titan's haze composed of?
What is Titan's haze composed of? Titan’s veiling haze is probably...
When was Uranus discovered?
When was Uranus discovered? Uranus was discovered on March 13,...
What is the average temperature in Uranus's atmosphere?
What is the average temperature in Uranus's atmosphere? On average,...
How many moons and rings does Uranus have?
How many moons and rings does Uranus have? Uranus has 27 known...
What is unusual about the axis of Uranus?
What is unusual about the axis of Uranus? Unlike most planets,...
What happened during the Apollo 13 mission?
What happened during the Apollo 13 mission? On April 13 a loud...
What is the nutritional value of vegetables?
What is the nutritional value of vegetables? Most vegetables...
What are the main types of vegetables?
What are the main types of vegetables? Vegetables are usually...
Are white sharks cold-blooded or warm-blooded?
Are white sharks cold-blooded or warm-blooded? White sharks have...
Do white sharks attack humans?
Do white sharks attack humans? White sharks are responsible for...
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
What is the Kyoto Protocol? The Kyoto Protocol is an international...
What caused the Deepwater Horizon oil spill?
What caused the Deepwater Horizon oil spill? The Deepwater Horizon...
How did the Deepwater Horizon oil spill affect birds?
How did the Deepwater Horizon oil spill affect birds? Birds were...
What effects did the Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 have?
What effects did the Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 have?...
What is a coconut?
What is a coconut? A coconut is the edible fruit of the coconut...
How are gamma rays produced?
How are gamma rays produced? Gamma rays are produced during the...
What is petroleum?
What is petroleum? Petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons...
What is soil?
What is soil? Soil is the biologically active and porous medium...
What are the grain sizes in soil?
What are the grain sizes in soil? The grain size of soil particles...
What are the layers of soil?
What are the layers of soil? Soils have a unique structural characteristic...
What is solar energy?
What is solar energy? Solar energy is the radiation from the...
How is solar energy collected?
How is solar energy collected? The most common devices used to...
What is a rose?
What is a rose? A rose is a plant that is a member of the genus...
What are rose hips?
What are rose hips? A rose hip is the rose plant’s fleshy, berrylike...
Where do mistletoes grow?
Where do mistletoes grow? Mistletoes can be found on every continent...
Are mistletoe berries poisonous?
Are mistletoe berries poisonous? The white berries of Phoradendron...
How are mistletoe seeds dispersed?
How are mistletoe seeds dispersed? Mistletoe seeds are most...
What do goats eat?
What do goats eat? Goats are browsers: they like to keep their...
When do a goat’s horns stop growing?
When do a goat’s horns stop growing? If a goat’s horns are not...
How are a goat’s horns removed?
How are a goat’s horns removed? Goat horns can be removed through...
How does global warming work?
How does global warming work? Human activity affects global surface...
Where does global warming occur in the atmosphere?
Where does global warming occur in the atmosphere? Global warming,...
Why is global warming a social problem?
Why is global warming a social problem? Continued global warming...
Where does global warming affect polar bears?
Where does global warming affect polar bears? Polar bears live...
Why do stars tend to form in groups?
Why do stars tend to form in groups? Stars tend to form in groups...
Why do stars evolve?
Why do stars evolve? Stellar evolution occurs when a star loses...
When is air temperature the highest?
When is air temperature the highest? On average, the time of...
When do temperature inversions occur?
When do temperature inversions occur? Temperature inversions...
What does Earth look like?
What does Earth look like? Viewed from another planet, Earth...
How do fish sleep?
How do fish sleep? When a fish sleeps, it exists in a seemingly...
How do fish hear?
How do fish hear? The organs of hearing in fish are entirely...
What are heart sounds?
What are heart sounds? The rhythmic noises accompanying the heartbeat...
Is Venus similar to Earth?
Is Venus similar to Earth? Venus and Earth share similarities...
What is a forest?
What is a forest? A forest is a complex ecological system in...
What is aldosterone's role in the body?
What is aldosterone's role in the body? Aldosterone regulates...
When was Apollo 11 launched?
When was Apollo 11 launched? Apollo 11, the first space mission...
How many types of deer are there?
How many types of deer are there? There are 43 species of deer...
What do koalas eat?
What do koalas eat? Koalas eat the leaves of certain eucalyptus...
What is limestone made of?
What is limestone made of? Limestone is a sedimentary rock made...
What are igneous rocks?
What are igneous rocks? Igneous rocks are formed from solidified...
How fast do snakes grow?
How fast do snakes grow? The rate of growth in snakes is correlated...
What is molting in snakes?
What is molting in snakes? For molting in snakes, the replacement...
What did Laura Bassi study?
What did Laura Bassi study? Several of Laura Bassi’s theses...
What were Laura Bassi’s accomplishments?
What were Laura Bassi’s accomplishments? Laura Bassi was the...
Who is Elizabeth H. Blackburn?
Who is Elizabeth H. Blackburn? Elizabeth H. Blackburn is an...
What are Elizabeth H. Blackburn’s views of the role of science in society?
What are Elizabeth H. Blackburn’s views of the role of science...
Who is C.V. Raman?
Who is C.V. Raman? C.V. Raman was an Indian physicist who won...
What are elephants?
What are elephants? Elephants are the largest living land animals,...
What do elephants eat?
What do elephants eat? Elephants are herbivores: they eat a...
How many different species of elephants are there?
How many different species of elephants are there? There are...
Are elephants endangered?
Are elephants endangered? Asian and African elephants are listed...
How are mammals distinct from other animals?
How are mammals distinct from other animals? An animal is considered...
Why is the platypus a mammal?
Why is the platypus a mammal? The platypus has many features...
Where do mongooses live?
Where do mongooses live? Mongooses live mainly in Africa, but...
How do mongooses communicate?
How do mongooses communicate? Some species of mongoose are highly...
Do mongooses make good pets?
Do mongooses make good pets? The importation of mongooses is...
Who is Aphrodite?
Who is Aphrodite? Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of...
What does Aphrodite look like?
What does Aphrodite look like? In early Greek art, representations...
What is a polar bear?
What is a polar bear? A polar bear is a great white northern...
What are some examples of polar bear adaptations?
What are some examples of polar bear adaptations? One important...
Are polar bears an endangered species?
Are polar bears an endangered species? No, polar bears are not...
What is a tardigrade’s survival mechanism?
What is a tardigrade’s survival mechanism? Tardigrades can survive...
What kills tardigrades?
What kills tardigrades? Research shows that tardigrades can...
What is a tsunami?
What is a tsunami? A tsunami is a catastrophic ocean wave, usually...
What have been some of the worst tsunamis in history?
What have been some of the worst tsunamis in history? Perhaps...
What are the signs of a tsunami?
What are the signs of a tsunami? Because of frequent tsunamis...
How did most dinosaurs go extinct?
How did most dinosaurs go extinct? The decline of dinosaurs...
Did dinosaurs have feathers?
Did dinosaurs have feathers? Some species of dinosaurs, such...
Who are the most well-known computer scientists?
Who are the most well-known computer scientists? The most influential...
Is computer science used in video games?
Is computer science used in video games? Video game development...
How do I learn computer science?
How do I learn computer science? Many universities across the...
How do Roman numerals work?
How do Roman numerals work? In the Roman numeral system, the...
Where do Roman numerals come from?
Where do Roman numerals come from? As in all such matters, the...
Is it still important to learn Roman numerals?
Is it still important to learn Roman numerals? Despite the impracticality...
What is a pride of lions?
What is a pride of lions? A pride is a group of lions that live...
What is a raccoon?
What is a raccoon? A raccoon is any of seven species of nocturnal...
What do raccoons eat?
What do raccoons eat? Although classified as a carnivore, raccoons...
How do raccoons behave in cities versus in the wild?
How do raccoons behave in cities versus in the wild? Particularly...
How is genetic testing done?
How is genetic testing done? Genetic testing typically is issued...
What did J. Robert Oppenheimer do in the Manhattan Project?
What did J. Robert Oppenheimer do in the Manhattan Project? J....
What did Ivan Pavlov study?
What did Ivan Pavlov study? Ivan Pavlov gave up studying theology...
What was Ivan Pavlov best known for?
What was Ivan Pavlov best known for? Ivan Pavlov developed an...
What were Ivan Pavlov’s contributions?
What were Ivan Pavlov’s contributions? In addition to his conditioning...
What was Ivan Pavlov’s first job?
What was Ivan Pavlov’s first job? Having worked with Carl Ludwig,...
What is Erwin Schrödinger best known for?
What is Erwin Schrödinger best known for? Erwin Schrödinger is...
What was Erwin Schrödinger’s most famous thought experiment?
What was Erwin Schrödinger’s most famous thought experiment?...