Top Questions
Entertainment & Pop CultureGeography & TravelHealth & MedicineLifestyles & Social IssuesLiteratureMoneyPhilosophy & ReligionPolitics, Law & GovernmentScienceSports & RecreationTechnologyVisual ArtsWorld History
Who was the first known cannibal?
Who was the first known cannibal? The first known cannibal was...
Is cannibalism legal in Idaho?
Is cannibalism legal in Idaho? Idaho is the only U.S. state that...
What is eugenics?
What is eugenics? Eugenics is the selection of desired heritable...
When was eugenics popular?
When was eugenics popular? Eugenics was supported by many scientific...
What was the American eugenics movement?
What was the American eugenics movement? The American eugenics...
How does immunization work?
How does immunization work? Immunization provides resistance,...
What is human intelligence?
What is human intelligence? Human intelligence is, generally...
Can human intelligence be measured?
Can human intelligence be measured? There is a long history of...
What is the lymphatic system?
What is the lymphatic system? The lymphatic system is a subsystem...
What are the main organs of the lymphatic system?
What are the main organs of the lymphatic system? The lymphatic...
What is the role of the lymphatic system in immunity?
What is the role of the lymphatic system in immunity? In addition...
What is the role of the lymphatic system in disease?
What is the role of the lymphatic system in disease? The importance...
What is the Oedipus complex?
What is the Oedipus complex? The Oedipus complex is a psychoanalytic...
Does the Oedipus complex apply to girls?
Does the Oedipus complex apply to girls? Although Sigmund Freud...
Is the Oedipus complex real?
Is the Oedipus complex real? Many aspects of the Oedipus complex...
What was Bertrand Russell’s childhood like?
What was Bertrand Russell’s childhood like? Bertrand Russell’s...
Where was Bertrand Russell educated?
Where was Bertrand Russell educated? During his childhood Bertrand...
What did Bertrand Russell write?
What did Bertrand Russell write? Bertrand Russell’s many philosophical...
Why is Bertrand Russell significant?
Why is Bertrand Russell significant? As a founding figure of...
Where was John B. Watson educated?
Where was John B. Watson educated? As a young child, John B....
Why is John B. Watson famous?
Why is John B. Watson famous? John B. Watson is famous for having...
When did Jan Ingenhousz publish his observations about photosynthesis?
When did Jan Ingenhousz publish his observations about photosynthesis?...
What is recombinant DNA technology?
What is recombinant DNA technology? Recombinant DNA technology...
When was recombinant DNA technology invented?
When was recombinant DNA technology invented? The possibility...
How is recombinant DNA technology useful?
How is recombinant DNA technology useful? Through recombinant...
How are vaccines made?
How are vaccines made? A vaccine is made by first generating...
Why is Michel Foucault important?
Why is Michel Foucault important? Michel Foucault was one of...
What did Michel Foucault write?
What did Michel Foucault write? Michel Foucault began to attract...
What was Michel Foucault’s occupation?
What was Michel Foucault’s occupation? Michel Foucault first...
What is homeostasis?
What is homeostasis? Homeostasis is any self-regulating process...
What is an example of homeostasis in a living thing?
What is an example of homeostasis in a living thing? Body temperature...
What is an example of homeostasis in a mechanical system?
What is an example of homeostasis in a mechanical system? A familiar...
Are there examples of homeostasis in ecosystems?
Are there examples of homeostasis in ecosystems? The concept...
Why is DNA fingerprinting important?
Why is DNA fingerprinting important? An early use of DNA fingerprinting...
What are some concerns about the use of DNA fingerprinting?
What are some concerns about the use of DNA fingerprinting? Sample...
How did the 1957 flu pandemic impact flu vaccine development?
How did the 1957 flu pandemic impact flu vaccine development?...
What are Koch’s postulates?
What are Koch’s postulates? Robert Koch developed four criteria...
Where did Robert Koch receive his medical training?
Where did Robert Koch receive his medical training? German bacteriologist...
What nitrogen-containing bases occur in nucleic acids?
What nitrogen-containing bases occur in nucleic acids? Each nucleic...
Why is biotechnology important?
Why is biotechnology important? Biotechnology is particularly...
When did modern biotechnology emerge?
When did modern biotechnology emerge? The first molecular and...
What was Joseph Merrick famous for?
What was Joseph Merrick famous for? Joseph Merrick was famous...
What did Joseph Merrick suffer from?
What did Joseph Merrick suffer from? It is not known for certain...
How did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?
How did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin? In 1928 Alexander...
What did Hegel write?
What did Hegel write? Hegel’s major works included the Phenomenology...
Why is Hegel significant?
Why is Hegel significant? Hegel was the last of the great system...
Why is Gregor Mendel famous?
Why is Gregor Mendel famous? Through his careful breeding of...
How are mitosis and meiosis different?
How are mitosis and meiosis different? Mitosis is the division...
What is aspirin used for?
What is aspirin used for? Aspirin is used for relieving headaches...
What is Ray Kurzweil’s vision of the future of what it means to be human?
What is Ray Kurzweil’s vision of the future of what it means...
What is an enzyme?
What is an enzyme? An enzyme is a substance that acts as a catalyst...
What are enzymes composed of?
What are enzymes composed of? A large protein enzyme molecule...
What are examples of enzymes?
What are examples of enzymes? Practically all of the numerous...
What factors affect enzyme activity?
What factors affect enzyme activity? Enzyme activity is affected...
Why is Hippocrates famous?
Why is Hippocrates famous? Hippocrates’ reputation, and myths about...
What is Hippocrates remembered for?
What is Hippocrates remembered for? Medical practice has advanced...
Why is Jean Piaget famous?
Why is Jean Piaget famous? Jean Piaget pioneered the study of...
Why are lipids important?
Why are lipids important? Lipids are a diverse group of compounds...
What are lipid rafts?
What are lipid rafts? Lipid rafts are possible areas of the cell...
What have been some criticisms of UNICEF?
What have been some criticisms of UNICEF? One criticism of UNICEF...
What are the regulatory concerns about puberty blockers?
What are the regulatory concerns about puberty blockers? Regulatory...
What did Avicenna write?
What did Avicenna write? Avicenna’s most influential works were...
Why is Avicenna famous?
Why is Avicenna famous? Avicenna combined Neoplatonic and especially...
What were Elizabeth Blackwell’s achievements?
What were Elizabeth Blackwell’s achievements? Elizabeth Blackwell...
What was Neville Chamberlain’s family like?
What was Neville Chamberlain’s family like? Neville Chamberlain...
What is Neville Chamberlain best known for?
What is Neville Chamberlain best known for? Neville Chamberlain’s...
What were Neville Chamberlain’s achievements?
What were Neville Chamberlain’s achievements? While Neville Chamberlain...
What does Richard Dawkins believe in?
What does Richard Dawkins believe in? Richard Dawkins is a proponent...
What was Richard Dawkins’s first job?
What was Richard Dawkins’s first job? After earning his master’s...
What did David Hume write?
What did David Hume write? David Hume’s philosophical works included...
Why is David Hume famous?
Why is David Hume famous? David Hume is famous for the elegance...
What does Paracelsus’s name mean?
What does Paracelsus’s name mean? Paracelsus was the byname of...
What were Paracelsus’s accomplishments?
What were Paracelsus’s accomplishments? German-Swiss physician...
Where is protein stored?
Where is protein stored? Proteins are not stored for later use...
What do proteins do?
What do proteins do? Proteins are essential for life and are...
Where was Sigmund Freud educated?
Where was Sigmund Freud educated? After graduating (1873) from...
What did Sigmund Freud die of?
What did Sigmund Freud die of? Sigmund Freud died of a lethal...
Why is Sigmund Freud famous?
Why is Sigmund Freud famous? Freud is famous for inventing and...
What is the endoplasmic reticulum?
What is the endoplasmic reticulum? The endoplasmic reticulum...
What is the difference between smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum?
What is the difference between smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum?...
What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum?
What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum? The endoplasmic...
When was the endoplasmic reticulum discovered?
When was the endoplasmic reticulum discovered? The ER was first...
What is a human being?
What is a human being? Humans are culture-bearing primates classified...
When did humans evolve?
When did humans evolve? The answer to this question is challenging,...
Are Neanderthals classified as humans?
Are Neanderthals classified as humans? Yes. Neanderthals (Homo...
What is inflammation?
What is inflammation? Inflammation is a response triggered by...
What are the signs of inflammation?
What are the signs of inflammation? The four cardinal signs...
Is inflammation good or bad?
Is inflammation good or bad? Inflammation serves as a defense...
What are mutation hotspots?
What are mutation hotspots? Mutation hotspots (or mutational...
Who was Typhoid Mary?
Who was Typhoid Mary? Mary Mallon, who was given the nickname...
When did Typhoid Mary die?
When did Typhoid Mary die? Mary Mallon (Typhoid Mary) died on...
What common diseases are caused by a vitamin deficiency?
What common diseases are caused by a vitamin deficiency? Inadequate...
What is René Descartes known for?
What is René Descartes known for? René Descartes is most commonly...
What was René Descartes’s family like?
What was René Descartes’s family like? René Descartes was born...
How did René Descartes die?
How did René Descartes die? René Descartes died on February 11,...
Why is photosynthesis important?
Why is photosynthesis important? Photosynthesis is critical for...
What is the basic formula for photosynthesis?
What is the basic formula for photosynthesis? The process of...
Which organisms can photosynthesize?
Which organisms can photosynthesize? The ability to photosynthesize...
How is a drug overdose treated?
How is a drug overdose treated? Treatment for drug overdose...
What are the uses of topical ketoconazole?
What are the uses of topical ketoconazole? Topical ketoconazole...
How did Fidel Castro come to power?
How did Fidel Castro come to power? Fidel Castro’s revolutionary...
What did Fidel Castro do as leader of Cuba?
What did Fidel Castro do as leader of Cuba? Fidel Castro turned...
What was Fidel Castro’s personal life like?
What was Fidel Castro’s personal life like? Fidel Castro was...
What were Fidel Castro’s political beliefs?
What were Fidel Castro’s political beliefs? Fidel Castro professed...
What happened in Cuba after Fidel Castro left power?
What happened in Cuba after Fidel Castro left power? In the years...
When and where did the Enlightenment take place?
When and where did the Enlightenment take place? Historians place...
What led to the Enlightenment?
What led to the Enlightenment? The roots of the Enlightenment...
Who were some of the major figures of the Enlightenment?
Who were some of the major figures of the Enlightenment? Some...
What were the most important ideas of the Enlightenment?
What were the most important ideas of the Enlightenment? It was...
What were some results of the Enlightenment?
What were some results of the Enlightenment? The French Revolution...
How is Susan La Flesche Picotte’s legacy remembered today?
How is Susan La Flesche Picotte’s legacy remembered today? ...
What is a white blood cell?
What is a white blood cell? A white blood cell, also known as...
What are the major classes of white blood cells?
What are the major classes of white blood cells? On the basis...
What is a healthy white blood cell count?
What is a healthy white blood cell count? A healthy adult human...
How do BRCA mutations affect cancer risk?
How do BRCA mutations affect cancer risk? Persons with BRCA...
What is methaqualone used for?
What is methaqualone used for? Methaqualone was historically...
What is spironolactone used for?
What is spironolactone used for? Spironolactone is a diuretic...
What is mpox?
What is mpox? Mpox is an infection that starts with a fever,...
Should the minimum age for alcohol consumption be lowered from 21 to a younger age?
Should the minimum age for alcohol consumption be lowered from...
Who discovered the structure of DNA?
Who discovered the structure of DNA? The discovery of DNA’s...
Does the smallpox virus still exist?
Does the smallpox virus still exist? Smallpox was one of the...
When did the last known case of smallpox occur?
When did the last known case of smallpox occur? The last endemic...
What have been some of the world’s deadliest pandemics?
What have been some of the world’s deadliest pandemics? Throughout...
How do pandemics end?
How do pandemics end? Pandemics typically slow and come to an...
What are the major functions of bone tissue?
What are the major functions of bone tissue? Bone tissue makes...
Does smoking cause lung cancer?
Does smoking cause lung cancer? Between 80 to 90 percent of lung...
What are the common symptoms of lung cancer?
What are the common symptoms of lung cancer? Lung cancer symptoms...
Is there a vaccine for measles?
Is there a vaccine for measles? Measles vaccines are live vaccines...
In which stage of sleep does a person dream?
In which stage of sleep does a person dream? Rapid eye movement,...
What is the difference between influenza epidemics and influenza pandemics?
What is the difference between influenza epidemics and influenza...
What is pandemic influenza preparedness?
What is pandemic influenza preparedness? When an influenza pandemic...
What are the symptoms of influenza?
What are the symptoms of influenza? The symptoms of influenza...
What is the active ingredient in marijuana?
What is the active ingredient in marijuana? Tetrahydrocannabinol...
What are the medical uses of marijuana?
What are the medical uses of marijuana? Medical research has...
What are the effects of consuming or smoking marijuana?
What are the effects of consuming or smoking marijuana? Marijuana’s...
What are heart sounds?
What are heart sounds? The rhythmic noises accompanying the heartbeat...
Are genetically modified organisms safe for the environment?
Are genetically modified organisms safe for the environment?...
Should genetically modified crops be grown?
Should genetically modified crops be grown? The question of...
Who is Elizabeth H. Blackburn?
Who is Elizabeth H. Blackburn? Elizabeth H. Blackburn is an...
What are Elizabeth H. Blackburn’s views of the role of science in society?
What are Elizabeth H. Blackburn’s views of the role of science...
What is seppuku?
What is seppuku? Seppuku is a form of taking one’s own life...
When was seppuku practiced, and does it still exist?
When was seppuku practiced, and does it still exist? Seppuku...
What happens during a seppuku ritual?
What happens during a seppuku ritual? During a seppuku ritual...
Have lobotomies ever been a popular procedure?
Have lobotomies ever been a popular procedure? Lobotomies were...
What are the effects of a lobotomy?
What are the effects of a lobotomy? The intended effect of a...
How is genetic testing done?
How is genetic testing done? Genetic testing typically is issued...
What is cloning?
What is cloning? Cloning is the process of generating a genetically...
Why is cloning controversial?
Why is cloning controversial? The cloning of humans remains universally...
What did Imhotep accomplish as an architect?
What did Imhotep accomplish as an architect? Imhotep is thought...
When did Imhotep become a deity?
When did Imhotep become a deity? Imhotep was elevated to the...
What did Ivan Pavlov study?
What did Ivan Pavlov study? Ivan Pavlov gave up studying theology...
What was Ivan Pavlov best known for?
What was Ivan Pavlov best known for? Ivan Pavlov developed an...
What were Ivan Pavlov’s contributions?
What were Ivan Pavlov’s contributions? In addition to his conditioning...
What was Ivan Pavlov’s first job?
What was Ivan Pavlov’s first job? Having worked with Carl Ludwig,...