Basic oxygen steelmaking
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More than half the world’s steel is produced in the basic oxygen process (BOP), which uses pure oxygen to convert a charge of liquid blast-furnace iron and scrap into steel. The basic oxygen furnace (BOF) is a refractory-lined, tiltable converter into which a vertically movable, water-cooled lance is inserted to blow oxygen through nozzles at supersonic velocity onto the charge (see ). The use of pure oxygen at high flow rates results in such fast oxidation of the elements contained in blast-furnace iron that only about 20 minutes are required per heat—i.e., to refine one charge. Converters vary in size and are operated for heats ranging from 30 to 360 tons.
The charge
When oxygen contacts blast-furnace iron, a great amount of heat is released by the ensuing exothermic reactions, especially the oxidation of silicon to silica, so that using only blast-furnace iron would result in a liquid steel temperature too high for casting. Therefore, before the hot metal is added, a specific amount of scrap is charged into the furnace. Melting this scrap consumes about 340 kilocalories per kilogram, effectively cooling the process. A typical BOP charge, therefore, consists of about 75 percent liquid iron and 25 percent scrap. This requires a reliable supply of low-cost iron with a uniform chemical composition, which is attainable only by keeping the operating condition of a blast furnace as constant as possible; this in turn requires a consistent iron consumer. There are also certain iron properties—for example, the silicon and sulfur content—that are selected to optimize the blast furnace and BOF operations and to produce steel at minimal cost. Such interdependence requires that blast furnaces and BOFs work within a well-integrated operating system.
The furnace
The basic oxygen converter is a cylindrical vessel with an open cone on top. For the largest converters, those that make 360-ton heats, the shell is about 8 metres in diameter and 11 metres high. The shells are built of heavy steel plates and sit in a trunnion ring so that the converter may be rotated for charging, testing, tapping, and slag-off. The lining, normally made of magnesite bricks, has different thickness and brick quality in certain zones, depending on the wear at each location. Total lining thickness of large converters exceeds one metre. The taphole is in the upper zone of the converter, right under the cone.
Oxygen lances are large, multiwall tubes that, on large converters, are about 300 millimetres in diameter and 21 metres long. Their tips have three to five nozzles, directed slightly outward, which produce the supersonic jets of oxygen. Proper water cooling of these lances is crucial. Special lance cranes (see
) move the lance up and down and adjust its distance from the steel bath. The lances last for about 150 heats before their tips have to be replaced.BOFs are equipped with huge off-gas systems in order to avoid gas leakage into the shop and to ensure proper cleaning of the gases before they are discharged into the atmosphere. Off-gas emerges from the converter mouth at about 1,650° C (3,000° F). It consists of about 90 percent carbon monoxide and 10 percent carbon dioxide, and it also contains ferrous oxide dust, which forms in the high-temperature zone of the oxygen jet. Two off-gas systems are in use: the full combustion and the suppressed combustion.
In the full-combustion system, off-gas is burned above the mouth of the converter with excess air, and both physical and chemical heat are utilized in a boiler or hot-water system incorporated in the hood and vertical offtakes. A large venturi scrubber or electrostatic precipitator then cleans the cooled off-gas. During the blow of a large converter, about 10,000 cubic metres (350,000 cubic feet) of off-gas is moved per minute through full-combustion apparatus by exhaust fans, and about 0.7 kilogram of iron oxide dust is collected per ton of steel.
In the other system, the suppressed-combustion system, a ring-shaped hood is lowered onto the converter mouth before the blow, keeping air away from the hot off-gases. This means that they are not burned and that their chemical heating value of about 3,000 kilocalories per cubic metre is preserved. The gas is cleaned, collected in gas holders, and used at other locations. Though this system is more complicated, it is much smaller, because off-gases are cooler and there is less to be handled and processed.
BOFs are housed in huge buildings sometimes 80 metres high to accommodate the long lance, the off-gas system, and gravity-type feeding equipment. Heavy cranes, long conveyor belts, and railroad tracks assure prompt supply of raw material to the converters and fast removal of liquid steel and slag from the BOF.
The process
Making a heat begins with an inspection of the refractory lining, with the converter in a turned-down position. Sometimes a laser contour instrument is used to determine the remaining lining thickness. With the converter tilted at about 45°, scrap is then charged into the furnace by heavy cranes or special charging machines that drop one or two large boxes full of scrap through the converter mouth. Hot metal is poured into the converter by a special iron-charging ladle; this ladle receives the iron at a transfer station from transport ladles, which bring the iron from the blast furnace. Many plants lower the sulfur content of the iron just before it is charged into the converter by injecting a lime-magnesium mixture or calcium carbide or both into the charging ladle. Any blast-furnace slag and slag formed during desulfurization is skimmed off before the iron is charged.
Owing to predictable losses during the oxygen blow, there is always more iron and scrap charged than steel produced; for example, 1,080 kilograms of raw material may yield 1,000 kilograms of liquid steel, for a metallic yield of 92.6 percent. Chemical compositions, temperatures, and charging weights of the iron are often fed automatically into a control computer. For blowing, the converter is placed in an upright position, oxygen is turned on, and the lance is lowered. Oxygen flow rates, lance height, and lime additions are often controlled automatically. The flow rates of oxygen at large converters exceed 800 cubic metres per minute, and oxygen consumption is about 110 cubic metres per ton of steel. Usually, about 70 kilograms of pebble-sized burnt lime is added per ton of steel early in the blow; this combines with silica and other oxides to form about 150 kilograms of slag per ton of steel. Adding burnt dolomite (CaO·MgO) results in a magnesia (MgO) content in the slag of about 6 percent, thereby decreasing slag corrosion of the magnesite lining. Lime quality is of great importance in BOF operations, and special lime kilns are used to burn a high grade of limestone.
The oxidation reactions in the converter become violent at the highest rate of carbon removal—that is, when all the silicon is gone—about eight minutes into the blow. At this point oxygen reacts mainly with carbon to generate large amounts of carbon monoxide gas, which mixes with the slag. Keeping the foamy slag from overflowing the converter at the high blowing rates is an important control task. Often a small, water-cooled sensor lance, called the sublance, is immersed into the liquid steel during the end phase of the blow to check and sample the steel. Test results are automatically fed into a control computer, which predicts the end point and shuts off the oxygen when temperature and chemical composition have reached the specified level.
Well-controlled charging conditions make it possible to tap the heat based only on the sublance test. In other cases, the converter must be turned down and the temperature and chemical composition checked manually. Sometimes burnt lime is added and a short reblow is applied in order to increase the temperature or correct the chemical composition. For tapping, the converter is rotated, and steel is poured through the taphole into a ladle sitting on a transfer car beneath the converter. The temperature of the steel at tapping is specifically selected to fit within a temperature “window” for ingot pouring or continuous casting and after all temperature losses expected during treating and holding of the steel in the ladle have been predicted. For example, a 0.1-percent-carbon steel may tap at 1,596° C, 80° C above its theoretical solidification point. Higher carbon steels would be tapped at lower temperatures, following the A-B-C liquidus line of the equilibrium diagram in the .
Aluminum or ferrosilicon are added to the ladle before or during the tap in order to lower the level of dissolved oxygen in steel. Ferromanganese is also added, since most of the manganese content of the blast-furnace iron is oxidized during the blow, leaving only about 0.1 percent in the steel—usually not enough to meet specifications.
When slag appears, the converter is rotated all the way back, and the slag is poured over the converter mouth into a slag pot. For better separation of slag from liquid steel, special taphole-closing devices such as refractory balls or nitrogen jets, as well as slag-detection devices, are often used.
BOFs have a tap-to-tap time of 30 to 45 minutes and can blow more than 30 heats per day. Large BOF shops with three converters can produce up to five million tons of liquid steel per year. Repair and maintenance are extremely important, because steel is made around the clock and there is normally only one maintenance shift per week. A converter lining lasts 1,500 to 3,000 heats, after which it is broken out and a new one installed in a mechanized bricklaying operation. Converter relining takes less than one week.
There are a number of significant improvements, modifications, and process changes of the BOF steelmaking system. For example, when high-phosphorus ore is smelted in the blast furnace, and the BOF is consequently charged with a liquid iron containing more than 0.15 percent of that element, the LD-AC process can be followed, in which lime powder is injected through the lance along with oxygen for quick slag formation. A two-slag practice is then followed for sufficient phosphorus removal, with the first slag runoff being sold for fertilizer. Another variation that finds wide application is the injecting of argon (or sometimes nitrogen) into the molten charge through permeable refractory blocks in the bottom of the converter. Bottom stirring enhances chemical reactions and lowers the steel temperature at the oxygen impact area, resulting in less oxidation of iron and better yield. Another system, called the Q-BOP, uses no top lance at all, blowing oxygen, burnt-lime powder, and, when needed, argon upward through the liquid melt from several gas-cooled or oil-cooled bottom tuyeres. These tuyeres are two concentric steel tubes, with oxygen flowing from the inside annulus and gas or oil flowing through the outer annulus. Cooling of the tubes is accomplished by the endothermic heat required to break down the natural gas or oil into carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
The service life of the bottom of the Q-BOP converter is lower than that of the side wall, thus demanding additional maintenance time for bottom changing. On the other hand, bottom blowing has the advantage of generating a large contact surface among all reactants, thus improving metallurgical reactions and process control. Yield is also higher, since there is less local iron oxidation. However, less oxidation also means the release of less exothermic heat; this decreases the quantity of scrap that can be charged, which can be a cost disadvantage when the price of scrap is low. For this reason, some steel plants enhance bottom blowing with a postcombustion top lance. This is an oxygen lance with additional ports at the tip for burning carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide inside the converter. The additional heat generated by this combined blowing practice increases the potential scrap-charging rate.
Another technology for increasing scrap rates uses an oxy-fuel lance, which preheats the scrap in the converter for about 20 minutes before the liquid blast-furnace iron is added. Another scrap-increasing practice adds aluminum to the charge or melt; this releases heat as it is burned during the oxygen blow. Still another process injects coal powder through a modified oxygen lance or through special bottom tuyeres, simultaneously applying additional oxygen and using a postcombustion lance. In trial operations, this combination has resulted in scrap-charging capabilities all the way up to 100 percent; in other words, no hot metal has been charged, and the converter has become a scrap melter. Increasing scrap-charging rates helps to keep the plant operating when the supply of blast-furnace iron is limited, as, for example, during a blast-furnace reline.