Surface treating
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The surface treatment of steel also begins during hot-rolling, because reheating conditions, in-line scale removal, rolling temperature, and cooling rate all determine the type and thickness of scale formed on the product, and this affects atmospheric corrosion, paintability, and subsequent scale-removal operations. Sometimes the final pass in hot-rolling generates specific surface patterns—for example, the protrusions on reinforcing bars or floor plates—and in cold-rolling a specific surface roughness is rolled into the strip at the temper mill to improve the deep-drawing operation and to assure a good surface finish on the final product—for instance, on the roof of an automobile.
Before cold forming, hot-rolled steel is always descaled, most commonly in an operation known as pickling. Scale consists of thin layers of iron oxide crystals, of which the chemical compositions, structures, and densities vary according to the temperature, oxidizing conditions, and steel properties that are present during their formation. These crystals can be dissolved by acids; normally, hot hydrochloric or sulfuric acid is used, but for some alloy steels a different acid, such as nitric acid, is needed. In addition, inhibitors are added to the acid to protect the steel from being dissolved as well.
The pickling of hot-rolled strip is carried out in continuous pickle lines, which are sometimes 300 metres long. The strip is pulled through three to five consecutive pickling tanks, each one 25 to 30 metres long, at a constant speed of about 300 metres per minute. Like other continuous strip-processing lines, pickle lines also have an entry and exit group to establish constant pickling conditions. After the last acid tank, there are sections that rinse, neutralize, dry, inspect, and oil the strip.
Long products, such as bars and wire rods, are normally pickled in batch operations by placing them on racks and immersing them in long, acid-containing vats. Sometimes shotblasting is used instead of pickling; this removes scale from heavy hot-rolled products by directing high-velocity abrasives onto the surface of the steel.
The removal of organic substances and other residues from the surface of steel, in particular after cold forming with lubricants, is carried out either in special cleaning lines or in the cleaning sections of another processing line. Hot solutions of caustic soda, phosphates, or alkaline silicates are used. The strip is often moved through several sets of electrodes, which, submerged in the cleaning liquid, electrolytically generate hydrogen gas at the steel surface for lifting residues off the strip.
Surface coating
Approximately one-third of the steel shipped by the industry is coated on its surface by a metallic, inorganic, or organic coating. By far the largest installations are operated for coating cold-rolled strip. In this group the most widely used are those which coat the steel with zinc, zinc alloys, or aluminum.
In hot-dip galvanizing lines, which also have the usual entry and exit groups, the strip moves first at constant speed—say, 150 metres per minute—through a cleaning section and a long, horizontal, nonoxidizing preheating furnace. (When hard strips are coated directly after cold reduction, this furnace is also used for annealing.) The hot strip, still protected by the inert furnace atmosphere in a long steel channel, enters the zinc bath at a temperature of approximately 480° C (900° F), supplying heat to the zinc bath, which is at about 440° C (825° F). The liquid zinc is contained in a refractory-lined, induction-heated vessel called the zinc pot (shown schematically in A in the ). When it contacts the strip surface, the liquid zinc alloys with the iron and forms a strong metallurgical bond. However, the iron-zinc alloy is brittle, so that the coating, if too thick, will crack during forming of the sheet. For this reason, about 0.1 to 0.25 percent aluminum is added to the zinc, inhibiting iron-zinc formation and keeping the alloy layer to less than 15 percent of the total coating thickness. Excess liquid zinc is wiped off each side of the strip by two gas-knives, which have long, slotlike orifices through which high-pressure gas is blown. Coating thickness is controlled by adjusting the gas pressure and the location of the knives. Common coating weights are 180 or 275 grams of zinc per square metre of sheet, counting both surfaces. Sometimes, a heavy coating is produced on one side and a lighter coating on the other; this is called a differential coating. The total length of hot-dip galvanizing lines, including furnaces and cooling zones, sometimes reaches 400 metres. The entire system is computer-controlled, based on the continuous, in-line measuring of the coating weight.
There are several variations of the basic galvanizing process. The galvanneal process heats the strip above the zinc pot right after coating, using induction coils or gas-fired burners to create a controlled, heavy iron-zinc layer for improved weldability, abrasion resistance, and paintability of the product. Several processes use a zinc-aluminum alloy, and some lines have a second pot filled with liquid aluminum for aluminum coating. The pots are often quickly exchangeable.
Electrolytic galvanizing lines have similar entry and exit sections, but they deposit zinc in as many as 20 consecutive electrolytic coating cells. Of the several successful cell designs, the simple vertical cell (B in the ) is discussed here to explain the principle. The strip, connected to the negative side of a direct current through large-diameter conductor rolls located above and between two cells, is dipped into a tank of electrolyte by a submerged sink roll. Partially submerged anodes, opposing the strip, are connected to the positive side of the electric current by heavy bus bars. Zinc cations (i.e., positively charged zinc atoms) present in the electrolyte are converted by the current into regular zinc atoms, which deposit on the strip. The bath is supplied with zinc cations either by zinc anodes, which are continuously dissolved by the direct current, or by zinc compounds continuously added to the electrolyte. In the latter case the anodes are made of insoluble materials, such as titanium coated with iridium oxide. The electrolyte is an acidic solution of zinc sulfide or zinc chloride with other bath additions to improve the quality of the coating and the current efficiency. Coating thickness is easier to control here than in the hot-dip process because of the good relationship between electrical current and deposited zinc. Theoretically, 1.22 kilograms of zinc are formed when applying a current of 1,000 amperes over one hour; this means that a line with an installed electrical capacity of one million amperes can deposit 1.22 tons of zinc per hour. The control parameters of such a line are mainly the current density between anodes and strip, the line voltage, the chemical composition and temperature of the electrolyte, and the line speed.
Electrolytic lines normally produce lower coating weights (15 to 60 grams per square metre) than do hot-dip lines, and they can also easily supply differential coatings and one-sided coatings for specific applications. Many lines can deposit zinc-alloy coatings, such as zinc-nickel or zinc-iron, and some lines are capable of producing multilayered coatings of different alloys, the goal being to optimize a combination of specific requirements such as corrosion resistance, weldability, abrasion resistance, drawability, and paintability. The processing speed of electrolytic galvanizing lines can often reach 180 metres per minute.
Electrolytic tinning lines for the production of tinplate are, in principle, of similar design, except that all rolls are smaller (because the strip is thinner and narrower), the line speed is faster (e.g., 700 metres per minute), and different electrolytes and anodes are used. Electrolytic coating lines also coat strips with chromium and other metals and alloys. Most of these lines have a shear line installed at the end to produce cut-to-length sheets upon request.
Many long products are also surface coated. Wires, for example, are often hot-dip galvanized in continuous multistrand lines. In addition, electrolytic coating of wire with all types of metal is often done by hanging coils from current-carrying C-hooks or bars into long vats, which have anodes installed and are filled with electrolyte. Many tubular products and reinforcing bars are coated with organic material to inhibit corrosion.
E.F. Wondris