Effects of heat-treating
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Adjusting the carbon content is the simplest way to change the mechanical properties of steel. Additional changes are made possible by heat-treating—for instance, by accelerating the rate of cooling through the austenite-to-ferrite transformation point, shown by the P-S-K line in the . (This transformation is also called the Ar1 transformation, r standing for refroidissement, or “cooling.”) Increasing the cooling rate of pearlitic steel (0.77 percent carbon) to about 200° C per minute generates a DPH of about 300, and cooling at 400° C per minute raises the DPH to about 400. The reason for this increasing hardness is the formation of a finer pearlite and ferrite microstructure than can be obtained during slow cooling in ambient air. In principle, when steel cools quickly, there is less time for carbon atoms to move through the lattices and form larger carbides. Cooling even faster—for instance, by quenching the steel at about 1,000° C per minute—results in a complete depression of carbide formation and forces the undercooled ferrite to hold a large amount of carbon atoms in solution for which it actually has no room. This generates a new microstructure, martensite. The DPH of martensite is about 1,000; it is the hardest and most brittle form of steel. Tempering martensitic steel—i.e., raising its temperature to a point such as 400° C and holding it for a time—decreases the hardness and brittleness and produces a strong and tough steel. Quench-and-temper heat treatments are applied at many different cooling rates, holding times, and temperatures; they constitute a very important means of controlling steel’s properties. (See also below Treating of steel: Heat-treating.)
Effects of alloying
A third way to change the properties of steel is by adding alloying elements other than carbon that produce characteristics not achievable in plain carbon steel. Each of the approximately 20 elements used for alloying steel has a distinct influence on microstructure and on the temperature, holding time, and cooling rates at which microstructures change. They alter the transformation points between ferrite and austenite, modify solution and diffusion rates, and compete with other elements in forming intermetallic compounds such as carbides and nitrides. There is a huge amount of empirical information on how alloying affects heat-treatment conditions, microstructures, and properties. In addition, there is a good theoretical understanding of principles, which, with the help of computers, enables engineers to predict the microstructures and properties of steel when alloying, hot-rolling, heat-treating, and cold-forming in any way.
A good example of the effects of alloying is the making of a high-strength steel with good weldability. This cannot be done by using only carbon as a strengthener, because carbon creates brittle zones around the weld, but it can be done by keeping carbon low and adding small amounts of other strengthening elements, such as nickel or manganese. In principle, the strengthening of metals is accomplished by increasing the resistance of lattice structures to the motion of dislocations. Dislocations are failures in the lattices of crystals that make it possible for metals to be formed. When elements such as nickel are kept in solid solution in ferrite, their atoms become embedded in the iron lattices and block the movements of dislocations. This phenomenon is called solution hardening. An even greater increase in strength is achieved by precipitation hardening, in which certain elements (e.g., titanium, niobium, and vanadium) do not stay in solid solution in ferrite during the cooling of steel but instead form finely dispersed, extremely small carbide or nitride crystals, which also effectively restrict the flow of dislocations. In addition, most of these strong carbide or nitride formers generate a small grain size, because their precipitates have a nucleation effect and slow down crystal growth during recrystallization of the cooling metal. Producing a small grain size is another method of strengthening steel, since grain boundaries also restrain the flow of dislocations.
Alloying elements have a strong influence on heat-treating, because they tend to slow the diffusion of atoms through the iron lattices and thereby delay the allotropic transformations. This means, for example, that the extremely hard martensite, which is normally produced by fast quenching, can be produced at lower cooling rates. This results in less internal stress and, most important, a deeper hardened zone in the workpiece. Improved hardenability is achieved by adding such elements as manganese, molybdenum, chromium, nickel, and boron. These alloying agents also permit tempering at higher temperatures, which generates better ductility at the same hardness and strength.