Removing oxygen
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As the carbon level is lowered in liquid steel, the level of dissolved oxygen theoretically increases according to the relationship %C × %O = 0.0025. This means that, for instance, a steel with 0.1 percent carbon, at equilibrium, contains about 0.025 percent, or 250 parts per million, dissolved oxygen. The level of dissolved oxygen in liquid steel must be lowered because oxygen reacts with carbon during solidification and forms carbon monoxide and blowholes in the cast. This reaction can start earlier, too, resulting in a dangerous carbon monoxide boil in the ladle. In addition, a high oxygen level creates many oxide inclusions that are harmful for most steel products. Therefore, usually at the end of steelmaking during the tapping stage, liquid steel is deoxidized by adding aluminum or silicon. Both elements are strong oxide formers and react with dissolved oxygen to form alumina (Al2O3) or silica. These float to the surface of the steel, where they are absorbed by the slag. The upward movement of these inclusions is often slow because they are small (e.g., 0.05 millimetre), and combinations of various deoxidizers are sometimes used to form larger inclusions that float more readily. In addition, stirring the melt with argon or an electromagnetic field often serves to give them a lift.
Deoxidation is also important before alloying steel with easy oxidizable metals such as chromium, titanium, and vanadium, in order to minimize losses and improve process control. Metals that do not oxidize readily, such as nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, and copper, can be added in the furnace to take advantage of high heating rates. In fact, alloying always has thermal effects on steelmaking—for example, the use of energy to heat and melt the alloying agents, or the heat of reaction or solution when they combine with other elements. Fortunately, there exists a large amount of empirical data, obtained from thousands of thermodynamic experiments, that, when supported by theoretical principles, allows steelmakers to predict such temperature changes.
Most alloys are added in the form of ferroalloys, which are iron-based alloys that are cheaper to produce than the pure metals. Many different grades are available. For example, ferrosilicon is supplied with levels of 50, 75, and 90 percent silicon and with varying levels of carbon and other additions.
Removing hydrogen and nitrogen
Also important for steelmaking is the absorption and removal of the two gases hydrogen and nitrogen. Hydrogen can enter liquid steel from moist air, damp refractories, and wet flux and alloy additions. It causes brittleness of solidified steel—especially in large pieces, such as heavy forgings, that do not permit the gas to diffuse to the surface. Hydrogen can also form blowholes in castings. Nitrogen does not move into and out of liquid steel as easily as hydrogen, but it is well absorbed by liquid steel in the high-temperature zones of an electric arc or oxygen jet, where nitrogen molecules (N2) are broken up into atoms (N). Like hydrogen, nitrogen substantially decreases the ductility of steel.
Refractory liner
Basic steelmaking takes place in containers lined with basic refractories. These may be bricks or ram material made of highly stable oxides, such as magnesite, alumina, or the double oxides chrome-magnesite and dolomite. It is desirable that the refractories not participate in the steelmaking reactions, but unfortunately they do erode and corrode. Refractory bricks are produced in all shapes and grades by a highly specialized industry.
Testing and sampling are an important part of liquid steelmaking. They are carried out by mechanized and often automated facilities, which immerse lances that are equipped with sensors for rapid computation of temperature and dissolved carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Test lances also take samples for analysis in laboratories. All results are usually fed automatically into a process-control computer.