Slabs and blooms
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Cast ingots, sometimes still hot, arrive at slabbing and blooming mills on railroad cars and are charged upright by a special crane into under-floor soaking pits. These are gas-fired rectangular chambers, about 5 metres deep, in which four to eight ingots are simultaneously heated to about 1,250° C (2,300° F). An ingot used for conversion into a slab can be 1.5 metres wide, 0.8 metre thick, and 2.5 metres high and can weigh 23 tons. The soaking pits are highly computerized for scheduling, firing rates, heating times (which can last 8 to 18 hours), and rolling programs.
After heating, a tiltable transfer buggy brings a hot ingot to a two-high reversing mill, which takes one pass after another, reversing the rolls and roller table each time the ingot has passed through. Because each pass reduces the slab by only about 50 millimetres, it may take 21 passes, including several edge passes with the slab standing upright on its edges, to obtain a slab measuring 0.2 metre thick, 1.5 metres wide, and 10 metres long.
The rolls usually have a diameter of about 1.2 metres; each is driven by one or two electric motors totaling 7,000 to 12,000 horsepower. The two roller tables, situated in front and in back of the stand, have movable manipulators that guide the slab into the rolls and turn it onto its edges when required. High-pressure water nozzles remove surface scale, and a crop-shear discards the ends and cuts the slab into proper length. Some slabbing mills place a pair of heavy vertical rolls next to the horizontal rolls for edge rolling; this avoids the time-consuming turning of the slab into an upright position. Such an arrangement is called a universal mill.
For making long products, blooms some 250 millimetres square are rolled from ingots in a similar fashion on the same type of mill.
Rolled from heavy slabs supplied by a slabbing mill or continuous caster or sometimes rolled directly from an ingot, plates vary greatly in dimensions. The largest mills can roll plates 200 millimetres thick, 5 metres wide, and 35 metres long. These three dimensions are determined by the slab or ingot weight as well as the rolling-mill size. Sometimes only a few plates of the same dimensions and quality specifications are ordered.
Most mills have two continuous, broadside push-through or walk-through furnaces, which heat the slabs to about 1,250° C. Sometimes two batch-type furnaces are also used for heating odd-sized or extra-heavy slabs and ingots. Before rolling, high-pressure water jets descale the slabs. Most plate mills are four-high mills, as shown in C in the , and are supplemented by vertical edge rolls. The work rolls and backup rolls of large mills have diameters of 1.2 and 2.4 metres, respectively, and a roll face length up to 6 metres. Their maximum total rolling force is often 10,000 tons, and their rolls are driven by an 8,000-kilowatt motor. Most mills have hydraulic roll adjustment, which transmits the roll pressure to a computer; the computer uses this and other rolling parameters, such as temperature and thickness of the plate at all locations, to control the rolling process by a mathematical model. This technology—actually a computerized art—permits not only the rolling of huge workpieces with high accuracy (e.g., to a thickness tolerance of 0.2 millimetre) but also the control of rectangularity, flatness, plan-view shape, yield, physical properties, and profile. Several plants are even capable of rolling plates with a tapered or stepped thickness. Sometimes plants use two rolling mills, a roughing stand and a finishing stand, to improve surface quality and increase production. Most plate mills also have elaborate equipment for leveling, cooling, shearing or milling of edges, heat-treating, and marking.