Treating of steel
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In principle, heat-treating already takes place when steel is hot-rolled at a particular temperature and cooled afterward at a certain rate, but there are also many heat-treating process facilities specifically designed to produce particular microstructures and properties. The simplest heat-treating process is normalizing. This consists of holding steel for a short time at a temperature 20° to 40° C above the G-S-K line (shown in the iron-carbon diagram in the austenite, which dissolves carbides. Then, during cooling, a very uniform grain is formed, consisting of either pearlite and ferrite or pearlite and cementite, depending on carbon content.
) and then cooling it afterward in still air. Holding the steel in the gamma zone transforms the as-rolled or as-cast microstructure intoIn all heat-treatment operations, the temperatures, holding times, and heating and cooling rates are varied according to the chemical composition, size, and shape of the steel. In general, alloy steels, which have a lower heat conductivity than carbon steels, are heated more slowly to avoid internal stresses.
To make steel ductile for subsequent forming operations, an annealing treatment is applied. In annealing, the steel is usually held for several hours at several degrees below Ar1 (shown by the P-S-K line in the
) and then slowly cooled. This precipitates and coagulates the carbides and results in large ferrite crystals. Cold-formed steel is usually annealed and recrystallized in this manner, holding it for several hours at about 680° C (1,260° F).Annealing is performed in an inert or reducing atmosphere to prevent any oxidation of the steel surface. In batch annealing of cold-rolled strip, for example, several coils are set on a base and on top of one another. Then they are covered with a shell made of heat-resistant steel, which is sealed on the bottom and holds the inert gas during annealing. A gas-fired bell furnace is then lowered by a crane over this cover for heating. The total processing time, including cooling, may be 50 to 120 hours, depending on furnace load and steel grade.
In a different system, the cold-rolled strip is pulled through an 80-metre-high furnace with the strip moving up and down between many top and bottom rolls. These continuous-annealing furnaces are usually heated by gas-fired radiation tubes in order to separate combustion gases from the inert atmosphere surrounding the strip. In this dynamic annealing process, the strip is heated to higher temperatures (for example, 780° C, or 1,440° F), held for only a few seconds, and immediately cooled by fast-circulating inert gas. The entry and exit sections of continuous-annealing lines are built, as on other strip-processing lines, to allow an uninterrupted and constant travel (at, say, 500 metres per minute) of the strip through the process section—in this case, the heating and cooling zones. The entry group has two uncoiling reels, a cross-shear, welding equipment for joining two strips, and a strip accumulator. The latter is often a looping tower, which supplies the process section above with strip at constant speed while welding is done at the entry section. The exit group works in a similar fashion, with a looping tower and two reels; it also cuts samples and substandard portions out of the strip.
Continuous-annealing lines are often 200 metres long, and the strip between uncoiler and recoiler is more than one kilometre in length. Strip annealed this way is not as soft as batch-annealed steel—a disadvantage compensated for by using ultralow-carbon steels—but it does have operating advantages in that annealing of one coil may take only one hour and the mechanical and surface properties of the strip are very uniform.
Quenching and tempering
The most common heat treatment for plates, tubular products, and rails is the quench-and-temper process. Large plates are heated in roller-type or walking-beam furnaces, quenched in special chambers, and then tempered in a separate low-temperature furnace. Uniform heating and quenching is crucial; otherwise, residual stresses will distort and warp the plate. Tubes made for very demanding services, such as oil drilling, are usually heat-treated in walking-beam furnaces and special quench-and-temper systems.
The heads of rails are sometimes heat-treated in-line by induction heating coils, air quenching, and tempering by a controlled use of the heat retained in the rail after quenching. Heavy-walled structural shapes are sometimes water-quenched directly after the last pass at the rolling mill and also tempered by the heat retained in the steel. In-line heat-treating results in cost savings because it eliminates extra heat-treating processes and facilities.
The quenching media and the type of agitation during quenching are carefully selected to obtain specified physical properties with minimum internal stresses and distortions. Oil is the mildest medium, and salt brine has the strongest quenching effect; water is between the two. In special cases, steel is cooled and held for some time in a molten salt bath, which is kept at a temperature either just above or just below the temperature where martensite begins to form. These two heat treatments are called martempering and austempering, and both result in even less distortion of the metal.