Primary steelmaking
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In principle, steelmaking is a melting, purifying, and alloying process carried out at approximately 1,600° C (2,900° F) in molten conditions. Various chemical reactions are initiated, either in sequence or simultaneously, in order to arrive at specified chemical compositions and temperatures. Indeed, many of the reactions interfere with one another, requiring the use of process models to help in analyzing options, optimizing competing reactions, and designing efficient commercial practices.
Raw materials
The major iron-bearing raw materials for steelmaking are blast-furnace iron, steel scrap, and direct-reduced iron (DRI). Liquid blast-furnace iron typically contains 3.8 to 4.5 percent carbon (C), 0.4 to 1.2 percent silicon (Si), 0.6 to 1.2 percent manganese (Mn), up to 0.2 percent phosphorus (P), and 0.04 percent sulfur (S). Its temperature is usually 1,400° to 1,500° C (2,550° to 2,700° F). The phosphorus content depends on the ore used, since phosphorus is not removed in the blast-furnace process, whereas sulfur is usually picked up during iron making from coke and other fuels. DRI is reduced from iron ore in the solid state by carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2). It frequently contains about 3 percent unreduced iron ore and 4 percent gangue, depending on the ore used. It is normally shipped in briquettes and charged into the steelmaking furnace like scrap. Steel scrap is metallic iron containing residuals, such as copper, tin, and chromium, that vary with its origin. Of the three major steelmaking processes—basic oxygen, open hearth, and electric arc—the first two, with few exceptions, use liquid blast-furnace iron and scrap as raw material and the latter uses a solid charge of scrap and DRI.
Oxidation reactions
The most important chemical reactions carried out on these materials (especially on blast-furnace iron) are the oxidation of carbon to carbon monoxide, silicon to silica, manganese to manganous oxide, and phosphorus to phosphate, as follows:
Unfortunately, iron is also lost in this series of reactions, as it is oxidized to ferrous oxide:
The FeO, absorbed into the liquid slag, then acts as an oxidizer itself, as in the following reactions:
In the open-hearth furnace, oxidation also takes place when gases containing carbon dioxide (CO2) contact the melt and react as follows:
The slag
The products of the above reactions, the oxides silica, manganese oxide, phosphate, and ferrous oxide, together with burnt lime (calcium oxide; CaO) added as flux, form the slag. Burnt lime has by itself a high melting point of 2,570° C (4,660° F) and is therefore solid at steelmaking temperatures, but when it is mixed with the other oxides, they all melt together at lower temperatures and thus form the slag. A basic slag contains approximately 55 percent CaO, 15 percent SiO2, 5 percent MnO, 18 percent FeO, and other oxides plus sulfides and phosphates. The basicity of a slag is often simply expressed by the ratio of CaO to SiO2, with CaO being the basic and SiO2 the acidic component. Usually, a basicity above 3.5 provides good absorption and holding capacity for calcium phosphates and calcium sulfides.
Removing sulfur
The majority of sulfur, present as ferrous sulfide (FeS), is removed from the melt not by oxidation but by the conversion of calcium oxide to calcium sulfide:
FeS + CaO → CaS + FeO.
According to this equation, desulfurization is successful only when using a slag with plenty of calcium oxide—in other words, with a high basicity. A low iron oxide content is also essential, since oxygen and sulfur compete to combine with the calcium. For this reason, many steel plants desulfurize blast-furnace iron before it is refined into steel, since at that stage it contains practically no dissolved oxygen, owing to its high silicon and carbon content. Nevertheless, sulfur is often introduced by scrap and flux during steelmaking, so that, in order to meet low sulfur specifications (for example, less than 0.008 percent), it is necessary to desulfurize the steel as well.
Removing carbon
A very important chemical reaction during steelmaking is the oxidation of carbon. Its gaseous product, carbon monoxide, goes into the off-gas, but, before it does that, it generates the carbon monoxide boil, a phenomenon common to all steelmaking processes and very important for mixing. Mixing enhances chemical reactions, purges hydrogen and nitrogen, and improves heat transfer. Adjusting the carbon content is important, but it is often oxidized below specified levels, so that carbon powder must be injected to raise the carbon again.